5-Mornings Gone Wrong Part 2

Is This The Reality I Wanted?!

Sori POV

"Jongin-ah, isn't it very uncomfortable to be eating like this?" I asked, looking towards the other members for help. Sehun just stared back with his blank eyes, bringing his attention back to the television as he ate a bowl of rice. These kids need to help me out at some point in time.

"No," I felt Jongin reach towards the table for something. He dodged his head to my left and drank a cup of whatever it was he was drinking. How in the world would I know? After his little scramble with Yi Xing, Kai walked back to his dorm, sat down in front of the table, and got Kyungsoo to bring him some food. I, on the other hand, was trapped between Kai and the table so I couldn't really get myself off of Jongin.

So here I am, my arms hung loosley around his neck, legs around his waist as I sat in his lap. Seriously, this isn't something a normal assistant would do.

"I'm sure you could eat quicker if I was sitting next to you, not on you," I tugged on his shirt, "Come on! I have to get you guys ready before eight."

"Aish, just let the kid be Sori," Kyungsoo sat in front of me, brushing his fingers through my hair while I pouted. He chuckled, scootching closer to me until only our noses touched.


"How is that a bobo, oppa?"

"That's how foreigners do it! Really, I swear!" Kyungsoo's eyes became two times larger than they usually are as he acted all panicked, leaving me a laughing mess.

"Arasso, arasso. Just get ready, okay?" Kyungsoo hummed a reply and walked off towards the others.

"Jongin-ah, are you done eating? Noona really needs to go see if the others are getting ready," I patted his back, hoping that he would let go of me. I really don't have time for this! I really just want to do my job, go back home so I could practice piano and singing, and then go to sleep. I felt Jongin shake his head left and right as a sign of 'no' I sighed and tried to push myself away from him, but he tighten the grip, putting me closer to me.

"Jongin, I don't know what is with you, but I really need to go to the others, okay? I'll be right back, I promise," I bring myself face to face with him, holding out my pinky.

"Okay," Jongin finally agreed, letting me go. I scurred off to find the others in their room, fully dressed and ready to go.

"Suho oppa, is everything okay?" I peek my head inside the door and he motions for me to get inside the room.

"What, are you okay?" I ask, again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I need to talk to you about something," Suho kept looking back and forth between two t-shirts before grabbing  a plain white t-shirt over a stripped t-shirt.

"Look the reason why Jongin's been acting like that...there's a big reason behind it, alright? He's a very fragile kid right now, well actually he's always been a fragile kid," Suho nodded, "That's why he's not that great with expressing his emotions. He could be jealous, clingy, mean, mad, but at times he can be really loving and nice. You just have to give it time, you know?" No, I don't really understand. I mean why would he act like that to me?

"You do realize that you just said that out loud, right?" Suho chuckled while I just stared back.

"What do you mean 'out loud'?" I tild my head.

"No, I don't really understand. I mean why would he act like that to me?" He spoke in a very high pitched voice.

"Yah, is that how you think my voice is like?"

"No, but the point is tha-"

"That's totally not how my voice sounds like, is it...?" I mutter out, grabbing my throat out of concious. Gosh, I didn't know I sounded so raspy.

"Sori! The point is, just be paitent with me, alright?"

"But why would he be like that to me?"

"Look, if you want to know about it, just come talk to me after practice, arasso? It's almost eight and manager hyung's going to come over soon. I've got this dorm covered, go over to Exo-M and check on them, will you?" He ordered, nudging his chin towards the door. I let out a soft 'yes,' and went out of the room, walking quickly as I could towards the door before Jongin came out of where ever he went to. I couldn't even see where he was after I walked out of Suho's room. Maybe he went to his? Ahh, whatever! I need to get the crew ready or else I'm going to get fired on the first day!


"Noona~come sit next to me!" Tao hopped up and down his chair while patting the seat next to him. I looked behind me, only to be met with Wu Fan's chest.

"Ooof, Wu Fan!" I shout, rubbing my forehead.

"It's your fault, shorty," Wu Fan cackled out, stepping in front of me so that he could sit next to his Taobaby. Ugh, couples.

"Gege, that's where Sori's sitting!"

"But Tao I-"


"Fine, move over to the middle then."


"Why? Tao, why are you being like this today?"

