1-To Great Beginnings...or not.

Is This The Reality I Wanted?!

"This place is such a dump, how do you expect me to live here?" I drop the brown box onto the floor, eyeing the various shaped boxes and suitcases that were piled on top of each other. I looked over to my brother, Seungri, who stared back at me with his panda eyes.

"What do you exactly mean by dump? It's clean, simple, it has a nice view, great air conditioning, it's near the city, and you're not even close to the highway. What's not to love about it?" Seungri pouted.

"It's not the dorm! I miss Jiyoung, Seunghyun, Youngbae, Daesung, and living with you! It won't be the same!"

"Stop over reacting and what's with the unformal speech, huh? Aren't you supposed to call us oppa?" I gave him the don't-even-go-there look, making him roll his eyes around and around.

"Seungri, I'm only a year younger than you," I stuck out my tongue, earning a playful smack on my head.

"Aish, relax~" He cooed, "If it helps, you'll be living near a few of your favorite idols. Doesn't that sound great?"
"Oh gosh, please don't let it be Girls' Generation."

"What's so wrong with them?"

"Nothing's wrong with them! I love them; it's you that's what's wrong."

"Hey, don't be like that! Nothing's wrong with enjoying their long legs and slender bodies," Seungri joked as he opened up boxes and chucked out the items inside, "Come on though, hurry up and unpack the boxes. I have one hour left until I have to go; I'm spending my precious time with you to help you out until then," I groan in response as I scatter about the house to organize this place. If I wasn't found out by YG Papa that I was living at Big Bang's dorm, none of this would've happened. If Seungri kept his big mouth shut, then I could've stayed there until I found a job so I could get my own place. This , so much.

"Will you stop holding personal grudges on me, Sori-ah? I know this is tough, but you had to do it at some point. The good side is that I'm paying half of the rent," Seungri came up to me, patting my back as I placed things at their rightful place.

"Half? What do you mean half? You're not paying all of it?" My ears shot up once the conversation turned towards money. Money is everything, you know?

"Don't get mad! I'm making a motivation for you so that you'd go out and get a job! Isn't that what you've been wanting for a while? If anything counts, I got you newspaper articles and flyers for job interviews; they're not that hard to get together."

"You can say that because you're a big singer, Seungri."

"I achieved that by working hard, Sori-ah. If you work hard, you'll get what you want." I wonder if that means if I work hard, I could go out with my idol. He is so beautiful, I'm not even joking. His hair is perfect, his singing is perfect, everything about him is just perfect. It's no wonder all the girls go wild when they hear his voice; it's perfect. Ahh, when will I ever get to see Kris and Tao? Kris's voice is perfect and Tao is just amazing. I wish I get to go to their concert one day!

"Well I have to get going, it's been one hour already," Seungri spoke out all of a sudden. I turned to the clock that was nailed onto the wall. To my surprise it was already one hour after five.

"Ahh, arasso. Have fun! Eat well, sleep well, and tell the other members I said hello!" I managed to say all of that before he closed the door on me.


After Seungri left, I stood alone in my apartment room. The walls of the house were painted white with white carpeting. It matched my white furniture, which is good. You could say that white paint just exploded all over the place. The only thing not white was a caramel colored table that was centered on the floor in front of the couch with a small, black television on it. It was simple, just like how Seungri said. To the left of the house was a kitchen and to the right of the house was a door that connected to a hall way. On the right side of the hallway was the bedroom, on the left was the wash room used for...washing. Well, both rooms had doors before you could actually go into the bedroom or the washroom which is good...because if there was no door, that'd be weird. Oh god, I'm talking weird. Am I weird? Cause I'm pretty sure what I said was weird.

Speaking of weird, what the heck was Seungri talking about when he said favorite idols? I hope he was joking when he said Girls' Generation. If he wasn't, he'd be always around. I love him, but I want to be more independent.

