His First Day - Part 3

The Story Of How He Came To Be Who He Is

Tao gulped and bit his lip, fiddling with his bag again. Minseok saw this and took his bag from him, putting it beside the other bags on the floor and Tao looked at Minseok. Then the brown haired male bowed.

“Annyohaseyo, Joonmyeon imnida” he said and smiled that perfect looking smile. Tao nodded and bowed back.  He felt as if this male would be the kind to care for the others and he felt better around him.

“Annyohaseyo, Kyungsoo imnida” the dark haired man said and bowed. Tao bowed again introduced himself. They tried to talk a little with Tao and he looked almost a little like a lost little lamb when they spoke to quickly.

The door to the room opened and a man stepped inside. He had black sweatpants and a black t-shirt on and on his head he had a black hat, much similar to Chanyeol’s. The boys in the room quieted down as he stepped inside and Tao was suddenly pulled away from Minseok by Yixing. Yixing walked up to the man who had stepped inside. He had one had dragging Tao and on his other side Lu Han was walking.

“Greg sunbaenim, we got two new members. This is Tao and Lu Han” Yixing said and the man nodded, looking at Tao and then Lu Han while the two boys bowed to him. Then they backed to where the rest stood and now Tao was standing by Wu Fan.

“Okay guys, now we’re going to have dance practice, you know how it goes. You listen closely to me and help each other out” Greg said and the boys nodded before they scattered around the room. The boy who had been dancing earlier, the tanned one, stood beside Tao. Tao didn’t know where to go and the boy saw this.

“You stand a little bit more over there so that we have enough space to move” he said with a smile but Tao just looked at him with a question mark above his head. The tanned male grabbed Tao carefully and moved him a little bit to the side and the went back to his place, stretching his arms a little, seeing so he wouldn’t hit anyone.

The dance practice was nothing like what Tao had ever experienced, two and a half hour later he was almost dead, he just wanted to lay down on the ground and sleep. He felt so out of energy, he had been on a plane for 3 hours before coming here with no sleep the night before due to his nervousness.

Panting the ten boys walked over to their bags and pulled out their water bottles. Tao didn’t have one as he didn’t know that he would need one and Minseok saw this. He pulled out another water bottle from his bag and held it toward Tao.

“Here, you have to drink so that you don’t pass out” he said with a smile and Tao carefully took the water bottle in his hands, twisting the cap open before drinking.

“Minseok, Yixing.” Greg said and Minseok stood up, running to Greg and Yixing did the same from the other side of the room. They spoke for a while and then nodded. Greg ordered the other 8 boys to sit down against the mirrored wall and then he told them that Minseok and Yixing would be dancing a short dance for them that they had been practicing for a while.

The 8 of them scrambled to sit down and Tao carefully asked Joonmyeon and Kyungsoo if he could sit beside them and they answered happily that he could. He sat down next to Kyungsoo and the tanned boy who turned and looked at him.

Tao bowed his head before introducing himself shyly. The tanned boy smiled and introduced himself as Jongin and Tao smiled. They turned to the three males in front of them as the music started playing. They moved in synch and Tao watched them, he wished that he could dance like that.

They finished the dance of and the rest of the boys applauded at them and Minseok smiled sheepishly. They walked over to sit down and drank some water from their water bottles. Greg talked about what they would be doing the next few days and Tao half listened as he didn’t understand much, he would ask Yixing later.

The ten boys then scattered around the room, taking their belongings with them and heading toward the door. Tao looked at the clock, it was already 9 pm and he felt rather hungry actually. Just that moment Minseok got his attention by calling his name.

“Yes, Hyung” Tao answered, using the right honorific now. Minseok stopped for a while before smiling at him.

“Do you want to go out and eat with us; me, Joonmyeon, Wu Fan, Yixing and Chanyeol?” Minseok asked and Tao looked a little bewildered, he did almost just understand the names and Minseok smiled. He pointed to Tao then he did the body language for eating and Tao understood.

“Ah, yes” he said and smiled. Minseok smiled as the two of them walked outside to the rest who were waiting. They walked to the elevator, waiting for it to come they spoke while Tao mostly listened. They were talking about something in Korean that Tao couldn’t really understand.

They stepped inside elevator, pressing themselves inside with the rest of the boys and they went down. Lu Han and his look-alike stood beside Tao and the look-alike looked at Tao. Tao bowed as much as he could.

“Annyohaseyo, Tao imnida” he said and the boys bowed back, no emotion on his face.

“Annyohaseyo, Sehun imnida” he said and Tao nodded with a trying smile but the boy didn’t smile back. Tao felt awkward around the boy and looked at Yixing who was on his other side and Lu Han and Sehun started talking again, agreeing that they would go out and have Lu Han try bubble Tea. 

They said goodbye to those who wouldn’t be coming and started walking down the streets of Seoul. Tao made sure that he was close to the group so he wouldn’t get lost from them in the new big city. They stopped outside two food venues and stopped in between them.

