Wushu and Love?

The Story Of How He Came To Be Who He Is


Tao felt himself being shaken and he tried to bury his face deeper into the pillow. He didn’t want to wake up, he just wanted to sleep. “Hey, ZiTao, it’s time to wake up” he heard a voice said and he groaned, mumbling something about wanting to sleep longer. “Seriously, Tao, come on. Get up, it took us a half hour just to wake Wu Fan up, I’m not spending another half hour trying to get you up.” Tao sighed heavily before squinting to look around the room. He did not recognize the room and couldn’t remember how he had gotten there.

Tao slowly sat up in the bed, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand while looking around the room. It was a fairly small room with just two beds and a closet. He looked at the other bed where the covers were thrown around lazily and he then looked at the person who had been talking to him to find a smiling Yixing. Tao smiled a little bit at Yixing while patting down his messy hair and getting of the bed. He discovered that he was still wearing yesterday’s clothes and he frowned.

He followed Yixing out of the room and out into the living room where he spotted his bag which he walked over to. He opened it up and pulled out a new set of clothes before looking around, he felt like having a shower and he really needed to use the bathroom. Just when he was going to ask Yixing where the bathroom was, Wu Fan exited through a door with a towel on his head. Tao smiled, the towel could only mean the bathroom.

Wu Fan saw Tao coming over and smiled when the young boy passed him before yelling out his name. Wu Fan turned around and looked at Tao. “Are there any towels?” the young boy asked and Wu Fan nodded, disappearing into another room before returning with a towel in hand for Tao.

About fifteen minutes later Tao exited the bathroom, all fresh and smelling like strawberries. He walked to the living room and from there to the kitchen where he saw the rest of the boys around the table. Tao sat down on the last empty seat beside Wu Fan and looked at the plate in front of him. He started eating, without complaining about the rather bland taste of the breakfast.

“Okay, we have to leave in 10 minutes, so get your stuff and let’s go” Wu Fan said as they had finished eating and washed their dished. The other boys scattered around the apartment and Tao went to his suitcase in the living room where his duffel bag was also placed. He put in a change of clothes, a towel that Wu Fan handed him and a water bottle Minseok had gotten him. He stood up and followed Wu Fan to the door where they waited for the rest of the boys.

Minseok was first and then Yixing. “Have you gotten your training pants?” Wu Fan asked and Yixing looked inside his bag before turning and running into the apartment again. When he came to the door he was stopped by Wu Fan again. “And your T-shirt?” Once again Yixing returned and Lu Han walked that time outside. Yixing came back and the five boys left the apartment.

They walked together, in a small group, toward the company building. They met up with the rest of the boys and they walked together. They entered the building and the day started at 8 am for them. It included singing, dancing, Korean/mandarin lessons, music lessons, rap lessons, lunch and for Tao; Wushu training. He smiled as he entered the big room and saw his wushu sticks on the other side of the room. He almost ran to the other side to look at them.

He wasn’t alone in the room, today Wu Fan had come with him to take care of the boy who didn’t know a lot of Korean. He smirked when he saw the excitement in Tao when they entered the room. He looked on as the other male almost threw his bag to the floor and took his wushu stick in hand. Wu Fan walked over to the corner of the room and sat down, looking at the kid before him.

Tao grabbed the stick in his hands firmly before smiling broadly. He then put on the floor before beginning his stretching. He stretched his back, legs, arms and what not before again picking up the stick and beginning his training.

Wu Fan studied Tao as he moved his body in fluid motions and he noticed how the young boy’s face showed determination and concentration; making him look much older than he was. Tao felt his head go empty as he moved around the room, he forgot all about where he was or who was there, it was just him at that moment.

An hour later Tao ended his training and put the stick back before grabbing his bag again and now coming back to reality to notice Wu Fan looking at him. Tao gulped before attempting a small smile which Wu Fan did not respond but he got up from his seat and they walked out of the room. It was time for lunch and they met the rest of the boys in an empty dance room.

The ten of them huddled together in small groups in the room, eating the lunches they had received. When Wu Fan and Tao entered, Yixing yelled them over and handed them the food. Yixing also brought Tao along with him to sit with Lu Han.

Tao looked over at Wu Fan who walked over to Chanyeol and sat down next to him, opening his package of food while talking to him. At times Chanyeol would lean over close to Wu Fan and whisper something that would make Wu Fan smile, which Tao saw for the first time then.

Yixing noticed how Tao looked at the Canadian and Korean man and put his hand on Tao’s shoulder. Tao turned around and looked at Yixing who smiled. “I know Wu Fan might seem inhuman and scary at first, but he’s a really nice guy, don’t worry” Yixing said and Tao nodded before looking down in his food and continuing to eat.

Tao glanced occasionally towards where Wu Fan was and looked at his interactions with Chanyeol. Tao didn’t know a lot about neither of them having just met the day before but they seemed to have a good relationship. Chanyeol whispered something in Wu Fan’s ear to which the Canadian man laughed.

Tao felt his chest tighten up as he saw this. He bit his bottom lip while looking at them and he stopped eating all together just to look at the two. He wasn’t really aware of the fact that he was literally staring at them with a rather stern look and it took Yixing all his might not to start laughing. Instead he pushed the other boy forcefully, making him almost tip over, to break the train of thoughts of the other man and tear his gaze from the two he had been staring at.

Tao flinched as he was shoved to the side and got up from the floor and looked over at Yixing who was smirking. Also Lu Han saw this and laughed a little and Tao looked at them, as if not understanding what they were laughing about.

“Be a little more discrete if you’re going to spy on someone” Yixing said before shoving another mouthful of food in his mouth.

“I-I wasn’t spying!” Tao defended himself and Lu Han giggled a little.

“Don’t try and deny it, you totally have feels for Wu Fan” Lu Han said and Tao’s mouth fell open. He wasn’t even sure he rolled that way and Lu Han was here saying he was having feels for Wu Fan. He hadn’t known the guy for even a whole day. “We can see it in how you keep looking at him and Chanyeol”

Tao sighed. He looked over at Chanyeol and Wu Fan again and found Wu Fan looking at him. Tao felt his cheeks heat up just a little when Wu Fan flashed him a sincere smile before turning to Chanyeol again and starting another conversation with the guy. 

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Chapter 5: this is wonderful.
Eshinco #2
Chapter 9: Wow love it keke man kris make everyone melt
Chapter 10: awwwwww so sweet, i love taoris!!!!
Chapter 9: WAHHHHHHHHHHH i am very happy to say this is in my top favorite Taoris fics of all time.. SERIOUSLY. this one just felt so incredibly real. i am definitely bookmarking/subbing and then labeling this one to read again and again and again! You are really amazing! i cant wait to read the xiuchen fic!!!!!!!!!!
hyooohoon #5
Chapter 8: Omaygod!!
Tao is just adorable (>̯͡.̮<̯͡)
I really like your story~
seems quite real tho ㅋㅋㅋ
Bliss_Destiny #6
Tao's aegyo is the best!!M! XD
Haha, no one could defeat Tao's aegyo XD