My beginning

The Cupid Association


*ACHOO* GODDAMMIT why are there so many germs here?! I yelled as I wrapped my two layered jacket around me, stuffing my face behind a large scarf. And yet still people seem to be barley wearing anything.

Slowly I trudged the streets, watching, observing things that I never knew existed some I didn’t wanna see. Suddenly stopped in my tracks and gawked, MY GAWD why are people touching eachtoher like that?! What giving out “free hug’s”? The s a hug? Some kind of human drug maybe?   

I continued to walk forward, my hands stuffed in my pockets, my eyes glaring until somebody did it. Somebody touched me.  “AO MY GOD!” I yelled my eyes glowering at girl who now wrapped her arms around me. What is she doing? Drugging me?! Perhaps weakening me? YG did say these people were unexpectedly dangerous, GAH She’s not poisoning me is she?! Panicking I abruptly pulled back, quickly running away in the complete opposite direction.

After running for what seemed like miles I collapsed on a hard “wooden” thing in a green filled area.  Humans…..are more cunning than they look, I noted biting my thumb, I should really be careful. Annoyed I pulled out my sprayer and poured it around me, Aish they should of at least gave me something stronger to protect me. Maybe I should just hover around, it’s easier. Calming down I started to remember what occurred just barely a day ago.

 “I’m afraid my boy, being the one who found her the consequences for you are indeed what I never wished for my best pupil “said YG

I looked back at him shaking all over.

“W-w-what do you mean?” I muttered trying to push away the drifting thoughts.

“Since this human girl is considered a slip of the system a mistake, and something we absolutely cannot ignore” he paused “unfortunately Jiyong you’re going to have to be exiled to the human world”

"EXILED?!” Gasped the wide eyed group who were digesting all of this.

I could feel my breathing stop; I could feel my perfectly made heart pounding, everything around me drowning to emptiness.

“e-e-exiled?” I murmured with a blank gaze “are you turning me into a human?”

YG sighed, “You will still have your powers and your friends will be able to visit you. However you cannot come never back up, and your form shall be transformed semi-human. Which means you can die as easily as a human. Also you will have human lungs and a mortal heart, You shall be completely responsible for the human girl, and must stay with her to search for another partner with a ripped thread, no matter how long it takes. When you find it, only then shall you be allowed to return to your former position” He calmly explained, his eyes fixed on my now pale face. My mind was blank absolutely blank.


I sighed heavily, an action that seems to be occurring a lot lately, “I just have to find the damned brat and get her thread fixed” I muttered grabbing my hat as I lifted my newly human weight. I mean seriously how how weak and annoying are these bodies?! They don’t have many functions and they hurt so much when something tiny like burning yourself happens. Aish.

Angrily I followed my weirdly feeling human “map” until I finally reached my destination. Slowly I looked up. Meh small structure so squarish and annoyingly boring, I mean how tall is that thing 300 meters? My fricken cottage is larger. Grumpily I walked forward, avoiding the gaze of exposed people as they walked by.

 Then I reached the front of the building were a strange twirling structure was placed

made of a hard shiny substance marble? ah whatever. What is that supposed to be though? An entrance? What are they trying to do kill the people entering? Are they like sharp puncturing things? Because YG said those could kill you.

Skeptically I squinted, glaring at its threateningly obnoxious movements, until it finally hit me, I read about this in the human manual! It must be one of those fight or die things they have, I guess in this case it’s you either enter or die, what were they called again? Hmmm oh right! Gladiators! This must be a “gladiator” I better keep my guard up but this WONT STOP ME! Hastily I ran towards my newly formed enemy careful as to avoid its angels, but as fast as I confronted it the faster I slammed to its back, it normally continuing to twirl.

“AHH I THINK IT GOT ME! IS THIS BODY GOING TO DIE!? MY GOODNESS NO! I STILL HAVENT FINISHED MY MISSION YET! THESE THINGS ARE REALLY STRONG! I HAVE A FULL LIFE AHEAD OF ME YOU FIEND , YOU MONSTER” i yelled as the structure continued to twirl me around. Until it suddenly stopped, leaving a weird sensation on my arm.

 Cautiously I lifted my head only to witness that I was no longer fighting with the structure, I was outside of it and inside of the structure, HAHA I must have won! I thought cockily until i heard a strange sound; ah this must be one of the human things, what was it again? I think it was called a fart? Lazily I lifted my head to see the owner of this sound.  Instantaneously I froze. It was that girl, the blonde human girl, she was staring at me with an amused expression on her face,  one hand on her hip the other grabbing me by the arm.



(i hope this explains his situation properly :P next chapter is gonna be drowned with skydragon moments , so hold on with me :) added a pic cause some of you might not know what i was talking about,  haha i hope you guys enjoyed it :D thanks for reading and subbing ;))

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glass7 #1
Chapter 6: love this.
Chapter 6: gah!! finally u updated >w< update another one soon,ne?
Chapter 6: lmfao at that “where's the other human- uh the other us...” lolololol.. this is so entertaining x) i love love love love this~!!! and hahahahahah... that rolling door part was a winner hahahahahaha...
Chapter 6: Hahahaha this is so funny, with Jiyong amazingly amazed by the human world with their details and such
Chapter 5: hul~ looking forward to the next update~
cl_jiD #6
Chapter 5: finally skydragon moments:))))
Chapter 5: Hahahaha it seems that earth is a whole new planet for now semi human Jiyong!
Chapter 5: Oooh, haha, Jiyong thinks Earth is, well, alien. XD
Chapter 4: Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Hul~ Is he gonna become human now? o.o