How we began

The Cupid Association


“THE YOU CAN SEE ME?!” I wailed my voice extenuating my emotions.

She glared at me then slowly stood up, “yah I don’t know what you’ve been drinking but you should really stop, of course I can fricken see you pabo”

I stepped back my expression never changing. This is for real now, she can see me, and see me very clearly to.

“Now if you don’t mind drunkard I’m going to leave now” and without another word she ran forward her red scarf in her hand.

Subconsciously I glanced at her wrist, the red thread was tighter than ever wistfully following her, slowly my eyes started tracing it, looking for its ending, it was then I saw it. It had no ending; her thread was completely cut of, only fitted around her wrist, leading nowhere.

Was this another cause of a stupid mistake by a cupid? Whatever the case this has to be reported. ASAP, soon, now, things have to be explained already. And with a heavy heart I lifted my head and launched forward, towards where all my questions better get answered.

“YAH YOU ONLY COME NOW IMMA!” yelled TOP greeting me from the association gate as he smacked me on the back. “Do you know how worried we were? We thought you vanished or something!”

I continued walking my eyes fixed on the head manager’s door. “No I’m alright, sorry for making you worry but something did happen”

“What something?” echoed Seungri following me.

“Something very dangerous” I replied not pausing a moment.


“Whaaaaat?” asked Daesung appearing with the speed of light.

Violently I slammed the managers door open, the rest of my team behind me, curious gazes everywhere.

The managers head snapped towards me, raising an eyebrow at our abrupt entry he ushered us towards the seats.

“And what brings you here in the dawns of the morning? Why I haven’t seen you in ages “he said sitting down next to me.

“Chairman Yang goon, something terrible happened in the human world today” I replied my eyes fixated to his.

“How so?”

“A human girl, a human girl was able to see me, she felt me, I ing tripped over her” I whispered the shock of yesterday clearly not gone.

“WHAT?!” yelled top, dae and Seungri in unison as the chairman’s face tensed up. His eyes darting downwards...

“I see and was there anything unique about her?” YG whispered.

“Yes her partners name was written in some code and her fate thread was completely cut off, it led to absolutely nowhere”

Yang goon sighed “I never thought I’d have to deal with this kind of issue while I’m alive”

My eyes popped open “this this happened before?” I asked stuttering.

Yg stood up and locked the door; slowly he took a book from his shelf and gazed at us.

“Humans seeing us…this happens more frequently than you could guess, however a human with a cut thread, one who romance is not possible for, has only happened once” he replied his voice rigid.

“HUMANS SEE US FREQUENTLY?!” Yelled top completely dumbfounded.

Yg glanced at him “it’s been happening more recently, were do you think all our cupids have been disappearing to?

“HUMANS ARE KILLING OUR CUPIDS?!” Yelled Seungri with terror.

“there are many stories of what humans have been doing to our kind, however you Gd” yg said pausing as he leaned towards me raw sympathy in his eyes “I’m afraid my boy, being the one who found her the consequences for you are indeed what I never wished for my best pupil”

I looked back at him shaking all over.

“w-w-what do you mean?” I muttered trying to push away the drifting thoughts.

YG gulped whispering words that forever will remain engraved in my memory.


(two updates in a day, im in a roll~~~ *dances* haha i hope you guys dont get to bothered :P so chaerin is cut off, i hope you enjoyed :D Thanks for subbing!)

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glass7 #1
Chapter 6: love this.
Chapter 6: gah!! finally u updated >w< update another one soon,ne?
Chapter 6: lmfao at that “where's the other human- uh the other us...” lolololol.. this is so entertaining x) i love love love love this~!!! and hahahahahah... that rolling door part was a winner hahahahahaha...
Chapter 6: Hahahaha this is so funny, with Jiyong amazingly amazed by the human world with their details and such
Chapter 5: hul~ looking forward to the next update~
cl_jiD #6
Chapter 5: finally skydragon moments:))))
Chapter 5: Hahahaha it seems that earth is a whole new planet for now semi human Jiyong!
Chapter 5: Oooh, haha, Jiyong thinks Earth is, well, alien. XD
Chapter 4: Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Hul~ Is he gonna become human now? o.o