To whom was that song really dedicated to?

My Boyfriend Got Married


While waiting for the food and while Hyunseung was fretting over your soaked clothes, and his too, you were bombarding Yonghwa’s inbox with congratulatory messages, saying he did great and awesome, and his couple stage with Seohyun was really superb. Of course, until the end, you try to push away that tiny hurt feeling inside you. You were already feeling guilty by having those tiny hurt and jealous feelings.

Hyunseung chose not to say anything about it, and was busy nagging you to dry yourself before he finally settled in fiddling with his phone.

You don’t mind silences with Hyunseung like this, and he doesn’t too. There are no awkward silences with good friends.

From: Lee Jonghyun 10:27PM

“Hey where are you! Why didn’t you come see us?! We’re having dinner now. With SNSD girls! x_x damn it. If you came to see us, I could’ve get away from here and just say I’ll eat with a friend! Or friends! LOL You were with someone, right?”


From: Yonghwa ♥ 10:28PM

I can’t call right now. We’re with the managers and other idol groups.


From: Lee Jonghyun 10:30PM

Oh god. This is torture. Until offscreen, why must they pretend to be a couple?! Anyway, don’t think weirdly. It’s because some YongSeo fans are still here, watching their every move.


Suddenly you jumped up at the loud screaming and cheering coming from the far second floor of the restaurant.

“What was that?” You asked, frowning.

“Beats me.” Hyunseung just said and went back to texting.


From: Yonghwa ♥ 10:35PM

WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!!? I TOLD YOU DON’T CALL ME! I’LL CALL YOU. Don’t make me shut off my phone now.


Your eyes grew wide. You were shocked reading Yonghwa’s angry text message at you. You didn’t call him! Why is he so angry?

You checked your call logs, and true enough, you just made a call towards him. But it must be accidental, when you were surprised by the loud screaming.


You decided to lock your phone and dropped it inside your bag.

“What’s the problem?” Hyunseung asked, seeing your crest fallen face.

“Nothing.” You forced a smile, and just on time, your food arrived. You can just focus on eating and nothing else.


Yonghwa didn’t call you that night. And the following night.

You didn’t go to work that day, since you’re still recovering from the colds you got from the concert. So were stuck at home and has nothing to do but watch TV. And just right on timing, it’s a variety show where Yonghwa is guesting. His being coupled with Seohyun is one of the hottest topics everywhere, so it’s normal that he receives questions about it.You were deciding wether to just turn off the TV or not. But another side of you reminded you that these things used to not bother you. Their We Got Married means nothing. It’s all for entertainment purposes.

“So tell us about this song you composed titled Lovelight,” The MC said. Immediately, the audience roared in response and Yonghwa’s boyish grin was focused. You can’t help feeling those familiar fluttering of butterflies again in your stomach.


“Baby, come here.” Yonghwa called you. You were playing ‘Catch Fish’ with Minhyuk in the corner, when Yonghwa called you. He was busy composing a song for their next album.

“Listen to this.” He put on the headset over your head and his sweet boyish voice seeped through your heart and soul.

When i look at you my face gets red
when i see you my heart goes thump thump
i talk with shyness like a kid
when i look at you i just smile out of nowhere
like a fool I keep doing that
I think love came to me

you’re a darling
you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky
the shining thing deep inside my heart
my own love light

i love you darling
give me light next to me whenever
every night i look at you
and you’re beautiful even when i look at you
you’re my love light.


“Wow~” You breathed. He smiled expectantly.

“How was it?” He asked you, reaching to you so he can have you in his arms.

“It’s perfect!!” You exclaimed excitedly.

“It's not yet done. But do you know to whom I wrote that song for?” He whispered, his lips touching your ears, tickling you.

You giggled and shook your head, making his lips crushed against the side of your face.

“Eeww get a room, you two!! You’re scaring off my fishes!” Minhyuk wailed as he stomped off the room, bringing the large basin full of fish toys swimming around.

You and Yonghwa just chuckled at the maknae’s reaction as he tickled you harder.