"I want Sori to sit next to me and you know how I feel about window seats," Tao pouted. I heard Chen whining something about how this is too slow and how he wants some sleep. Aish, these kids.

"Kris, just go sit over there. You can sit next to Tao later, okay? You're going to be with him the whole practice anyway," I mumble as I go up in the van.

"You're going to pay, shorty," Wu Fan shot a finger up in the air.

"Is that a threat?"

"Does it sound like one?" Dude, this man sounds like such a killer in the morning. I just nod my head and stare ahead out the window, watching the bright sun get brighter and brighter. Gah, stop staring at the sun! That's bad for your eyes, Sori!

"Sori, did you eat yet? I bet you're hungry!"

"I didn't eat yet...somebody ate my breakfast that I bought with my money this morning," I shout out loud.

"Well you just left it here in the open!" I heard Luhan snicker as Yi Xing spoke out. Ugh, whatever you guys.

"Here, I have some steamed buns! I found them in the fridge, I'm sure Minseok hyung wouldn't mind!"

"Good morning you kids, I'll be your driver until your manager comes back. Be quiet so hyung can drive, arasso?" A old man in his thirties step into the car, starting up the engines and fixing the mirror, but stopped halfway as he saw me eating some steamed buns. Don't tell me he wants some, too.

"Yah, who's that girl? Tao!"

"She's our assistant for the time being, Hyunjoon hyung," Tao mumbled. Gah, Tao baby! There are crumbs going onto your shirt!

"Tao, wipe your shirt with this," Kris leaned over and handed him a hankerchief. Tao didn't take it, so instead I took it and started to wipe his shirt.

"Thanks noona!" He brightly spoke, not even acknowledging Kris about the hankerchief. Okay, what is going on between Taoris? Don't tell me something bad happened this morning.

The car started to run and by the time we got there, the only ones who were awake were Wu Fan and I. It was awkward and silent as the car got parked. I turned my head towards Wu Fan, fidgeting my fingers on my shirt, a habit I gained back when I was in elementary school. Whenever I was nervous or unsure in a situation, I start to tug on something, usually an article of clothing. All I'm glad is that I got a pair of pants before I came here...actually I'm not all that glad. This is like hell.

"What?" Wu Fan scoffed, blowing some air on his bangs so it wouldn't go in his eyes.

"I, well...the thing is you..."

"Will you stop stuttering and be clear with what you have to say? I can't stand it when people stutter."'

"Sorry," I mutter.

"Don't be sorry. I don't like it when people are sorry for no reason."

"Sorry, I mean," I sighed out in frustration, the hot air blowing around me, "What's wrong?"

"What?" Wu Fan's eyes narrowed into a thin line.

"I mean, what's wrong with everyone this morning? Is it like this everyday," I hiss out quietly, afraid I might wake up the other members. Hyunjoon, the temporary driver, got out of his seat, mumbling that he would leave the keys here and expects me to come give it to him once all the members are out of the car.

"It's just today."

"Just today?"

"No, what I'm trying to say is tha-"

"Gege, stop talking so loudly," Tao rubbed his eyes with his fists as if he were trying to get rid of the desire of going back to sleep. He pouted out his bottom lip, yawning out while trying to reach for the door handle.

"Let us get out first, Tao," I say, motioning the leader to open the car so we could get out, "I'll handle the others, alright? Just go to the practice room, I'm sure Yi Xing or someone will lead me there later." I shoo Wu Fan out, grabbing Tao's hand in the process so that he wouldn't collapse back to the seats.

I can't believe that my day just started.


After about what seemed like more than five hours of practice, I finally get my first lunch...but nope, my thoughts were too easy.

Of course I wouldn't get food easily if I didn't even get to eat this morning.

Of course the boys had another schedule.

Of course the appetite of the boys' and the manager's came first and foremost before the assistant.

Of course they only got thirteen boxes of lunch and said they forgot about a bag of sandwich because they were running late this morning.

Running late my , they should've seen the hell I went through this morning.

So here I was, sitting with Exo-K in the van, stomach roaring out with hunger while wondering where the hell Exo-M went.

Oh wait, they went home because their practice was over.

God, I swear today isn't my day.

But, I still can't seem to take out the conversation I had with Wu Fan earlier when they had a break....


