Lucky featuring Yong Junhyung

One and Only


featuring Yong Junhyung

You are standing outside the cafeteria looking for a vacant table when a girl suddenly runs past you, covering her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. Obviously, she was crying, and you immediately realize the reason why when you spot a boy two tables away.

Yong Junhyung

You walk over to his table, drop your tray of food sharply and slap his arm, making him wince in pain. “Ow!” He exclaims, “That hurt, you know.”

“What did you say to that girl?” You interrogate him, getting straight to the point. Junhyung looks at you questioningly. “Who?” He asks, “The recent one?”

You slap his arm again, with more force this time. “Ow! You have to stop doing that.” He tells you, rubbing his arm to soothe it. You sit down in the seat across his and cross your arms in anger. “And you have to stop making girls cry.” You scold him.

He sighs. “She was asking me to prom,” He says in-between bites of his pudding. “And I said no.” You suddenly realize that prom night was approaching and you haven’t got a date yet. You push the thought aside to focus on Junhyung.

“And did you tell her why?”

“I told her I wasn’t interested.” He says blankly. You raise an eyebrow at his answer.

Junhyung had a reputation of being a heartbreaker, having made many girls cry once they confessed to him. He was used to it though, but you didn’t tolerate this habit of his. You’d scold him every time he rejected a confession, but he never told you why he did so, which annoyed the heck out of you.

“And why aren’t you interested in such a pretty girl?” You ask him, persistent at knowing his reason for rejecting these girls.

He opens up his can of coke and drinks half of it, giving you the other half – you had a pact to always share coke, to which he surprisingly agreed to, especially since he’s obsessed with the drink. 

“I’m just not okay?” He looks at you sharply, but you don’t give up easily.

“Oh, come on.” You nudge his shoulder, “I’m sure you have a reason.” He continues eating his unfinished pudding, ignoring you completely.

Annoyed but still persistent, you nudge his shoulder again. “Yah! Why won’t you tell me?” You exclaim, but he still ignores your question.

More determined this time, you resort to bribing him. “If you tell me the why,” You start telling him, holding the can of coke in his face. “I’ll buy you a can of coke.” You grin widely, hoping your bribe works.

“Make that two cans, and I’ll tell you.” He makes a deal, and you nod in agreement, a huge grin evident on your face.

You lean in closer, cautious that he might say it too softly. “Okay, tell me.”

He looks at you, raising an eyebrow, then turns away, staring off into the distance. “I’m not interested in those girls because,” He starts confessing, “I have someone else in mind.”

You stare at Junhyung for a few seconds. Then suddenly, you let out fits of giggles, making him look at you threateningly. “YAH! Did I say something funny?” He shoots back, apparently annoyed at you.

You stop giggling, replace it with a wide grin, and pinch his cheeks as if he was a child. “You like someone?” You ask him curiously, trying to think of someone he might have a crush on. He doesn’t answer, his mind in obvious deep thought

“Is it that girl?” You point to a girl with long, blonde hair. He shakes his head no. You point to another girl with a shorter, brunette hair. “What about her?” You ask, as he takes your pudding and opens it. You ignore him taking your food and continue pointing out random people.

“How about that –“

“Aren’t you gonna get me my coke?” He cuts you off mid-sentence.

“Fine. I give up.” You say to him, standing to go buy his coke. “But you know what Junhyungie, the girl that’s got your attention?” You smile sweetly, “She’s a lucky girl.”

Junhyung follows you with his eyes as you walk away before opening his bag, revealing a teddy bear inside holding a single rose.

“Yeah,” He says to himself, a smile evident on his face while letting out a short chuckle.

“You really are one lucky girl.”

The End
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Awww Junhyung...that's sweet :3
I love Dongwoon's story! Maybe it's because he's my bias, but either way, it was really sweet! I love Because of You too! :D Good job!
I can't help but smile while reading this!it's awesome!
Chapter one was tooooo cute~ x3<br />
chapter 2 was... touching T^T huhuhu :(<br />
yay! chapter 3 here i come! :DD
so_b2st #5
Chapter 2 is so touching
darkchocolate #6
Chap 1 was cute coz cute yoseobie is in d story. Chap 2 was d best. Its sweet. I cant wait for junhyung's turn. Thanks 4 updating. Fighting? :)
darkchocolate #7
update soon!!!<br />
thanks..<br />
beast is the best!