“I love you so much,” he told you.

“I love you too,”



“Ah before that, sing us a few lines of the song,” The female MC insisted. Yonghwa was given his guitar, and right there, he started serenading the whole studio, finishing it charmingly and lovely.

“Yonghwa-sshi. So on this episode you told everyone that you wrote the lyrics for this song,” the MC said.

“Neh, that’s right.” Yonghwa answered promptly. You smiled too, as you snuggled with your blanket.

“So, will you…” The MC gestured for him to start talking.

“Well, Seohyun was asking whether I wrote that song for my first love,” He started, making the audience hoot in response. “Well, it’s true. It’s for my first love.” He beamed.

“Obviously, the lyrics had given it all,” one of the MC had said.

Yonghwa laughed again, looking all shy and red-handed.

“So you wrote it for….”

“I’m embarrassed to say this now, but I can’t help thinking about the things Seohyun and I did while writing this song,” He stated.

You gaped, and did a double take. W-what?

“Ohhhh, how romantic!” The female MC said.

“She asked me about it too. I guess I made it too obvious,” Yonghwa laughed, making the whole audience laugh with him.

You quickly reached for the remote control and shut your TV off.

You blinked, and as much as it was painful, you swallowed hard.

It’s your song. Yonghwa wrote it for you. He told you it was for you. He used to sing it to you and would always say it’s only meant for you.

You blinked back tears, as you repeated told yourself this was just for the show.

But it’s a song dedicated to you. It was the song Yonghwa told you he had wrote exactly what he feels towards you. It’s supposed to be yours. He promised you.

But he just announced the whole world that it’s Seohyun’s.


You decided to sleep the day, and just forget about that betrayed and hurt feeling you have. You turned off your phone, not wanting to be disturbed from your sleep, and hopefully, you’ll feel less hurt when you wake up. You also made sure to put on the lock latch on your door, so anyone who have spare key on your apartment won’t be able to enter too.

Well, the only ones who have spare key on your apartment are Yonghwa and your mom. And there’s no way Yongwa would come now. Why would he? He didn’t call you or text you for the past 2 days already.

Unknowingly, you cried yourself to sleep. It’s the only way to relieve what you were feeling.


You didn’t know how many hours you were asleep, but you were woken up by the loud banging on your door. You dragged yourself towards the hallway and the front door. The banging was becoming angry and louder. And so was the pounding in your head. A fever is coming up now.

“Who’s there?” You faintly called out. You were so out of it, that you didn’t even checked the intercom, but just unlatched the hook and weakly turned the knob.


Yonghwa’s angry shouts almost knocked you down. It’s not even helping your severe headache right now.

“WHERE WERE YOU! I’VE BEEN HERE FOR 1 FRIGGIN HOUR!” He  continued yelling as he pushed his way past in.

He waited for you to close the door, which you did silently. You faced him, and he was fuming.

“I’ve been calling your goddamn phone and you turned it off! What’s with you?!” He bellowed.

You winced, and clutched your head, and flopped down the couch.

“Don’t even dare act like you’re si---“

Yonghwa halted when he grabbed your arm. You let him pulled up, having no energy left. He was shocked. You were burning hot under his touch.

“YAH! YOU’RE FIRING UP!” He suddenly said in a panic. He carried you in a bridal style, almost dropping you in the process, since you were too hot, and gently placed you back on your bed.

“Aish! You didn’t even call me, at least keep your phone on, for goodness sake!” Yonghwa continuously nagged. “How long have you been like this?!”

You just groaned in response.

Despite having your eyes closed, you can feel Yonghwa’s hands trembling in anxiety as he put on a wet towel on your forehead to release some heat.

Deep in his heart, he knows that you probably got the fever from that concert day. And he feels responsible for it. But remembering that day, seeing you with Hyunseung, he feels like his jealousy is eating him alive.

Yonghwa watched your breathing steadied, as you slowly being lulled to sleep. He knew that he purposedly didn’t reply your messages nor calls. He knew he’s acting wrong and unreasonable, wanting you to chase him, but it’s his way of telling you that he didn’t like Hyunseung with you. Well, he missed you too, but just that lately, he’s been busy to even feel it himself.

