No more next time

My Boyfriend Got Married

*italics are flashbacks


Chapter 6

Your head was lying unconsciously on Minhyuk’s shoulders. The boys were watching a re-run of a drama on their dorm’s living room. Minhyuk had let you borrow his shoulders, while Jungshin had sat near your knees, keeping a quiet but comforting company. The two have just witnessed you crying in Jonghyun’s arms when they both arrived from the office. They didn’t need to ask: they knew their Yonghwa hyung has something to do with their pretty noona crying her eyes out.

And Jonghyun, well, he’s on the hallway near the entrance door, pacing up and down. The younger members have never seen him so serious and so angry before.

He’s furious. He’s enraged. It’s already close to 2am and Yonghwa’s still not back yet.

Apparently, when you had called Yonghwa and “he” picked up, you knew that there’s something wrong.

“Hello? Yonghwa!” You cried over the phone. You and Jonghyun have been trying to call him for the nth time.

“Hello?” A girl answered. A voice that you didn’t seem to put your finger on who it was. But you knew it wasn’t Seohyun.

“Um.. Hello? Who is this?” You asked. You heard shuffling of hands, as if the mobile phone was being pushed in another’s hand. You heard a lot of girly giggling.

You tried pushing that gnawing feeling inside.

“Hello? Yonghwa oppa?” you tried again. But the man’s voice on the other end of the line still wasn’t Yonghwa’s.

“Uh, hello? Is this his manager?” The other line said. You didn’t answer. The reception sounded noisy you can barely hear what he was saying.

“This SNSD’s manager. I believe he didn’t have any schedule today, right? Well, as SNSD’s Manager, I’m asking permission on Yonghwa’s behalf. The girls wanted a night out, and since Yonghwa had paid Seohyun here a visit,”

It was the last straw. How could he visit Seohyun on their special day?

You covered your mouth to refrain from sobbing.

“We’re taking Seohyun with us. I promise not to let him get drunk.” The manager chuckled light heartedly.

“Hello?” He said when you didn’t utter anything.


You didn’t know what to think anymore. Did he plan this all along? Maybe this is your own fault. You knew where he was heading, but you let him go anyway. You knew he’s probably growing feelings for Seohyun, but you didn’t do anything to stop it.

You end that call without uttering any goodbye. You’ve never felt so humiliated and heartbroken. But no. Even at time like this, you needed to reason. Maybe he’s just caught up with something. You need to trust him. There’s no way Yonghwa would forget about you and ditch you…. For Seohyun. You know that he’d find a way to leave that so-called party and get back to you. You know Yonghwa would do that, for you.

Jonghyun had turned his head around, and gaze at you as you shifted and scooted closer towards Minhyuk, trying to gain more warmth. He ran his hand through his dishevelled hair. He still can’t believe Yonghwa would do something like that. Jonghyun remembered yours and Yonghwa’s 3rd anniversary. Minhyuk and Jungshin did. It just wouldn’t make sense if Yonghwa had suddenly forgot about it.

Suddenly he met Minhyuk’s stares.

“Hyung, do you think we should carry noona towards hyung’s room?” He whispered, as he now put his arms around your shoulders. Minhyuk adjusted your shear shawl that covers your bare shoulders. But just as he put his arms around your shoulders, the front door beeped open.

Everyone in the room held their breath, except of course, you, who was still fast asleep.

Yonghwa’s piercing gaze immediately fell towards you, who were safely tucked under Minhyuk’s arms. The poor maknae shifted in his seat, not enjoying his hyung’s piercing gaze at him.

“H-hyung. I was just about to carry n-noona to your room.” He said.

Yonghwa drank in your appearance. You were still in your black dress that you had prepared so much, the curls in your hair was starting to loosen up, and hung flawlessly across your shoulders and your heaving chest., your legs was folded neatly on your side, and the boys were kind enough to cover your bare legs with a blanket.

But Yonghwa still scowled. He’s not usually the jealous type, but he just dislikes you being close with another male while dressed up like that.

Minhyuk suddenly got on his feet, as Yongwa advanced to them. Jonghyun grabbed his arm. Your eyes flew open when you felt Minhyuk’s sudden gesture, and your eyes finally landed on Yonghwa’s. You suddenly have the urge to cry your eyes out again.

You weakly reached out for him, but he stood on his ground. Jungshin and Minhyuk muttered their goodnights and scurried out of the room, but not before giving you and Yonghwa a worried look.

