Behind the Marriage

My Boyfriend Got Married


Contrary to many people’s thought, you were pretty excited for this season’s We Got Married. And it’s all because Yonghwa was chosen to be paired up with SNSD’s gorgeous maknae Seohyun. You’ve been a fan of SNSD for quite long already. Although you like Jessica the best, you still think Seohyun is just as pretty.

Yonghwa groaned as he tightened his grip around your waist.

You’ve just finished talking about what Seohyun likes or what her personality might be, basing from your own soshi knowledge.

“Don’t even dare try pulling that antics on her, the one you did to me when you first me. I swear, you’ll just make a really bad first impression of yourself,” You reminded him. You saw him smirked.

“Really, so I made a bad impression on you that time?” He playfully squeezed your waist. You cringed. That time you and Yonghwa first met, he can't stop blurting out the cheesiest and greasiest pick up lines.


“Hey... I feel like I’ve seen you already!” He said.

Your eyes widened. Really, this really good looking guy knows you? But you’ve never notice him before.

“Really? Erm…”

“But I forgot your name…” He chuckled before leaning over you. “Can I just call you mine?”


“Hey, but you really became mine,” Yonghwa showed a toothy smile.

“Eew, hyung. You really said that?” Minhyuk groaned from behind seats. Jonghyun and Jungshin were just snickering.

“We’re near the studio,” the manager called out from the driver’s seat.

“Oh, oppa, you can just drop me there,” You said, pointing at the corner street.

“Are you sure? It’s quite late already,” Yonghwa said, frowning at how dark the area already. It’s already past 11 in the evening.

“I’ll be fine,” You said, giving him a light peck on his cheeks, as you smiled reassuringly at the other members and their manager.

“I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye! Thank you for the lift!” You said, bowing to them before closing the van’s door.

“I’ll call you later!” Yonghwa called, before you even got to fully close it. You waved enthusiastically and smiled as you watch the van turned to corner to where the studio is.

You’ve already told yourself that there’s nothing to worry about. And unlike the other past relationships you’ve been, Yonghwa’s the most loyal and faithful boyfriend you’ve ever had. Maybe because he’s too busy to look at other girls, or maybe he’s just really a very good guy. Despite being surrounded by a lot of y and extremely gorgeous girl idols, he never did try cheating on you.

You sighed contently as you started to make your way home.


“Ah oppa, when are you going to meet with Seohyun-sshi again?” You asked for the nth time. Yonghwa was given free time and you were spending it with him at his dorm, watching TV and basically just lazing around.

“I don’t know, next week?” He answered nonchalantly, his focus still on the TV screen.

“Eyyy, get me her autograph, please?? Pretty please?” You gently cupped his chin to face you and did your best aegyo face.

He chuckled. He can never resist your aegyo.

“Yay! I’ll bring over my albums, okay?!” You squealed excited, bouncing up and down. You immediately stopped when Yonghwa let out a low groan. You forgot he had on pulled over his lap.

“Oops, sorry!” You jumped off his lap and ran off to the kitchen, in attempt to escape his tightening grip.

“Merong!” You shouted playfully at him.

“YAH! GET BACK HERE OR I WON’T HAVE HER SIGN IT!” He yelled as he started chasing you. Good thing the other members were out of the dorm today.



You were at your office, waiting for Yonghwa’s call. He said he’ll call you to pick you up. He wanted to eat out dinner tonight. You agreed, of course, since it’s been days since you last saw him. You were also kept from watching We Got Married broadcasts on TV because you were too busy with your work. You can’t wait to see your boyfriend again to catch up with him and her virtual marriage with Seohyun. And he better have those albums signed already!

Remembering the first episode, you were just laughing your off at how awkward Yonghwa was. You were actually right that Seohyun was too pure and innocent for him. And it was a great entertainment watching Yonghwa struggling to get closer to her. And you can’t hide the fact that you were swelling with pride when Seohyun rated him ‘sweet potatoes’, meaning she actually liked him.

You were at the office lounge, and it was already 1 hour and a half past the time Yonghwa said he’ll pick you up. You gently tapped your feet. You were actually a very patient person. And it’s your personality to probably wait for someone until they said they won’t come anymore. So you’re still waiting for your boyfriend. But at the back of your mind, you can’t help worrying for him.

Just when you decided to meet him outside the building, an sms alerted your phone.

“From: Yonghwa 

Love, I’m sorry, I know I’m late already. We can still have dinner together, if you want. Do you mind waiting for me in the dorm? Jonghyun’s there. I already told him to expect you… that is unless you just want to get home. TT I’m really sorry, I just wanted to see you..”

