11-A Little Baekyeol on the side...

Is This The Reality I Wanted?!


Things To Do

1.       Cook For Chanyeol

2.       Landry

3.       Clean

4.       Dust the area so Lay doesn’t start coughing (he’s very sensitive when it comes to these things)

5.       Cook dinner

6.       Wash the dishes

7.       Vacuum

8.       Organize the CDs in order (alphabetically by artist and put the albums in order from release date!)

9.       Tidy up the book shelf and make it nice!

10.   Just clean all in all.

P.S: Noona! Don’t worry about the wushu stuff in my room. Just don’t touch the closet and leave the clothes on the bed, okay?

                               Love, Tao

P.P.S: Noona! Take care of Chanyeol well or else we’ll get you fired.

                                                                                        Love, Exo

I swear that the crossed out part was written by Kris. Why does he appear to hate me so much? I shouldn’t think much of it; I need to take care of Chanyeol and try to do all of these things! You know, assisting Exo is fun, but having to do double the cleaning isn’t.

“Chanyeol-ah! Would you like some breakfast, sweetie?” I call out into his room to see him lying around the bed, clutching a shirt that looked a little too small for him. I raised an eyebrow as he scurried onto his feet.

“It’s not what it looks like,” he tucked the shirt under the pillow, “I, uh, I’m just, you know…”


“Yes! No!”

“Don’t worry Chanyeol, I won’t question what you were doing with the shirt,” I giggle, “I just came to ask if you want to eat.”

“Oh yeah, sure. What’s there to eat?”

“I think I could make you eggs and bacon, is that okay?”


“What? You don’t like bacon?” I was getting inpatient with the kid. What is up with him reacting so slowly? Isn’t he the happy virus of Exo or something?

“No, I love bacon! I really looove bacon,” his eyes softened as he said the word bacon. I think he might have problems besides his eyes.

“Alright, let me get it ready. Just relax for a bit, okay?”

“I want to watch you cook bacon, noona!”

“Okay, then come with me.”


After about thirty minutes of playing around with bacon, he started to eat it while making small kissy faces across the table.

“Chanyeol just what in the world are you doing?”

“Don’t you know that the American fans call Baekhyun bacon? That’s the only reason why I like bacon.”

“Oh so I’m guessing that you miss him?” Chanyeol’s head bounced with each chew, looking at me with delightful eyes. This boy is so innocent.

“Then I’m guessing that that shirt you were holding earlier is Baekyun’s, right?”

“Yeah! Wait! Noona!” He groaned, his deep voice was growling as he realized what I did.

“I’m only trying to understand you,” I chuckle, “Don’t worry because your secret is safe with me.” He smiled cheerfully and went onto ravishing the rest of the breakfast. He said thanks and went back to his room.

I sighed at the sight of the to-do list. Only a few more of this and then I’m done!


No One POV

“Kris. Kris. Kris!” Tao’s voice emphasized the last syllable of each word, but his boyfriend didn’t turn towards him. He got out of his lap and stood in front of him, eyes staring deeply into each other.

“WuFan!” The leader of Exo-M hissed at the pain Tao gave to his shoulder. Even though it was a light slap, it still stung like hell.

“What?” WuFan answered, caressing his now ‘injured’ shoulder.

“Why are you acting like this recently?”

“Acting like what? I’m acting like how I usually act.”

“No, ever since Sori moved in next door, you’ve been acting so angry.”

“No I haven’t.”

“Yes, you have.”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Wu ing Fan, if you don’t man up you are so not going to get anything out of this. I’m trying to help you.”

“Well ZiTao, maybe I don’t need your help.” Kris stood up from his chair and walked out of the studio. He stuck his hands into his pockets, not even bothering to apologize when his shoulders hit his sunbae.

“Kris!” he turned around as his name was being called, “You okay? You seem so stressed out recently,” Amber called out to him in English, along with Henry who was jogging towards the two.

“I’m fine,” he said through gritted teeth, “Sorry about bumping into you.”

“No, no, that’s fine. I’m just worried about you. You don’t seem well.”

“I know. I don’t look well.” It was true, even Kris himself knew it. He just didn’t want to face the facts that he was tired. It wasn’t because being a leader was such an easy thing; heck, it was easy. It was the relationship he had with Tao that was causing him to get small mental breakdowns recently. Seeing Tao be all noona this and noona that made his skin crawl. He hated everything single thing about it.

“If you need anything, you know that Amber and I will listen, right?” Henry puffed out his cheeks, trying to cheer his dongsaeng up. Kris smiled at the playfulness and waved a hand towards them as he walked away. He need some time alone and even though it would be much better for him to talk to someone, he wasn’t one to let someone down because of his problems.

A/N: So, Kris has been acting a little strange, right? I wonder if Tao and Kris are going to be okay…

I was looking at Exo-M’s profile and I saw that Kris’ real name is Wu Fan, like how Luhan’s name is Lu Han. So, I’m wondering if I should just use the name Kris, WuFan, or just Fan. But writing Fan seems so awkward…haha, I’ll think of something^^

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting this fic! It means so much to me:) And hello new subscribers<33

I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors! Please comment and don’t forget to subscribe!



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Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS
OMG Chanyeol is so cute >.<
I Looove bacon LOL
shineendbigbang4ever #3
HAHah Hoya! Jong in is so sweet :)
Bliss_Destiny #4
He totally forgot to tell her
shineendbigbang4ever #5
I wish I was sori. I would love to cling on to Kai like a koala:)
I wish I was sori. ㅋㅋㅋ lucky ked~
Bliss_Destiny #7
Ahahahhahahaha!! I wann be Sori!!
Bliss_Destiny #8
TaoRis is reaaaaaaaalllllllll