"Sori, the thing I was trying to say earlier is that it's a huge shock for us to see you here," Wu Fan's fingers went through his hair as he tried to explain his feelings.

"What I mean is that, god I can't do this...Suho, get out here!" Wu Fan opened up the door to the practice room, calling the said member's name out again while waving his hand back and forth for him to come out to the hallway.

"What is it?" Suho came out, drinking out of a water bottle. He shined with sweat.

"Explain to Sori about....well you know what it's about."

"No I don't know what it's about," Suho sighed out, "And even if I did I don't intend to explain it to her. She's not ready to know. No one wants to know things like this about a person, Wu Fan."

"Fine, then I'll explain to her about everything," Wu Fan pushed the other member back to the practice room. I heard Tao scream from the room, footsteps could be heard and before I knew it, Tao was there.

"Tao, not now. I have some things I need to tell her," Wait, I thought they were fighting or something. What was that they were going under in the van earlier this morning?

"You're going to tell her, Wuwu?" Tao looked up, clinging onto Wu Fan's shirt. Awww, they're so cute together even though I have no idea what they're trying to say.

"Wu Fan, would you just get to the point? I have to set up the camera before everyone starts to practice again," I check the watch and look around.

"Noona, are you sure you want to know?" I nodded my head in agreement. Well they just tell me now? I'm a pretty busy person too, you know?

"The thing is, Jongin had a sister and she lo-"

"Sori-ah! Do you know where that one black jacket is?" Well if it isn't the devil.

"No," I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood so he doesn't suspect us, "I don't know Jongin. It could be in the car."

"Oh, I guess so. I'll be back in fifteen minutes, I promise! So don't start the practice without me!"

"Hurry back!" I shouted, watching him sprint throughout the hallways. As soon as he was out of sight, I asked them what they were talking about again.

"Jongin had a sister and she sort of looks like you," Tao walked closer, hugging me with strong arms. I looked up to see Wu Fan, who seemed like he was going to cry anytime soon.

"Really? Where is she now? I'd like to meet my Doppelganger," I giggle, hugging Tao back. I get to hug my bias~~~Any day is better if I get to hug my bias!

"She's gone, Sori. She's gone," Tao whispered those words slowly, taking short breathes after each word.

"What? Then why was Yi Xing so mad? Shouldn't it have been Jongin who was mad?" I was confused, like really confused.

"Yi Xing was dating her and they both loved her, so much. One night, Yi Xing was being careless and mad and stupid...it was over such a stupid fight too," Tao let go of the hug, but kept his hands on my shoulders, "He left her there at the park. She was alone. It was really dark and scary, too. That night was a cold night, remember Wu Fan?"

"Yeah," Wu Fan's deep voice echoed throughout the hallway.

"She was going back home, alone. Do you know how dangerous that is for a girl? Yi Xing's temper got the best of him, but he calmed down. He walked straight back to her and he saw her across the crossroad. He yelled out her name and yelled out he was sorry. She was running back to him, but the light...and the truck...that tru-truck...," Tao turned around to Wu Fan, who immediately enveloped him into his long arms. I heard his sobs ring in the long hallway, while I stood there in shock. I wanted to go back to that practice room, pretend like none of this happened, but I can't. Not after knowing all of this. 

"Jongin really trusted Yi Xing. They might act like brothers, but they really despise each other because of that incident. Jongin...he can't forgive him that easily, you know? That's why he clings onto you like he does right now; he's afraid of losing you, who looks like his dead sister. I'm sorry if this isn't the reality you expected, but you can't run away from this. You just can't, especially after learning something like this."

~~End Flashback~~

I still can't get myself to believe all of that information I recieved. What has my life become of?

"Sori! Sori! Do you want some?"

"Huh?" I turn around to find the source of the voice. It was Jongin, smiling like an idiot while offering a piece of deep fried chicken on chopsticks.

"I said, do you want some?" Jongin asked again, smiling wider this time.

"Sure," I was about to take it from the chopsticks until he lifted it higher up in the air.

"Yah, is that how you treat your noona?" I stuck out my tongue

"You have to say 'ahhh~'!" Do I seriously have to do this?

"...ahhh," I say in a quiet voice, trying to avoid this situation.

