Welcome Back...Babe

Five Days


A slight knock was heard at the front door of the house. Donghae was oblivious to the sudden sound since he had his headphones on listening to soft notes of a piano. While the figure was busy knocking, the oblivious boy was busy mimicking hand movements on his air piano.

For two long minutes the figure stood at the front door not caring if the weather was cloudy and the sky was dim from sunlight. All this person cared about was talking to the boy inside. It was important so the figure kept knocking hoping that the person inside would finally notice.

I need food, Donghae thought to himself as he patted his stomach in need. He frowned remembering that he hadn’t eaten all day. He ditched school to stay home and it was about 3:24 in the afternoon. Sighing, Donghae took off his headphones, heading to the kitchen.

The figure outside started to shiver from the coldness around them. But still the being kept knocking on the door. The person mentally cursed to their selves hating the fact that the doorbell was broken.   

Another minute went by with no answer. The figure wanted to kick the door down or yell some profound words to get the person inside to become aware of their presence. Still they were extremely calm since the person knew how Donghae could get, sometimes the boy could be easily distracted. The figure decided to knock again until it suddenly opened to reveal a surprised looking Donghae holding a cold pizza.

What the hell?  Donghae’s mind started to scramble not being able to comprehend what was happening. This might be a dream, scratch that, it was a nightmare.

“Hello,” the figure spoke softly.

“Eh, welcome back…babe.”


Five days.

It has been exactly five days since that stupid bet. Five days since Donghae had cockily approached Eunhyuk, the playboy of the school. Did Eunhyuk managed to make the sweet boy fall for him in those simple five days? Many occurrences had happen in just a few days but was it enough? Or did Eunhyuk just lose the bet?

Eunhyuk’s eyes were focused on the ticking clock waiting for school to finish. Actually, school already ended but the playboy had earned detention. The blonde boy had to be all dramatic about his injured ankle at school, which wasn’t even broken. Yes, his ankle was sprained and he must avoid running, walking long distances, and carrying heavy objects, but it wasn’t enough for him to be on clutches or have a cast.

The popular boy had forced, or what Eunhyuk liked to call it volunteered, his peers to carry him around campus. The teachers and staff had explained to him that he was bullying them but the blonde had argued that he was preparing them to have more sympathy for the injured. That was how Eunhyuk received detention.

This is bull. Eunhyuk thought harshly. His fingers tapped against his beaten desk in a soft rhythm. He was bored. His brown eyes scanned the room observing the school’s troublemakers.

Cho Kyuhyun slept, his head tiled back, and his mouth wide open. Every once in awhile, he would jerk a bit in his sleep or let out a soft snore. Eunhyuk looked at the sophomore with disgust as some drool had dropped onto his tabletop. Of course he would be here.

Eunhyuk went back looking at the clock. He glared just noticing that the big hand did not moved while the smaller had kept ticking away. The big hand started to move but the piece broke. Dammit. Couldn’t this school buy new equipment?  The blonde slammed his fist onto his table causing Kyuhyun to fall off his chair in surprise.

“Two more hours and you guys may leave,” The deep voice of the administrator announced as he sat on his chair. His face was covered by the newspaper, which he was clearly reading.

Two hours? Two more ing hours! Eunhyuk’s eyes widen clearly taken aback at the longer hours of detention. It seemed that the school wanted the bad kids to suffer. Eunhyuk could hear a groan coming from Kyuhyun getting the idea that he hated it too. Screw this.

With a sudden jolt, the blonde got up from his seat heading out the door. He didn’t care if he was leaving his backpack behind, there was nothing in it anyways, nor did he care if he was breaking the rules. All Eunhyuk wanted right now was to be with a certain boy, a certain important boy.

“Yah,” the administrator took notice of Eunhyuk’s chair screeching and looked up to see the fleeing student. “Sit back down Lee-” He was cut off.

“Punish me later. I have one final date with my lovely Fishy.” Eunhyuk left before he could be stopped. He couldn’t run outside, instead he had to walk in a fast pace. Fortunately, the runaway troublemaker had made it outside but now he was stuck. How the hell was he going to meet his ‘lovely Fishy’?

“You,” a male voice called. “That was a move but what do you suspect from the school’s king?”

Eunhyuk turned around to see Cho Kyuhyun with his arms crossed. How did he get out of detention…

“Want a ride or not?”

“If I’m late it’s your fault.”

Kyuhyun just smirked. He went to go get his car from the parking lot. Eunhyuk was so fast in trusting Kyuhyun. Well, he didn’t exactly trust him fully but the only reason for that matter is because Donghae would tutor the sophomore. If Donghae trusted that kid then Eunhyuk couldn’t help trust Kyuhyun a little. Besides, when did Donghae had bad judgment? The blonde winced knowing that Donghae had made a mistake in judging Eunhyuk at a young age.  

