4-Mornings Gone Wrong Part 1

Is This The Reality I Wanted?!

Sori POV

You know, if I wasn't such an early riser in the morning, I'm sure I would've bombed the job by this morning. My alarm clock ringed at four in the morning and I jolted up as soon as I heard it. My hair was a mess, I had bags under my eyes, and I was so hungry I felt like I could eat everything in my fridge....now that I think about it, I don't even think I have any food in my fridge. Ahh, crap. I'm too lazy to walk across the street to get some food from the convenience store. I swing my legs to the side of the bed and hop up, fixing my big shirt that reached all the way up to my knees. I go to the bathroom, fix my hair so it'd be a little more tame than this, and go back to my room to get a pair of shoes. Which ones should I wear? Should I wear converse or heels? I'm sure it doesn't matter, it's just to the convinience store. Just wear some heels, how about that? Besides, I've been wanting to wear these babies for a while. It's a perfect time to try them out too! It'll only take fifteen minutes until I get back to the house from the store so it should be alright.

I change my shirt to a long denim shirt instead, put my black heels on, and walk out of the house. Oh shoot, I shouldn't forget Exo's keys! Just in case I run late because it's already 4:25. I knew I shouldn't have sprawled back onto the bed when I went back for some shoes; I couldn't help it though! It's so warm and comfy and nice!

I go out to the store, but as soon as I get near the crosswalk, I see Yi Xing running towards me. Wait, why is he running towards me? Ahh crap. Light, turn green. Turn green right now, I do not want to ta-

"Well if it isn't our new assistant."

Yi Xing POV

I couldn't help talking to her. I mean, wouldn't it be rude to not talk to her after seeing her?

"G-good morning, Yi Xing," Sori smiled as big as she could, twisting her hair between her fingers. Is she nervous or something? She seems like she's about to throw up.

"What are you doing up this early? I thought you were coming to our dorm at 5!"

"I woke up an hour early so I could get ready. I was going out to buy some food because I realized that I don't have any in my house." This girl needs to stop pouting...does she know how many guys go running this early in the morning? Dude, she needs to stop because she's looking irrisistable, especially in what she's wearing too! Black heels, messy hair, and just a long denim shirt that looks too big for her? Sori looks like she stayed at some boyfriend's house or something. She looking hella fine.

Yi Xing, what are you talking about? She's our assistant, not a neighbor I could possibly make as my girlfriend! I don't even know this girl that well.

"Oh, really? Why don't I go with you then? I don't want you to get distracted and forget about going back with me," I suggest, but all of a sudden her face turns red. Is it something that I said?

"With you?" She stutters quietly.

"Did you say something?" Hah, like I need to know what you said! I heard you crystal clear. This girl is so fun to tease.

"A-ani, let's just go."

Thank god she's letting me go with her, or else I'd be worried because some guy might want to try and pick her up. I'm just worried about her!

Sori POV

That was the most awkward shopping experience I've ever had in my life.

I mean come on, would you really want to go shopping with some dude (who, might I add, is pretty hot) that's wearing a wife beater, sweats, and white high tops or whatever shoes he was wearing? He seemed like he was glowing because he's...well he was just glowing, alright? He just has that star quality all of Exo has.

"Here, give me the bags," Yi Xing comes over to the cash register and snatches the bags from my hands.

"No, it's alright!" I proceed to protest by trying to get the bags from hes hands.

"No, I'm seriously fine with this! I don't want our assistant to faint because of how heavy the bags are," he joked, "Especially because you're skinny as a stick."

"I'm not that skinny!"

"Yes you are! Now just give me the bags, alright? Look we're here now, shouldn't you be waking them up?" Yi Xing opens the door and gestures me to get in. He goes to the kitchen, places the bags, and puts his arms on his waist in a I'm-the-boss-here type of way. Dang, who knew he could be so...bossy and such a diva.

"Can you help me?" I pout, going closer to him so it makes me look reaaally cute.

"Don't even try, Sori. Sunghwan hyung said not to help the assistant so you're on your own." I groan and walk over to the first room. God, this house is surely too huge for an apartment. I mean like, how can all the members stay in this room?

"Sori, if you're wondering, this is Exo-M's house. Exo-K's house is the one next door. Wake this house first and get them to come to the living room as soon as you do. Just to tell you, Exo-K is harder to wake up, alright?" Oh great.

"But, I only have one key!"

"Hyung forgot to give you this house's key. See, wasn't it nice that I was there this morning?" He smiles widely and comes to me in open arms.

"Now go and help them wake up~" He hugs me and then he pushes me to the first door. Gee, thanks Yi Xing for giving me all the chores this morning.

"Don't stand there like an idiot, remember that you have to wake up Exo-k too!"

"I KNOW!" I stomp my feet towards the room that has the words "Xuimin, Luhan, & Kris," in bold letters on a piece of paper that has been taped on the door. Well, here goes nothing.


After thirty minutes, I got all the members of Exo-m up and running. Finally, this took forever. I'm glad I woke up Kris first though; I heard that Tao just clings onto anything that tries to wake him up from his sleep. I mean, I wouldn't have mind being clung onto, but seeing Tao clinging onto Kris was just adorable.

