
The Story Of How He Came To Be Who He Is


The boys of EXO debuted in the spring of 2012. They had two showcases, one in Korea, one in China. Tao was happy along with his brothers that their hard work finally paid off. He had become overwhelmed by all the fans that had come to see them.

It felt surreal to all 12 of them that they were now celebrities, people knew who they were. People were their Fans. That was the most surreal thing.

To Tao these last few months had been rather hectic and the rest of the boys probably agreed on that part. They spent nights training and preparing. But what still lightened up Tao’s days was the fact that Kris was always by his side.

He saw how the older cared about him and it made him feel safe, it made him feel like he was at home, not in another foreign country. Kris had that warmth around him that made Tao feel safe. This had made Tao realize something else too. His feelings for Kris were more than just brotherly or friendly feelings. It was the same feelings Lu Han had for Sehun, Love.

The six boys of EXO-M were in their dorm, getting ready to go to sleep. Chen was currently taking a shower, and knowing Chen correctly, he would be there at least a half hour before getting out. Tao took this as a chance to talk to Kris privately in his room.

Tao knocked on the door and before opening it slowly. Kris looked over to the door and smiled when he saw Tao. He beckoned Tao to come inside and he did as told and closed the door after himself. He walked over to Kris and sat down beside Kris.

“I just… I just wanted to talk to you a little” Tao said quietly and Kris nodded, telling Tao that he can always come and talk to him. Tao smiled and felt his cheeks flush just a little bit.

“It’s just… I’ve been having these… how should I say this…” Tao began. He gulped and looked down in his lap, fiddling with his fingers. “Feelings, for a certain someone”

“Oh…” Kris began. He felt his heart begin to sink in his chest. He swallowed and tried to act as normal as possible. “And?” he asked, his voice losing some of that usual brightness it had when he spoke with Tao.

“And… I’m not sure how to… How to tell this person that” Tao said and blushed furiously, in a sense he had just told that person that he liked him, just without saying it straight out. It felt so awkward to talk with Kris about something like this for Tao.

“Well…” Kris wasn’t really such a pro at talking about feelings or even confessing love. He swallowed hard, thinking about how he would be told about it. “I think you should just… say it straight out to that person”

Tao nodded and sighed. He would have to swallow the pride he had and confess to Kris now, spot on. But he wasn’t even sure Kris rolled that way, what if he’d laugh at Tao for this or hate him? If Kris rejected Tao now, their current relationship would break like a pair of wooden chopsticks. But he it up and turned to Kris, staring him right in the eyes.

“Kris…” he began, skipping the honorifics and Kris nodded, still a little bit down from the fact that Tao – whom he secretly liked, or even loved – was in love with someone. “I-I-I… I like you” Tao blurted out and his face turned as red as it had ever been before.

Kris froze in his seat and just stared at the boy in front of him. Say something! His mind bellowed and Kris was brought out of his trance when Tao stood up. He grabbed Tao’s wrist to stop him from leaving and stood up. Kris then put his arms around Tao and back hugged him.

“I like you too” he whispered with that husky voice in Tao’s ear, making Tao smile a little. He took a hold of Kris arms that were around his waist. He looked at those beautiful hands, so gentle and delicate looking. Tao smiled a little before Kris let him go and Tao turned to face Kris.

“Thank god, I was so scared you’d hate me” Tao said and sighed out of relief. Kris chuckled a little before brushing his fingers over Tao’s cheek and down over his jawline, stopping at the chin.

“How could I ever hate you? You are the most wonderful human being I’ve ever met” Kris said, making Tao blush and also want to throw up. He could never have guessed that their leader could be so greasy when needed. “Now, go off to bed. We have a packed schedule for tomorrow and I don’t want you to be tired” Kris said with a faint smile.

Tao nodded and left for the door but turned around just before exiting. He walked up to Kris, taking the tall man in a bone crushing hug while snuggling his face into Kris neck. Kris put his arms around Tao and squeezed the younger boy slightly before both of them let each other go.

Tao then leaned up to Kris cheek and pecked it quickly before quickly trying to shuffle out of the room. Kris was slightly chocked by the kiss on the cheek but snapped out of it and smiled as he pulled Tao back from leaving the room.

Kris took Tao’s cheeks in his hands and pulled him to himself. He let his lips plant themselves on Tao’s soft pair of lips and stay there. Both of them felt the jumping feelings in their tummy’s as their lips connected and Tao melted in Kris hands. He had to clutch himself onto Kris shirt to not fall down on the ground when his legs gave away. Their lips molded against each other in perfect synchronization and they enjoyed the moment to the fullest. It was as the time had stopped around them when they kissed and they didn’t want it to end.

Kris broke away from Tao and looked down at the younger with eyes full of love. Tao smiled stupidly as he looked back into those wonderful dark brown orbs, wanting nothing more than to look into them for eternity. Kris then placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before telling him to go to bed and they both turned toward the door that stood right open.

The two of them looked over to the door and froze at what they saw; the rest of the EXO-M were looking at them. They had seen every part of it from when Tao had pecked Kris cheek and some of them were chocked.

Of course, Lay and Lu Han were already expecting this to happen. Lay was mainly shocked about the Duizhang’s response and behavior. None of the boys of EXO could even guess that Kris would be the kind of person to be such a romantic person. Lu Han was looking at them with tears b his eyes; partly because he was happy that the both of them finally had gotten together and that Tao wouldn’t need to hide his feelings anymore and partly because this made him miss Sehun even more now.

Xiumin and Chen were standing in the door opening, frozen at their places, none of them really knew about Tao’s or Kris’ feelings for each other so this came as a shock to the both of them. And the fact that finding the two of them kissing were even more bewildering; sure they had seen Lu Han and Sehun do that once but it was still something that neither of them were really accustomed to yet. But secretly they wished that they could kiss the other, but that’s also another story, nothing I’ll be telling you guys today.

But this was how Huang ZiTao from Qindao in China became the Tao of EXO-M that is loved by all of their fans and mainly their leader, Wu Yi Fan. It was a tough road but they made it together and they weren’t the only ones happy, the TaoRis shippers among their fans also got more excited when they would see more of skinship and fan-service from them together.


A/N;: Last Chappie... what do you think? 

I can tell you guys that from next saturday and for a few weeks I'll be uploading another fic, that will be an XiuChen/CheMin fic, whatever you call it (it's XiuChen for me). Meanwhile maybe you could check out my other EXO fics From Letters To Love, My EXO Oneshot collection, Experiment KR0611S and Love Is Not About Looks.

Thank you guys for sticking by! I will put up a link here when my XiuChen story is up :D 

Thank you again! 

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Chapter 5: this is wonderful.
Eshinco #2
Chapter 9: Wow love it keke man kris make everyone melt
Chapter 10: awwwwww so sweet, i love taoris!!!!
Chapter 9: WAHHHHHHHHHHH i am very happy to say this is in my top favorite Taoris fics of all time.. SERIOUSLY. this one just felt so incredibly real. i am definitely bookmarking/subbing and then labeling this one to read again and again and again! You are really amazing! i cant wait to read the xiuchen fic!!!!!!!!!!
hyooohoon #5
Chapter 8: Omaygod!!
Tao is just adorable (>̯͡.̮<̯͡)
I really like your story~
seems quite real tho ㅋㅋㅋ
Bliss_Destiny #6
Tao's aegyo is the best!!M! XD
Haha, no one could defeat Tao's aegyo XD