“Get in,” Kyuhyun came with the car with a knowing look in his eyes. He knew things were getting interesting. Eunhyuk hated taking orders but he got in the car anyways. He’ll make the younger pay for speaking to him in such an informal way but he’ll save for that later. Kyuhyun wasn’t important.

The two runaway troublemakers made their way to the familiar streets of Donghae’s neighborhood. Eunhyuk wanted the car to go faster and a couple of times he had launched for the stirring wheel yelling things like “Get your stupid car to go faster” or “How did you get your ing license with your pathetic driving?”

Kyuhyun was obviously annoyed by his passenger but kept his eyes on the road… and also pushed Eunhyuk away every time he reached over to the driver’s side. Kyuhyun thought why he was doing this but he was doing it for Donghae hyung since he helped Kyu ace his history test.

“Okay we’re here!”

“Took you long enough.”

“I had to make sure I was going the speed limit so I won’t get in trouble by the law.”

“When the hell did you follow the law?”

“One time! That was one time I stole something. I just really wanted that Starcraft game.”

Eunhyuk shook his head trying to block Kyuhyun. He didn’t care for him. All the blonde wanted was to be with Donghae to prove that he can make him fall in love with him. He needed one day, this one day, to win the damn bet. But what would Eunhyuk gain?

The playboy looked out the car window looking at Donghae’s house, the place where he went to everyday when he was smaller. A small smile formed on Eunhyuk’s face remembering those memories, those happy, carefree days. It may be the past but it was the building block of friendship. Sadly it didn’t last so long.

Eunhyuk remembered at the age of six he would knock on Donghae’s door with his little fist. A huge grin was on his face and his hair was a natural black, not blonde like he had now. He would bring his little backpack full of action figures and his favorite strawberry milk drink. They would play for hours making superhero sounds. They’ll flip a coin to decide who the superhero was and who the villain was. Eunhyuk didn’t mind being the villain. All he wanted was for Donghae to be happy.

They got bored of action figures soon by the time they were eight or nine. Both Donghae and Eunhyuk ended up playing out in the street riding their bikes, skateboards, scooters, or whatever had wheels. They played until the sky turned dark and Donghae’s umma had to yell at them to come inside. They didn’t want to stop playing. If the day ended then they end up being separated.

When they reached their first year of high school, they were still best friends. They were freshmen, new to the school and teen life. It felt exciting. They still didn’t grow apart. Hell, they were closer than before since they were conquering their fears or whatever. They were always seen together, talking or laughing. But then Donghae got a girlfriend.

A pain in Eunhyuk’s chest started to ache. He unconsciously reached for it but it wouldn’t help him. The blonde shook his head trying to keep focus. All Eunhyuk was here to do was make Donghae fall in love with him then… then what? Leave him? This is just a bet anyways.

“You going or what?”

Eunhyuk let out a small snarl not even looking at Kyuhyun. He was ready to get out of the car but before he could reach for the handle, he heard a female laugh. Her familiar laugh. His eyes quickly looked through the car’s tinted windows to see that girl, that girl who had taunted Eunhyuk, leave Donghae’s house with a smile on her stupid pretty face. That bastard Donghae was smiling too! What the was going on?

The blonde could clearly see the female. Her hair had gotten shorter, instead of her middle back lengthen hair, it was cut to reach her shoulders. Her face was still beautiful. She didn’t need make-up. She had natural beauty. Her smile was the same. Her laugh was the same. Everything about her was the same. But was her personality the same?

He couldn’t move. The popular boy could only watch as the ‘couple’ was happily talking and laughing. Probably planning out their marriage together. It hurt to the core. Who knew watching two happy people could be a pain? Why did their happiness cause Eunhyuk despair? Seeing Donghae smiling with someone else, especially when it was his old girlfriend, made Eunhyuk feel unwanted. Why couldn't Eunhyuk make him happy?

I…. I lost the bet…

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[Five Days] HECK YEAH! I finally finished this series!


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Drekkendragon #1
Chapter 7: Awwwwww!!!
Chapter 7: rereading this xD can we grt a sequel for this >.<
Chapter 7: both of them are stupid in a cute way,, XD this is a good story! :D
saphirebluefish #4
Chapter 7: awesome story!!! ><
imumuyou #5
Chapter 7: It's still as cute as the first time I read this ~ heheh
Chapter 7: It was rushed indeed :/ but it was a good quick read :)
myeseunhae #7
Chapter 7: This is simple but awesome. I feel bad for hyuk though he must be suffering because that girl but it doesn't matter now because eunhae end up together <3
sequel pweaase
k-maee #9
Chapter 7: Omg this was such a good fic. And I totally loved the dialogue between Eunhyuk and Donghae in the last chapter, so cute :)