You chuckled at his adorableness. You immediately texted him back saying you’ll make your way now to their dorm.

True enough, Jonghyun was expecting you. But he looked like he was about to go to sleep.

“Jungshin’s still on a schedule; Minhyuk went home to his parents house.” He answered for you, seeing you looking for the other two.

It’s not that you and Jonghyun were awkward, but unlike you, he’s not that quite happy with Yonghwa and Seohyun’s We Got Married.

Jonghyun has always liked Seohyun. And he’s pretty open about it. To the members, to some SNSD members, and of course to all their common idol friends. That’s why it was a surprise that it was Yonghwa who was chosen, and not him.

Well, of course the PD-nims didn’t know about Yonghwa’s secret personal relationship and Jonghyun’s affection towards Seohyun. But still, he couldn’t say he’s not affected by it.

“Do you want something to drink?” He offered. You just asked for water and settled comfortably at their couch.

“Jonghyun-ah. It’s okay. You can go to bed if you want to. You don’t need to attend to me. I’ll just wait for Yonghwa.” You smiled at him. He scratched his head, still weighing whether staying up with you is the right thing, or just do what you told him to.

He chose the former.

So the two of you were seated side by side on the couch. There wasn’t really interesting to watch on TV, so you just watch as he lazily flip on random channels.

“So,” he cleared his throat. You turned to look at him, but his gaze was still at the screen.

“How are you and Yonghwa hyung?” He asked.  You thought about it carefully. There wasn’t really something much going on.

“Well, we’re fine. Just that I’ve become too busy with work, and he’s also busy with filming We Got Married,” You answered.

“How about you?” You asked him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He seemed to be holding a sigh, but after a few seconds, he released a frustrated one.

“I really don’t know.” He suddenly turned to you. “Have you been watching the broadcasts?”

You shook your head in response. You watched him sigh again while burying his head on his palms.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know if I’ve got a chance with Seohyun now. She…” He swallowed and turned back to you. He didn’t really want to drag you in the misery he’s experiencing right now. He knows how much you trust Yonghwa and that even if Jonghyun thought Seohyun’s expressions and feelings she was conveying through the show was starting to become reality, he knows that Yonghwa would never dare take advantage of it.

He knows better. He got Jonghyun to worry about. And of course, you.

“Jonghyun-ah. You know how that program works. They needed to look as real as possible. Wasn’t it that before all of these, you and Seohyun are getting along just fine? Just believe in her, and in Yonghwa too.” You told him, rubbing his back gently in soothing manner.

You heard him sighed again, but this time in relief. Relieved that there’s someone trying to make him understand that these are still all virtual. Nothing is real.

That off camera, Seohyun’s still gonna be his. And Yonghwa’s still yours.


Jonghyun stirred at the click of their main door. He tried stretching his arm, but immediately halted, as he felt something heavy and warm on his arm.

The two of you haven dozed off on the couch, with you leaning comfortably on his shoulders, all the while the TV was on.

As Yonghwa stepped in, he seemed to be quite taken back to see your sleeping figure and Jonghyun’s just woken up self.

He immediately felt bad for the two of you. Not only he went home way beyond late, but he had also bothered Jonghyun to look after you while he was gone. So much for the dinner he had promised you.

“Hyung,” Jonghyun greeted him in hoarse voice.

“You guys fall asleep while watching TV?” He asked softly, careful not waking you up. He kneeled just infront of you and tucked a stray hair behind your ear.

“Yeah. I would’ve carried her to your room, but I guess I fell asleep too.” Jonghyun said, scratching his head, while he carefully lifted you off his shoulders.

“It’s okay. I got her.” Yonghwa said as he tucked his arms under you and lifted you up gently.

“Jonghyun-ah. Thank you. And I’m really sorry,” He smiled apologetically.

“No problem, hyung.” Jonghyun replied as he started making his way back to his room.


You woke up with someone breathing steadily down your neck. You were slightly taken back, because the last time you remember was watching TV with Jonghyun. But when you saw Yonghwa’s familiar sleeping figure, you relaxed and gently wrapped your arms around him.

You felt him snuggled closer and his arms around your waist tightened.

You wondered what happened last night and what time he arrived. You knew that Yonghwa and Seohyun were to shoot in one of the countrysides that a little bit far from Seoul. Maybe that’s the emergency Yonghwa was talking about. They were caught up in traffic or something.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Yonghwa suddenly stirred, feeling your now unsteady breathing.