"Yah, stop staring and go to Exo-k's dorm," Kris nods his head towards the door, "Or else you'll get in trouble when Sunghwan hyung comes."

"Does the manager not live with you guys or something?" I ask, walking towards the door.

"Let's just say that he has some business to attend to every night." Gosh, what's up with these guys not actually telling me what's wrong. Stop being such a tease, you guys.

"Alright, alright," I say, "But please eat some breakfast and get dressed before I come back here, okay?" The members said "Yes," before I walked out.


Yi Xing really meant it when he said that they are super hard to wake up.

Here I am, trapped in Jongin's arms on his bed after I woke everyone else up. Damn it, if they weren't fighting over who uses the bathroom first, they could hear my pleas for them to come and help me out of this mess.

"Yah, Jongin," I mutter as loud as I can.

"Mmmm..." He replied, making my skin tingle. I can't help it! His lips are on my neck and he keeps burrying his head into the crook of my neck.

"Why don't we wake up and have some nice breakfast! Would you like that?"

"No," he tightens his grip on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Come on, Noona would really like some breakfast. Noona hasn't ate anything this morning because Yi Xing took my food and ate it before I could," it's true. That stupid unicorn man...taking my food without asking me first.

"I said no!" He flips me over so that he was laying on top of me while I was laying flat on the bed. His arms trapped me and his eyes were wide open. I could feel his gaze going up and down my body as mine were doing the same, except I was thinking of a way out of here. This is a situation I don't want to be in! If this is how it is every morning, I don't think I could handle it at all.

"Noona," his voice drifts away as he brings his body lower, closer to mine, "Noona, why are you wearing something like this in the morning? It looks like something Yi Xing hyung has."

What? Why would he be asking a question like this in the morning?

"Jongin-ah," I look straight into his eyes, "Wake up."

"I am awake, that's why I could see why you're wearing Yi Xing's clothes," He takes a deep breathe as his lips go down and lightly touch my jaw.

"I'm absolutely not wearing Yi Xing's clothes and you need to get off of me so you'd wake up. Suho! SUHO!" I shout as loud as I could, pushing Jongin's chest with my hands so that he would get off of me. To my luck, which I had none at all, he took my wrists into his hands and held them tightly. As he did that, his free hand went to my back and brought me closer to him. My face was now on his chest, arms on his neck, legs around his waist, while he walked out to of the room.

"Yah, Kim Jongin! What was all of that fuss about this morning! Didn't I tell you to keep your act together?"

"Shut up, Suho hyung."

"That's not a way to talk to your hyung!" Suho quickened his pace as Jongin was walking towards the door. I opened my eyes to see all of the members shake their heads in disappointment. Why was Jonging acting this way? I have to get to the bottom of this!

"I don't care if you're my hyung! I'm going to set this straight for the record!" 

"Look Jongin, just because she looks like her doesn't mean you can act like this!" Jongin stopped in his steps, looking straight at the leader.

"Don't even try. Not now, especially not now," he walked straight out of the door, not forgetting to take my shoes as he did so. My eyes squinted by the amont of light the sun gave off. Ahh, it's such a nice morning, but my morning seems like an endless nightmare today. Jongin swinged the door open to Exo-m's dorm and screamed out:

"YI XING! Get your out here!" I, on the other hand, clinged on Jongin like my life depended on it. His arms were still wrapped at my waist, and he didn't seem to care that my face was getting redder by each second.

"Jongin! What are you doing to her? Let go of her this instant!"

"No!" Gosh, can he get anymore selfish than this?

"Jongin, you're scaring her. Let go of her," Luhan rushes to my side, along with Tao. 


"Jongin!" His voice gets higher with anger. I could feel imaginary daggers being thrown at the two of us. Oh great, the first day of the job and everyone seems to be caught up with some stupid drama.

"Gu-guys? Can we all just eat some breakfast and get ready for practice?" I squek out, hoping that someone would listen to me.

"She's right. Jongin go back to the dorm and eat something. Don't you dare ruin a day just because of some memory," I could hear Yi Xing's voice over the boiling kettle.

"Fine. But I'm taking her with me."


Oh boy, this sure is going to be one bumpy ride.

A/N: OH HO Ho~~drama occurred in the house of Exo...what shall ever happen? Why is Kai acting this way and who exactly is the her that Suho mentioned earlier? More to come later^^

I hope everyone's enjoying this story~I'll try to put more Taoris in there as much as I can^^ I know, I haven't really added them in here much, but they will be:) I promise you!! Ohmygod, have you guys seen that gif up up there? That gif...ahhh so y~~hahaha

I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors!

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Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS
OMG Chanyeol is so cute >.<
I Looove bacon LOL
shineendbigbang4ever #3
HAHah Hoya! Jong in is so sweet :)
Bliss_Destiny #4
He totally forgot to tell her
shineendbigbang4ever #5
I wish I was sori. I would love to cling on to Kai like a koala:)
I wish I was sori. ㅋㅋㅋ lucky ked~
Bliss_Destiny #7
Ahahahhahahaha!! I wann be Sori!!
Bliss_Destiny #8
TaoRis is reaaaaaaaalllllllll