•The Pixlr Basic Tool Tricks and Tips (Part 3)•

•The Pixlr Tutor's Place•

Here's our POTD (Pic of the Day):

 A preeetty lotus blossom! :)

So today's topics are BLOAT and PINCH.




Let us begin with Bloat.

Basically, it enlarges a part of it. But only that part.


On the top, there's size and strength like many other tools. Like:


The size range is 4 to 400, and the strength is from 0 to 100.


So as example, I will bloat a place on the flower with size 150 and strength 100.

The place I will bloat:





Notice? Alright, if I bloat every petal on the lotus flower, it will look like:


The original looked like:

Of course, you can use it at your own ways to make things look distorted in horror posters (I've done it before) and such, but most of the time I prefer not to use it.



The opposite of bloat is Pinch.

As it is with most Pixlr (and probably Gimp and Photoshop too) tools, it's very literal. Pinch, well, pinches.


Like bloat, its options are the same: size (4-400) and strength (0-100).

And like bloat, I will pinch the same spot on the lotus flower I had before with the same size and strength.

Here it is:



And again, here's the petals pinched on the lotus flower w/the original:


 to .


So yeah, both bloat and pinch can be used to make stuff look distorted and weird, if you use it wisely, in any poster (preferably horror, since distortion usually works that way).

Sorry for the very very very late update, like seriously. I should update more :(

Hope this helped (though probably most of you figured this out by now).



and.. the poster. Ugh. It's so weeeird. Made in a flash, late at night. No time+sleep-deprived=BAD POSTER. Hehe. okay bye.

Yes, the bloat & pinch tool is pretty basic in terms of learning. The only thing I want to add is that becareful of what you bloat & pinch. The BACKGROUND will also pinch and bloat with it, unless you render it. I mostly see it as used for horror, or you could pinch and bloat colorful shapes for some fun effects :) ^^ I'll try and make a tutorial for the next update! So until then, stay tuned with us! :) 

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325270: you probably didn't need it, but just for people who need it as well. chapter 5 re-re-updated. and sorry again. •pixlr tutor•


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Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thanks hope you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 15: Ouh, I can't upvote. My karma isn't enough. But jinjja! Author-nim! Your advice are really great and understandable. I really, really appreciate this!! Omg!! Thank you so so much for all the tips and how to.. >\\\<
Chapter 2: When I use the gradient tool, it came out black and white... xD
Chapter 2: How do you add the poster onto your asianfanfics story?
Chapter 15: Wow, I will try this out as soon as I'm on my laptop *^* thank you for making this <3
Chapter 14: I'm not sure whether this is me but I can't seem to view the images! Maybe it's just my browser, I'm not sure haha.