You nodded, pulling off him a bit to meet his gaze. He smiled softly at you.

“I missed you. And I’m sorry about last night.” He said.

“That’s okay. Jonghyun accompanied me. He fed me well and we watched TV,” You reported to him like an obedient kid. You smiled together. Suddenly you noticed that the clothes you were wearing weren’t the office clothes you wore on your way to their dorm last night.

“D-did you…” You started to panic.

“Yes. I did. What? Did you expect Jonghyun to change your clothes?” He teased. You lightly punched his chest. You felt a little rumble against your own when he laughed.

“So are you going to be free today?” You asked. You were really looking forward in spending even just a whole day with him. It’s a weekend, and you don’t exactly have any plans. You don’t really set plans on weekends, just so when Yonghwa suddenly gets any free time, you'll also be free. You’re always making time for him, and that’s something doesn’t go unnoticed. Yonghwa’s always tries his hard too to make time for you.

“Yep!” He nodded promptly. “So where do my baby wants to go?” He asked, cradling you in his arms.

“Hmmm.. let’s see. We can’t really go out, so.. I guess either your dorm or my apartment?” You said.

“Aww… “ He pouted. Last night, on his way back to the dorm, he pounded on a few things. While he can go out in public, even in front of the whole national TV, he can date Seohyun, buy things for her, even wear couple stuff with her and be the sweetest boyfriend, when in reality, he couldn’t even take you out on a dinner date.

“I can go down the market real fast while you wait for me in my apartment, and I’ll cook your favourite food.” You pinched his nose lightly. You know that pouty look in his face. He’s feeling guilty again for being a ‘lousy-boyfriend’ as he claimed. You don’t find him lousy at all. You’re happy that he’s living his dream. And you don’t want to take that away from him. He had his dream even before you came in his life. And you respect that.

“Can I just go to the market with you?” He asked, shaking his shoulders like a child. You laughed.

“We’ll see. If there are a lot of people, then you can’t. Someone might recognize you.” You told him.

“Eyyy,” He pouted again, making you laugh.


So Yonghwa was left at your apartment, while you’re on your way to the nearest market to cook him his favourite kimchi tofu jjigae and a lot of side dish he said he had been craving days ago.

You were contented with the fact that your awesome boyfriend is by your side, although not literally, but thinking how he might be missing you more than you misses him makes your heart flutter so much. It must be harder for him, right?

“Omo, isn’t that the latest We got Married episode?” You told yourself, amused, while passing by one of the convenience store. It was the episode in which Yonghwa and Seohyun just moved from their own house.

“It looked good,” You told yourself. “I should get home now to watch it with him,” you told yourself as you hurriedly do your grocery.

But as soon as you open the front door, a hurrying Yonghwa welcomed you. He was already putting on his shoes.

“Oh, where are you going?” you asked, confused. He looked a little pissed and frustrated.

“The company just called, they want me on the office now.” He told you. You can tell that he’s pissed that he’s being summoned on his free day.

You carefully laid the things you bought on the side table and gently draw circles on his back to calm his anger down.

“What did they say they want?” You asked him. You felt his shoulders relaxed.

He heaved a deep sigh. “They want me to compose a song for our couple,” He cleared his throat. “Couple song for me and Seohyun.”

He gave you a look, as if expecting that you’ll get hurt. But just like everyone, he was surprised to see you taking this calmly.

“I see. After your meeting with your CEO, will you still come back here?” You asked him. You were hoping he still can, but he shook his head sadly.

“I need to go back to the dorm, since my computer’s there.” He told you.

“I... I can still cook for you, so after your meeting with the CEO, you can have it for late lunch, or maybe dinner.” You told him, smiling hopefully. You really did want to cook for him, because just earlier, he can't stop talking about the food you're supposed to make for him.

“I’m sorry babe.” He told you, pulling you in a hug.

“It’s okay! I’ll make a quick trip to your dorm later, okay?” You told him as you kissed his cheek gently, but he held on your chin to meet your lips and he pulled you in to a deep and needy kiss.

When you pulled away, both of you were panting.

“I’ll try to do that song really fast and go back here quickly, I promise.”

You nodded and let him go. And once again, you waited for him all night long.


After that, you haven’t seen Yonghwa again for days. He did sent you countless of sorry SMS after he wasn’t able to go back the night he promised you he would. You forgave him, of course. But you can’t help feeling disappointed about it. You cooked lots of great food, but all of it had gone to waste.

