
My Boyfriend Got Married


You were right. Yonghwa did go under a lot of backlash and trouble after what had happened.

“Honey, I’m home.” Yonghwa called, as you heard him heaved a heavy sigh and noisily let himself flopped down the couch.

You had been keeping up with the internet articles and what not about it, and you can’t say you can ignore them anymore.

“Hey, you’ve been reading those things again,” Yonghwa said, as he saw you made your way towards him, your eyebrows furrowed in concern.

“Come here, baby.” He pulled you gently to his arms and settled you on his lap.

“Listen here, why do you think the management didn’t even try covering it up?” He asked you.

“Um.. because it was out of hand already?” You answered, biting your lips.

“No. Because they’re okay with it. They have no problems with our relationship. Baby, our boss isn’t that cruel. Apparently, he found out through the managers and staff that we’ve been going out since way long ago. And,” he cleared his throat. “also what had happened during those We Got Married days. He says he deeply apologized for everything. If he did know about it earlier, he said he would’ve send Jonghyun or Jungshin.”

You giggled a little. You cannot imagine Jonghyun or Jungshin in a show like that. But, hey, it would be refreshing to watch them all flustered and shy around girls.

“So, don’t worry okay.”

You nodded slowly. But still, you just can’t help worry for him. What if fans wouldn’t like him anymore? You knew that YongSeo fans didn’t like you, hated you, in fact.

“Ah, right. Jonghyun called. I’m going to meet him later at around 7pm, okay?” You jumped off Yonghwa’s lap and playfully batted your eyelashes at him.

“Yah! I just got home, and you’re leaving.” Yonghwa pouted.

“Aw, oppa. You know Jonghyun has been teaching me play guitar since… Well, since you know,” You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. That specific event in both your lives is still very uncomfortable to talk about.

“I can just teach you instead,” Yonghwa insisted, as he rubbed your arms in his warm hands.

“Aw, but I promised already. Plus we visit those kids in the hospital and teach them to play too!” you told him. Jonghyun’s your friend, and he helped you get through that rough patch in yours and Yonghwa’s relationship. You’re not just going to ditch him because you and Yonghwa had made up.

“Fine! I’ll just be here.” Yonghwa crossed his arms like a little school boy deprived of his toy robot. You laughed at his face pouting.

“Yeah, we’ll be really quick, plus if you behave, you’ll get a reward when I get back.” You winked at him.

His eyes widened and shook his head at you, completely flabbergasted.

“Can you just not go today?” He whined. You laughed at his distress. He surely became overly clingy, but you still love him nonetheless.

“Aigoo. Our big baby, eomma and appa will give Yonghwa aegi a gift later when they return,” You .

“Yah! How come Jonghyun gets to be the appa! I don’t want to! You’re mine, and only mine!” Yonghwa hugged you tightly.

“Okay okay, I get it. I was just teasing you.” You stuck out a tongue at him.

He let you go half heartedly, but you know that he’ll be accepting and more understanding of the new you, and your special friendship with Jonghyun. He was no longer ‘married’. Over time, that short rough patch was all healed and forgiven. It’s perfectly okay for you if Yonghwa and Seohyun meets up, or even become friends. Because over that rough patch, you know that yours and Yonghwa’s relationship has gotten better and stronger.



a/n: Ack! okay *bows down* I think I totally just failed at the Epilogue one. I didn't know whether I'd make you guys wait any longer by rewriting everything/thinking of another way to end it.. or just go with the original one and post it. huhu Nonetheless, here it is~~ a really short one!

Anyway, thank you guys for the really nice feedbacks. You guys are the best!!!! :D

P.S. Please don't hate me that I've put Jonghyun in the friendzone >.< haha He's your special friend, and think of it as Yonghwa's little punishment, haha, since he'd be like a little green monster everytime you'd spend time with Jonghyun, but couldn't say anything about it. LOL ^^

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hey,everyone,^^ im rly sorry for the lack of updates. after im done with my thesis (1st wk october) i'm free alrdy.. sorry


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Chapter 8: Jonghyun!!!!!! ^.^ ♥
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww..It would've been better if she ended up with Jonghyun. :) ♥♡♥
Chapter 5: I admire her patience. Really. O.O
Chapter 4: OMg....Yonghwa! How could you!
Chapter 2: Awwww.....Can't it be Jonghyun instead? -.-
Chapter 1: I'm a Jonghyun biased. XD But, ofcourse....I heart them all! ♥♥♥
SyneBlue #7
You wrote this story a while ago, but I just found it and read it all in one go. I really, really loved it. :D
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 8: Aigooo they are too cute together. .. This story kinda reminds me of something I went through apart from him being an idol of course. I feel like I can relate
I can honestly say that I luved reading ur story and i hope u continue to write stories this amazing
Keep up the good work <3 :)
KimJonghyunx #9
Chapter 7: Yes they are finally bak. That god damn y yonghwa.. finally realised what he needed all along was you and not any other girl
Stars2Heaven #10
Chapter 8: I loved this! Please make another one!