10-Small Kisses

Is This The Reality I Wanted?!


Sori POV

“Tell me EVERYTHING, details! I need every single detail from what he was wearing, how he reacting, what you guys talked about, how the fo-“

“Hwa, you’re dragging your sentences again,” I quickly say, taking off each fabric one by one. Even though I hinted her to stop, she kept babbling about what she wanted to hear. By the time she finished talking (which was like for ten minutes), I was already in my comfortable pajamas. This girl sure can talk forever.

“Did you kiss?”

“What?!” I slipped on the carpet, landing face-flat onto the floor.

“I asked if you kissed!” I stayed silent, my face heating up with a deep red color. I was hoping she wouldn’t ask that.


 After dinner, we decided to watch a movie. Even though the movie was on, we didn’t exactly pay attention to it. Instead, we talked more. He told me what he wanted to do in the future, his career, things he liked and disliked. Hoya asked me the same questions too, and about what I look in a guy.

“What I look in a guy? Well, I think if he’s sweet, helpful, funny, and if I feel comfortable around the guy, I think I like him.”

“Are you comfortable around me?” He smiled, fingers lingering on my lace-covered arm. His eyes stared deeply into mine with curiosity. Gosh, do I have to answer that?

“I uh…” I could feel myself blush a little, “Of course I feel comfortable around you! If I wouldn’t, would I be here?” Wheew, that was a nice save.

“I guess you’re right,” he chuckled, “I like being around you too.”

“Wha-“ and he kissed me gently on my cheeks. It felt different from the last time he kissed me. This time it made me feel fluffy in the inside, like I could reach out and touch the stars.

~Flashback End~

“So something did happen!” I snapped back to reality, hearing Hwa’s voice once again. She was lying on her belly in front of me, her head sitting on top of her hands.

“Not exactly; it’s not something to make a huge deal out of, okay?” I sit back up, taking a cushion into my arms.

“Oh, don’t tell me: he kissed you on the cheek?”
“How’d you know?”

“Girl, the last time you went on a date, the guy did the exact same thing! You need to step up your game or you’re not going to get a boyfriend for a few more years. How long has it been? Five years? Twenty-one years?”

“Three years! It’s not that bad, okay? I have to focus on assisting EXO and study about…stuff. Can we just forget about all of this today and call it a night?”

“Okay okay, but I’m not going to let you go about this!”

“I didn’t think you were going to!”


I woke up with a loud bang at the door. The whole floor shook with the force of the knocks, making me fall off balance as I walked towards the door. Hwa, on the other hand, was sleeping peacefully on top of various magazines. Sheesh, I swear she’d be asleep even if the world was ending.

“Noona! We’re going to go on our schedule,” Tao smiled cheerfully, squeezing my hand in glee. Aww, how cute can he get?

“Then let me get dressed, it’ll only take a few minutes so ju-“

“No, you are going to stay with Chanyeol for the day,” Kris cut my sentence off, glaring at me. I’m guessing he’s not a morning person.

“WuFan, be nice to her! Just because you’re grumpy doesn’t mean you have to spread it,” Tao jerked his head towards WuFan, earning a soft ‘sorry baby’ from him.

“Chanyeol? Is he sick?”

“No, he just had eye surgery and he shouldn’t be going outside for a couple days. Stay with him and take care of him, alright? Now if you’ll excuse us, Tao and I have to get going. There’s a ‘To-Do List’ on the table, I expect you to finish all of it by the time we come back.”

“Yah, you’re not the boss of me!”

“Oh, but those are manager’s words and you wouldn’t want to not get paid, right?” He’s right. I need to get my over there and do everything. *sigh* the life of an assistant, isn’t all fun and games.

A/N: Just another short update^^ Keep writing your wonderful comments, I love reading them! If you have any ideas, just message me!

On another note, I want to give a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has been subscribed to me! I welcome all<3

Lastly, I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors:)


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Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS
OMG Chanyeol is so cute >.<
I Looove bacon LOL
shineendbigbang4ever #3
HAHah Hoya! Jong in is so sweet :)
Bliss_Destiny #4
He totally forgot to tell her
shineendbigbang4ever #5
I wish I was sori. I would love to cling on to Kai like a koala:)
I wish I was sori. ㅋㅋㅋ lucky ked~
Bliss_Destiny #7
Ahahahhahahaha!! I wann be Sori!!
Bliss_Destiny #8
TaoRis is reaaaaaaaalllllllll