“Hello?” You quickly answered your mobile phone. You’re on your way home from your office when suddenly your phone shrilly began ringing in the empty office.

The other line was just static.

“Hello?” You asked again, you turned it away from your ear to see the caller ID. It was an unknown number. Suddenly, your heart began racing. It’s not a sasaeng fan, right? It’s not one of CNBLUE’s fans who found out about your relationship with Yonghwa and came to hunt you down, right?

You were mentally panicking, when suddenly a male’s voice cleared his voice.

“It’s me. Lee Jonghyun.”

You literally sighed in relief when you heard him. He chuckled.

“Were you scared? You thought I was a sasaeng fan, right?” He continued chuckling.

“Shut up, Jonghyun.” You scowled at him, but immediately recovered. You knew how playful he is.

“What’s up?” You asked him.

“Erm… were you going home from the office?” He asked out of nowhere. You were already waiting for the elevator and halted. How did he know?

“I am. Why? I’m waiting for the building elevator as of the moment.” You told him.

“Well, I was hoping you’d want to hang out?” He asked hesitantly. You thought for a while. It’s seldom for Jonghyun to actually call you out to hang out. Not when Yonghwa will be there.

“Why, what happened?” You asked him instead.

“Well, I kinda just want to talk to someone who might understand,” he said cautiously. You didn’t really have any plans for today, and you know that Yonghwa’s busy with We Got Married again.

“Oh, okay.” You answered with a smile. “Where do you want to meet?” You asked. Your elevator lift is just a few floors away from you. Once you board it, you’ll lose your mobile signal.

“I’m already outside your office building,” you heard him answered sheepishly. You laughed. Of course. That is so Lee Jonghyun.

You laughed in response. “Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes. I’ll see you, okay?”


Jonghyun brought you to one of the underground drinking place a lot of idols frequent to. The place is famous to idols for having a relaxing and chilling place to drink without having the worry about fans or paparazzi sneaking photos of them drinking booze and smoking. Of course, they all must keep a clean image, right?

And also, this place is where they can freely make out, flirt and maybe a few more things to do with other idols and real life girlfriends.

Yonghwa had brought you here a couple of times already; once, with the rest of the band, celebrating Minhyuk's birthday, and the second time, when he had introduced you to his other idol friends he has in the industry.

It’s not usually crowded, since idol life is busy. And it’s still a little early. Just around 9 in the evening. Idols would usually start coming at around 2 in the morning or 3. The common sightings would be Big Bang members, GDragon and, surprisingly, Taeyang, with Dara on his side. And also TVXQ members Yunho and Changmin, together with former TVXQ members Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu. They’re still all very good friends in there.

Anyway, Jonghyun led you into a private room. You thought it’s an odd place to catch up, but both of you thought this is the only place where it’s safe to meet and no one will try prying into your business or conversation.

Jonghyun ordered dinner for the both of you and asked for the room to be brightened, since you both didn’t go there to ‘party’.

“So what’s up,” you started. You two just finished the main course, and the attendants just served your desserts.

He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“Listen,” He started, staring deeply into your eyes. You can see how troubled he is.

“I want you to promise me that this will be just between the two of us. And that means you cannot say anything to Yonghwa hyung.” He started. You promised deeply that it’ll be just between you and Jonghyun.

“It’s about… Seohyun and hyung,” He started. You knew it.

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hey,everyone,^^ im rly sorry for the lack of updates. after im done with my thesis (1st wk october) i'm free alrdy.. sorry


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Chapter 8: Jonghyun!!!!!! ^.^ ♥
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww..It would've been better if she ended up with Jonghyun. :) ♥♡♥
Chapter 5: I admire her patience. Really. O.O
Chapter 4: OMg....Yonghwa! How could you!
Chapter 2: Awwww.....Can't it be Jonghyun instead? -.-
Chapter 1: I'm a Jonghyun biased. XD But, ofcourse....I heart them all! ♥♥♥
SyneBlue #7
You wrote this story a while ago, but I just found it and read it all in one go. I really, really loved it. :D
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 8: Aigooo they are too cute together. .. This story kinda reminds me of something I went through apart from him being an idol of course. I feel like I can relate
I can honestly say that I luved reading ur story and i hope u continue to write stories this amazing
Keep up the good work <3 :)
KimJonghyunx #9
Chapter 7: Yes they are finally bak. That god damn y yonghwa.. finally realised what he needed all along was you and not any other girl
Stars2Heaven #10
Chapter 8: I loved this! Please make another one!