"What noona? You said you don't want it? Okay~"

"Wait wait! I said, ahhhh!"

"Such a good noona," Jongin teased, patting my head as I munched on the chicken.

"Yah, will you guys just get a room or something? This is making me want to puke," Chanyeol pretended to barf, using his hands and sounds that I never ever want to hear again, but it did earn him some laughs.

"Don't be jealous Chanyeol! I'm sure you have someone to do that with," I winked.

"Yeah, I do have my Baekhyunnie~right, Baekhyun?" Chanyeol did the same thing as Jongin. Baekhyun, leaving his attention from his food for a second, stared at Chanyeol before he ate the chicken.

"Mmmm~that was so good Yeollie!"

"Aigoo~such a good Baekhyun!" Chanyeol patted his Baekhyun's head, a cheesy smile lifting up on his face. Oh ho ho, is this another ship that ships itself? 

"If this is making you uncomfortable, I'm very sorry," Suho spoke, "But it's their thing because they're an item." OH HO HO they ARE an item! Well, that makes my life easier! 


"Chincha." Well, I'll be damned. First it was Taoris, now it's Baekyeol, oh gosh my fangirl life just got a little better.

"Hyung! Can you stop by the house for a second since we're close by? I need to drop my bag off," Jongin scrawled in place while searching for his bag. The other members started to throw their bags at Jongin too.

"Alright, just hurry up."


Jongin POV

Stupid hyungs. I'm not even the maknae, but they have to give me all the bags. How annoying they are at times.

Finally, I get to be at my dorm. I hate how the elevator had to stop. Why would you start doing some construction stuff now? Can't you do it at night? Ahh, whatever.

I reached the dorm, putting the key into the key hole, and stepped in.

I didn't even notice the weird guy in front of Sori's house until I got of the house.

"Yah, you right there with the bowl cut!" I turned towards him, pointing my finger at me. And who are you to call bowl cut? Have you seen your hair?

"Yes you! Aish, did the new generation forget how to speak? Yah, where do you think you're going?" Who is this guy?

"I'm going back to the van."

"Wait a minute, are you by chance a member of Exo? What's your name....it's Kai, right?"


"I'm Seungri, you know from Big Bang? Aish, of course you'd know; Big Bang is a worldwide group!" If you're so world wide, why haven't you done a world wide tour? Ugh, hyungs these days.

"Neh, Sunbaenim, I've heard of you before! I've seen you on television from time to time," good Jongin, keep sugar coating things so you can leave early.

"Anyway, by any chance have you seen Sori? She's my sister and I just wanted to make sure that she has a job and what not," Seungri turned left and right, as if he were looking for her outside. Wait, Sori? She's his sister? HIS? I mean, I understand that she has a sibling, but him of all people? How does she cope with him everyday?

"She's actually busy right now with her job. I could send her a message, if you'd like."

"Oh really? Aigoo, you're such a nice dongsaeng! Will you just tell her that her oppa stopped by and would like a phone call from her?" 

"Yes sir."

"Thank you!" Seungri hyung skipped down the stairs as he waved goodbye. Wow, this guy seems like a handfull. No wonder Sori can take care of all twelve of us.

I walked back to the van, opening the door with full swing and closing it with full swing. I hate these van doors, they can never open or close properly unless you use all of your strength.

"Yah, what took you so long? You know we have to be there in thirty minutes, right?"

"It won't take long, I'm serious!"

"Just get in the car!"

Well, time to get into my inner model-ing self.

A/N: WOAH! This is a long chapter. I hope you guys like the story so far...it's getting better, right? Please leave some comments, I love reading them and I get motivated with them^^

If you have any suggestions or ideas, please message or comments below^^

I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors

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Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS
OMG Chanyeol is so cute >.<
I Looove bacon LOL
shineendbigbang4ever #3
HAHah Hoya! Jong in is so sweet :)
Bliss_Destiny #4
He totally forgot to tell her
shineendbigbang4ever #5
I wish I was sori. I would love to cling on to Kai like a koala:)
I wish I was sori. ㅋㅋㅋ lucky ked~
Bliss_Destiny #7
Ahahahhahahaha!! I wann be Sori!!
Bliss_Destiny #8
TaoRis is reaaaaaaaalllllllll