Tao looked at the venues and the group turned to each other.

“How much money do you guys have?” Joonmyeon asked and the boys dug in their bags. Yixing asked Tao the same and he pulled out his wallet. He looked inside; although he had left home he hadn’t allowed his parents to give him a lot of money to with.

“I have 1.50 $” said Chanyeol and held out his hand. They held out their hands with their money and counted.

“Okay, we can buy three steamed buns” Joonmyeon said they looked at the buns. “Or we could buy a serve each of dukbokki”

“Let’s go for dukbokki” Wu Fan said and Minseok started whining.

“But I want Buns” he said and Wu Fan and Joonmyeon turned to him.

“You can get buns when you have money for that” Wu Fan said and Minseok sighed and pouted cutely as they walked to the dukbokki stand. Tao looked at the food as they put all the money together and Joonmyeon ordered one serve each. They got the food on small plates and started eating. Tao looked at the food before taking a testing bite of it.

It was good, but was nothing to his mother’s food he was used to. He still smiled and nodded when Yixing asked him if he liked it. They stayed at the food stand for about an hour before saying goodbye to the lady at the stand and walking away.

“Tao, I was told that you’re going to come with us and sleep in our dorm.” Yixing said as they were walking through Seoul. Tao turned and looked at Yixing with big eyes. “It’s me, Minseok and Wu Fan in our dorm. And the Lu Han will also join us” Tao nodded and looked over at Wu Fan who nodded at him, confirming the information Yixing had just given the young boy.

The small group walked through the streets of a night-time Seoul and Tao tried to force back a yawn that still managed to escape. Wu Fan saw this and walked over to the said boy, stopping in front of him. Tao stopped, looked at Wu Fan who turned his back to Tao and crouched down.

“Hop on” the Canadian man said.

“What? No! I can walk, I’m not that-“ another yawn escaped him and Wu Fan looked back at Tao with a stern look, making the boy give up and carefully climb up on the other man’s back. Wu Fan felt Tao climb onto him, putting his arms around Wu Fan’s neck. The Canadian man put his arms around Tao’s legs, holding onto him as he slowly stood up.

Tao wished he hadn’t listened to Wu Fan’s words to climb onto his back when he heard Wu Fan grunt silently, but not silently enough for Tao not to hear. “Am I heavy?” he asked carefully and Wu Fan smirked; yes, he was a little bit heavy, but he wouldn’t tell Tao that.

“Not at all” Wu Fan said and started walking with the rest of the boys with Tao on his back. He spoke silently with Joonmyeon about something, Tao did not understand what, but it seemed rather serious. Tao felt his eye lids getting heavier and he fought to keep them open. He struggled for a while before giving up and letting his eye lids fall shut.

Wu Fan felt Tao relax more on his back, his head hitting Wu Fan’s shoulder and arms hang limp across his shoulders. Wu Fan glanced back a little and smiled as he saw Tao’s eyes closed and felt his even breath against his neck.

At one point Chanyeol and Joonmyeon said goodbye to the rest and they separated before walking to their apartment. The group of Chinese boys plus Minseok walked into their apartment building and entered the elevator.

Wu Fan lifted Tao up a little to readjust him and Tao knitted his eyebrows in his dream before relaxing again. Wu Fan smiled when he felt Tao snuggle into the back of his neck and Minseok looked at Tao, smiling before turning to the doors as the elevator stopped.

The small group of boys walked quietly to the door and Yixing pushed in the digits making the door click open before they entered, and together they put Tao to bed. Wu Fan smiled when he saw the young boy cuddle closer his pillow and pull the comforter closer around his body. The man looked at Tao for a while, pushing back a part of the youngers fringe from his face before standing up and leaving the room before he came back a few minutes later to lay down on the other bed across the room.


A/N: ¨Thank you for subscribing to my story *bows deeply*

I hope you guys like this chapter, it's the last part of his first day, obviously xD

But yeah. I'll update in a week again! So... See you soon!

I love you guys a lot! And don't forget to comment, but only if you want to :)


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Chapter 5: this is wonderful.
Eshinco #2
Chapter 9: Wow love it keke man kris make everyone melt
Chapter 10: awwwwww so sweet, i love taoris!!!!
Chapter 9: WAHHHHHHHHHHH i am very happy to say this is in my top favorite Taoris fics of all time.. SERIOUSLY. this one just felt so incredibly real. i am definitely bookmarking/subbing and then labeling this one to read again and again and again! You are really amazing! i cant wait to read the xiuchen fic!!!!!!!!!!
hyooohoon #5
Chapter 8: Omaygod!!
Tao is just adorable (>̯͡.̮<̯͡)
I really like your story~
seems quite real tho ㅋㅋㅋ
Bliss_Destiny #6
Tao's aegyo is the best!!M! XD
Haha, no one could defeat Tao's aegyo XD