A Few Announcements

•The Pixlr Tutor's Place•
yo guys.
i love this font. like seriously. but back to the subject...
so i wasnt expecting, like, a bunch of people volunteering to coauthor with me. i thought like one or two would, not like five. i feel grateful and all that, but now there's the matter of choosing one.
id like to make a few announcements.
first of all, id like to say that im very very very thankful for those people.
second of all, all the other guys (or gals, whatever. i call both genders guys), sorry for not updating. i have to get my computer fixed.
third of all, well, thanks again for sticking with me. you know?
fourth of all, did you know the color brown im using is saddle brown?
fifth of all, the ones who would like to help me out, please pm me 3 or more 9but please, less than 6) best posters of your work. if you have none, or you think none will help you out, then please make a fake one or a different version of one. i dont know.
sixth of all, if anyone wants to make an advertisement here (like, come to our shop! or please read my story! or be my friend please?) then PM ME! no commenting in this way:
link to whatever (profile, story, shop, etc.):
name of whatever (if it's a profile, no need):
format type: can i make it?
pics to go with it: you can choose to let me choose with a specific person/group.
is it... (rated? /yuri? stuff like that):
last of all, forget number five. just go with this format and PM ME!! no commenting please.
preferred name:
works (posters; 3-6):
activeness (from 1 being never to 10 being always):
anything else:
thats all thanks. bye.
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325270: you probably didn't need it, but just for people who need it as well. chapter 5 re-re-updated. and sorry again. •pixlr tutor•


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Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thanks hope you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 15: Ouh, I can't upvote. My karma isn't enough. But jinjja! Author-nim! Your advice are really great and understandable. I really, really appreciate this!! Omg!! Thank you so so much for all the tips and how to.. >\\\<
Chapter 2: When I use the gradient tool, it came out black and white... xD
Chapter 2: How do you add the poster onto your asianfanfics story?
Chapter 15: Wow, I will try this out as soon as I'm on my laptop *^* thank you for making this <3
Chapter 14: I'm not sure whether this is me but I can't seem to view the images! Maybe it's just my browser, I'm not sure haha.