He closed his eyes for a bit, to rest his eyes and mind from over thinking. How could he think you’re cheating on him? You’re the most patient girlfriend he ever has. Maybe it’s just him trying to justify everything. Maybe it’s just his way of trying to ease his guilt feelings.

Yonghwa didn’t know how long he has been dozing off, but he shook awake when he heard his mobile phone ringing shrilly. His eyes met with yours. You just woke up and saw him sleeping beside you, while sitting up straight. You wanted to tell him to lie down beside you, but his mobile phone cut him off.

Yongwa felt your forehead first, before leaning down to kiss it, and off to answer his call. It was his manager again.

You watched as his face contort in seriousness, followed by irritation. You sighed. You know that look. He’s being summoned to their company office again.

But once he got off the phone, he didn’t say anything else but, “How are you feeling?”

You gave him a meek smile. He looked like he was weighing down whether to tell you that he needs to leave or just… Well, he really needs to leave.

You reached for his hand, and looked straight in to his eyes.

“Oppa, its okay.” You told him. He looked up at you, fully knowing what you meant. He was here to nag at you for going out with Hyunseung, but in the end, he’s always the one who’d leave you. Actually, if it weren’t for Hyunseung, you’d be all alone going to Incheon, and that no one would look after you in that heavy rain.

“I-I’ll just call Jonghyun,” He said, fidgeting with his mobile phone. You nodded, watching him as he made the call.

“He’ll be here in 30 minutes. I’m really sorry, babe,” he said, your hair.
“It’s okay,” You assured him. Although you felt bad that he has to leave again, you were almost wishing the two of you would fall in a petty argument again, as long as he gets to stay.

“I love you,” He suddenly said, making all those butterflies in your stomach fluttering again.

“Me too,” You answered. He leaned down to kiss you on the lips.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you,” He said.

“Forgiven,” You told him, as you scoot on the side so he can lie down beside you.

He settled down beside you and wrapped his arms around you. He clucked his tongue in disapproval, still feeling you feverishly hot.

“You could’ve at least brought someone who could’ve taken care of you,” He said, referring to Hyunseung. You pouted in his chest. You know that he didn’t like your friend Hyunseung, but you thought Hyunseung did actually take good care of you.

“Oppa, Hyunseung oppa is a good friend. But he’s just my friend. I don’t understand why you don’t like him so much,” You told him.

“Well…” He hesitated. He knew that you’re saying was all true. And the basis for his jealousy was just too invalid.

You laughed lightly, knowing what was going through his mind right now.

“Oppa…” You started, drawing light circles on his chest.

He looked down at you, before kissing your forehead. “What is it?”

“H-how... How were you and Seohyun?” you blurted out. You didn’t know whether it was just you or you felt him stiffen.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

You didn’t know whether to tell him that you saw his variety show broadcast. You just can’t ask him about it again. The song he said he made for you. Did he really make it for you? Or he just said those things for the sake of the show?

“N-nothing.. I just—“

The door bell rang. Jonghyun has arrived.

“I’ll get it.” Yonghwa said, as he got up and jogged towards your hallway.

“Hey!” Jonghyun’s playful voice boomed in your room. You smiled weakly at him.

“Keep your voice down, she needs to rest.” Yonghwa scolded the younger one, but Jonghyun just laughed and apologized. The two of you really became close over time.

“I need to go now,” Yonghwa said, checking his wrist watch. He gazed at you apologetically.

“Where do you need to go, hyung?” Jonghyun asked.

“Office.” He sighed. “President wanted to discuss something.” Actually, the president wanted to discuss about their YongSeo couple. Apparently, it was a hit, not only in Korea, but also towards the overseas fans. They were about to discuss to level it up. But Yonghwa just can’t bring it up with you. He knew what you wanted to ask earlier.

“I’ll be back later, okay?” He promised you as he leaned down again to kiss you. You nodded, but not even hoping that he’d be back anymore.