Eh, whatever. I should probably go and greet my neighbors so they don't mistake the room for someone else's room. I take a box of chocolate from my bag and stepped out of the house. Don't even get me started on the chocolate! Whenever I'd go to YG practice's, everyone asked me if I had chocolate so I got a habit of having chocolate with me wherever I go. Yesterday was my last day there so instead of giving out chocolate, I got chocolate. Apparently, they all got it by pitching in money. They are so wonderful to me. Gosh, I'm going to miss TOP running towards me with open arms just for chocolate...then again he needs to lose some weight.

I walk out of my house and take a few steps to the door next to mine. I was about to knock until I heard a loud bang and a person . Wait, ? Do tell me that person's doing that out of pain and not out of...pleasure. I'm seriously sure that people wouldn't moan because they were hit. Unless it was Kris doing that to Tao or Kris doing that to someone or Tao doing that to someone...Oh gosh, am I becoming erted because of them? I can't help it though, they're so hot!

Anywway, I take a few more steps until I was right in front of their door.

"Hello? Is anybody here? I'm new and I wan-oh!" The door crept open as soon as I knocked it, allowing me to take a peek inside.

"I heard a loud bang and I just wanted to make sure you're okay!" I shouted out, but there was still no answer. Time to pull out the old candy attack.

"I have chocolate," I sang out to the awkward silence.

"Chocolate?" I hear a high pitched shriek from the other side of the room, footsteps bolting closer to me.

"Not again, Tao~" I hear another voice. This time it was a little more deep. More rough, I should say. Wait, did this guy say Tao? Tao as in EXO's Tao? My hand had the box of chocolate stretched out in the open while my eyes bulged out in sheer surprise by what I saw.

It was Tao.

Without a shirt on.

With messy, jet black hair that was poking out in all sorts of places, making him look y, but at the same time he looked so delighted at the sight of chocolate, making him look like a little boy.

"Hi, is this for us? I'm Tao, by the way, what's your name?" He reached out for the box, but quickly pouted as I clutched it to my chest.

"Who is this?" A figure with equally messy, blonde hair and no shirt came into view, hugging Tao from behind and snuggled his chin into the crook of the younger's neck.

"I think she's our new neightbor, but she's being weird! She lured me with chocolate and she's not giving me any! She ruined our y time, Kris!"

"That's too bad, honey, but we should bring her in. Would you like that, miss..." I gasped as I realized who they were! They're...they're...

"TAORIS!" I blurted out, wide eyed and loud mouthed. Great, the whole neighborhood, especially my two favorite idols that I love to death, probably thinks I'm crazy. Before I could say anymore, I felt my mouth being sealed with something. Ew, tastes like salt. Ew, doesn't mean that the thing that's over my mouth is a hand? Ugh, why are you pushing me inside the house? Furthermore, why are you pushing me into the arms of Taoris? Who in the world are these people who are behind me? Please don't tell me it's their manager and it's the other members!

Oh, the joys of moving into a new home.

A/N: I know, it was kind of boring in the beginning, but the end of this chapter is pretty good, right?

So anyway, the main characters in the story are Exo and a girl named Sori. I couldn't really think of any other Korean girl name so I just kind of chose that name. Hope that that's okay^^ Seungri is her older brother, hope that's okay too~he was the first one to pop up in my mind~

Yay, Taoris is introduced to the story~yayy~^^ Oh, by the way, if you haven't checked out my other fic, please try to read it! It's almost over, but if you have time, please check it out~:)

I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors!

Comments are welcome and don't forget to subscribe~~:3


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Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS
OMG Chanyeol is so cute >.<
I Looove bacon LOL
shineendbigbang4ever #3
HAHah Hoya! Jong in is so sweet :)
Bliss_Destiny #4
He totally forgot to tell her
shineendbigbang4ever #5
I wish I was sori. I would love to cling on to Kai like a koala:)
I wish I was sori. ㅋㅋㅋ lucky ked~
Bliss_Destiny #7
Ahahahhahahaha!! I wann be Sori!!
Bliss_Destiny #8
TaoRis is reaaaaaaaalllllllll