•How To: Blending with Tools•

•The Pixlr Tutor's Place•

Hi guys! As you can tell by the font, this is Quinnie right now! ^^ As the last chapter stated, it taught blending options/modes that you could use. In THIS chapter, I'll be teaching you how to blend with tools!


⇒ Okay, in sense, this one is the easiest, as there are only a few steps you have to do. Basically, it allows you to render your picture from its background, but in a blended fashion [omg what]

Step one; Open up your canvas. The default size should be about 800x600, and that's perfectly fine. Fill your canvas with any color -- preferably pastel for the specific picture we're using, but you can always change it. The tone I used is ffadc9.

Step two; Go to FILE>OPEN IMAGE and open this image → 

[right click to save or drag to a new tab]

THIS will be the picture we blend, kay? ^^ For any curiosity out there, this is ulzzang Do Hwe Ji. SO, open that up, and it should be on a completely new canvas.

To get back to the original canvas, click the triangle button near the top and click to your canvas.


Step three; Click on the LASSO tool and find the FEATHER option near the top.

CHANGE the feather to about 80 [more or less, depending on what you want]


Step four; Using the lasso, draw around the ulzzang as shown.

Automatically, it should feather/grow as soon as you're done. Like this

Step five; Go to EDIT>COPY [or CTRL-C] and paste it back on your canvas.

And that's it! That's the FIRST way, anyways. Want to see another way? Read on!



I personally use this method because it's more accurate. As you can tell in the last method, there were some hard edges from the selection, and it's easily erasble, but this newer method is more accurate. HOWEVER, it is slightly trickier, in the sense that the steps are more complicated. Well -- let's get started!


Step one; We'll be using the same canvas, so you can just use that. The first step is to open the picture. But, instead of opening the image as a new canvas, we'll be opening it as a layer. To do so, go to LAYER>Open Image as Layer

It should open up looking like this

You can re-size to your desire by going to EDIT>Free Tranform [CTRL-T], but I'll just keep it this size for me ^^


Step two; Click on the ERASER tool. And change our brush to... let's say, 150px. And then, make sure you lower the hardness to ZERO. It is THE most important step, or your picture will not feather/blend nicely at all.

Step three; Erase away your edges and any parts of the picture you'd like to blend!


If you want SOFTER edges, you can always make the brush bigger, just make sure you keep the hardness at ZERO. e.g. 350px brush

TIP» You can use the EDGE of the brush for less erasing, as DIRECT usage may be too strong and erase too much.

I hope you enjoyed :) Should I do a poster tutorial next, or more tips? Well, comment and we'll see! ^^

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325270: you probably didn't need it, but just for people who need it as well. chapter 5 re-re-updated. and sorry again. •pixlr tutor•


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Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thanks hope you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 15: Ouh, I can't upvote. My karma isn't enough. But jinjja! Author-nim! Your advice are really great and understandable. I really, really appreciate this!! Omg!! Thank you so so much for all the tips and how to.. >\\\<
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Chapter 2: How do you add the poster onto your asianfanfics story?
Chapter 15: Wow, I will try this out as soon as I'm on my laptop *^* thank you for making this <3
Chapter 14: I'm not sure whether this is me but I can't seem to view the images! Maybe it's just my browser, I'm not sure haha.