Jonghyun saw the look on your face. Looks like you’ll finally do your share of talking when Yonghwa leaves.

Jonghyun listened intently as Yonghwa listed things that he needed to do for you. You felt bad for your new friend. He didn’t really need to do a lot of those things. You’re already grateful that he’ll be accompanying you in your lonely apartment.

The both of you didn’t say anything yet, as he changed the wet towel on your forehead. But once you both heard the front door banged close, Jonghyun perked up.

“So what’s up? Spill it out.” He said, and that did it. You burst out crying.


Jonghyun decided to observe Yonghwa for your sake. But of course, he didn’t tell you that he will. He just couldn’t bear seeing you cry. He knew you too well by now. You never have any reason to doubt Yonghwa. But he too, can’t understand why their leader had been unreadable for the past few days. As if he had been keeping secrets.

“Jonghyun-ah.” Yonghwa suddenly called him. The younger one blinked, and paused from retuning his guitar strings.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“How she feeling?” He asked. Jonghyun thought for a while, before realizing he was asking for you.

“Her fever had lowered. She was waiting for you, but you didn’t come back,” Jonghyun stated. He almost stayed the night in your apartment, but she insisted that she’ll just sleep and by tomorrow, she’ll all be better.

Yonghwa sighed. “I know.”

“What’s up hyung?”

“Seohyun. And her label company. They’re too enthusiastic in making everything look real.” He motioned towards the shopping bags on the floor. Jonghyun peered at them. He didn’t noticed them earlier. Or maybe he was just too absorbed in his own thoughts.

“Half of those are from fans. YongSeo fans. And half of them, our president and Seohyun’s company bought. All of those are couple stuff. Couple coat, iPad cases, bags, shoes, shirts, accessories, you name it, they all bought it.” He sighed, rubbing his temples.

“They even gave me and Seohyun couple guitar.” Yonghwa looked up at Jonghyun, afraid of how he’ll take things. It’s no secret how Jonghyun pursues Seohyun. And Yonghwa’s just not sure if Seohyun’s been telling Jonghyun about these things so he won’t misunderstand.

“You should tell her about these,” Jonghyun finally said, referring to you. Yonghwa sighed again.

“I know. I can’t even wear couple stuff with her. The only thing I bought for her was those couple rings, and I can’t even wear mine out on public,” Yonghwa threw his hands in frustration.

Jonghyun shook his head.

“Are you mad at me?”

“No,” Jonghyun truthfully answered. “But I think, instead of worrying about these things, you should check up on her from time to time,” Jonghyun just said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Just saying, hyung.” He said as he placed a firm hand on his hyung’s shoulder.



a/n: okay lousy chapter ending !! /criessss SORRY T__T aff is being weird. Been trying to update for the past hour D:

Comments please? ^^

a/n part 2: reup since AFF lost the latest updates? lol haha

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hey,everyone,^^ im rly sorry for the lack of updates. after im done with my thesis (1st wk october) i'm free alrdy.. sorry


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Chapter 8: Jonghyun!!!!!! ^.^ ♥
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww..It would've been better if she ended up with Jonghyun. :) ♥♡♥
Chapter 5: I admire her patience. Really. O.O
Chapter 4: OMg....Yonghwa! How could you!
Chapter 2: Awwww.....Can't it be Jonghyun instead? -.-
Chapter 1: I'm a Jonghyun biased. XD But, ofcourse....I heart them all! ♥♥♥
SyneBlue #7
You wrote this story a while ago, but I just found it and read it all in one go. I really, really loved it. :D
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 8: Aigooo they are too cute together. .. This story kinda reminds me of something I went through apart from him being an idol of course. I feel like I can relate
I can honestly say that I luved reading ur story and i hope u continue to write stories this amazing
Keep up the good work <3 :)
KimJonghyunx #9
Chapter 7: Yes they are finally bak. That god damn y yonghwa.. finally realised what he needed all along was you and not any other girl
Stars2Heaven #10
Chapter 8: I loved this! Please make another one!