“Where were you?” Jonghyun was the first one to break the tension.

“Why are you still here?” Yonghwa asked you quietly, ignoring Jonghyun’s question.

“It’s late already. Did you stay here to wait for me?” He continued.

You gaped at him. Every word that comes out of his mouth feels like daggers shooting through you.

“I… I was worried. And I thought you might come home early.” You whispered. Tears were stinging your eyes, threatening to fall anytime soon.

“Dressed like that?” He shot, running his eyes on your exposed skin. You looked down and as if for the first time you looked through what you were wearing.


“Go home. I’m tired.” Yonghwa suddenly said, as he started walking part through you.

“Yah!” Jonghyun yelled, stopping him.

Yonghwa’s glared at him. He didn’t know why he’s acting this way. Is it because he’s really tired? Or was it the fact that you put an effort to dress up nicely, exaggeratedly nice, just to wait up for him, and spend the whole time with his band members?

“Next time when you decided to hang out in the dorm, make sure you dress appropriately.” Yonghwa spat out.

You turned your head at him, gaping, as if he had finally punched you hard in the stomach. He forgot. He really forgot. Bu before you could even utter anything, a tear rolled down your cheeks.

“You jerk!” Jonghyun yelled as he grabbed his hyung’s collar. He couldn’t care anymore that he’s crossing his boundaries. “She dressed up nicely for you! You have no idea how long she waited for you! You bastard! She believed in you until the last minute, that you’ll still come home to her for your third anniversary!”

Yonghwa’s eyes finally widened in recognition.

“!”  He mentally cursed. He slowly turned back towards you, but Jonghyun beat him to it.

“Yah,” Jonghyun gently gripped your arm. You were staggering towards the front door. You couldn’t do this anymore. Yonghwa had damaged you enough. You needed time to think if you still can do this. You know that you could handle well if this is just about Seohyun, but the way he disses you, the way his sputter his words at you in disgust, is he even the same Yonghwa you knew?

“Don’t worry, there will be no next time,” You whispered through your tears.

Jonghyun swallowed an imaginary lump on his throat. He feels so angry at his hyung. And this isn’t about Seohyun anymore. He had seen you suffer so much, and you didn’t deserve it one bit. You gave your whole trust on him, but Yonghwa just have to throw it all away.

You dared gaze up, only to meet Yonghwa’s panic and guilty eyes, as if he just remembered it. He made a move towards you, but you shook your head.

“I’ll be fine, Jonghyun.” You told him, but he wouldn’t let you go. He knew better than to let you go 3am.

“No! At least let me drive you home safely.” He insisted. You looked up at Yonghwa again. His eyes hardened at Jonghyun’s offer. You knew that he didn’t like it, but he didn’t even made any effort to offer you to take you home.

“I’ll be fine.” You firmly pried his hands off you and took off before he can even chase you.

You just wanted to be alone right now.




a/n: Short update! sorry! I might update again tomorrow, or in a few hours. Depending if I finish writing the next chapter. I'm halfway through it already. Not proof read >< My head is pounding so hard, and I don't know why TT_TT

Anyway, please do leave a feedback :")

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hey,everyone,^^ im rly sorry for the lack of updates. after im done with my thesis (1st wk october) i'm free alrdy.. sorry


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Chapter 8: Jonghyun!!!!!! ^.^ ♥
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww..It would've been better if she ended up with Jonghyun. :) ♥♡♥
Chapter 5: I admire her patience. Really. O.O
Chapter 4: OMg....Yonghwa! How could you!
Chapter 2: Awwww.....Can't it be Jonghyun instead? -.-
Chapter 1: I'm a Jonghyun biased. XD But, ofcourse....I heart them all! ♥♥♥
SyneBlue #7
You wrote this story a while ago, but I just found it and read it all in one go. I really, really loved it. :D
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 8: Aigooo they are too cute together. .. This story kinda reminds me of something I went through apart from him being an idol of course. I feel like I can relate
I can honestly say that I luved reading ur story and i hope u continue to write stories this amazing
Keep up the good work <3 :)
KimJonghyunx #9
Chapter 7: Yes they are finally bak. That god damn y yonghwa.. finally realised what he needed all along was you and not any other girl
Stars2Heaven #10
Chapter 8: I loved this! Please make another one!