what now?


road will not last long especially with other friends went out against them. Jiyeon seeing Taemin immediately rushed him to the neck which caused the Miyoung pulled away from him and became sad. But I have tried to hide it in the end her feelings for Taemin have to end up on a simple infatuation, in the end this boy her future, she hoped Miyoung friend. Onew came up to Miyoung and said:
- You made fun of the fun is just beginning
Miyoung She looked at the smiling face of Onew and could not handle anything like a smile too. Miyoung wondered if he really never stops smiling. Jonghyun came up to Miyoung and grabbing her by the hand pulled to each other when Miyoung was sufficiently close to Jonghyun hugged her waist and softly said:
- Now I do just have some fun, come with me this queue
Jonghyun turned and pointed to a massive roller coaster to which can be reached only by using the lift. Suddenly someone grabbed and pulled Miyoung from the clutches of jonghyun surprised. Jonghyun turn away when I saw holding his wrist Miyoung Minho who with stern face he said:
- It would be better to go with me Miyoung

jonghyun looked at Minho and remorse in his voice he asked:
- Why?
- It's easy, I do not like to ride with Onew cause he kinda crazy when you play, Key is afraid of heights, Taemin is Jiyeon, and as for you .... you better steer clear Hyong especially when one is a girl
Miyoung tried zadarzac the course of the situation. before he spoke she felt like Minho drawn to cash the ticket. tickets at the counter Miyoung quietly said:
- I can not go
Minho looked at her and asked:
- Why?
- I do not ... I just took a wallet today i ...
- Aishhh, if I invited you, I pay - Minho said, and immediately bought two tickets. Miyoung she felt surprised. She looked at Minho as they stood in line for their turn. Minho gave her a ticket and ashamed Miyoung said:
- thank you
Minho said nothing after a while they both got on the ski-wagon who had let them down to the top of the queue had a pit. There was silence in the carriage. Minho was sitting on one part of the carriage and the other Miyoung

There was silence in the carriage and akwward. When I finally managed to get upstairs and sit comfortably in place in the queue are limited Miyoung I felt the slight fear. when the belts were fastened and howled last note announcing the queue Miyoung start as soon as he could hand of Minho grabbed and squeezed me as hard as she could. Minho looked at her and smiled softly to himself, and then somehow we both arrived at the place. when the queue after many ups and conventions and bends wdol finally reached the finish line Miyoung she felt as if her whole soul to fly away somewhere and been fastened in place just her body. suddenly she felt someone's hand and later a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders and helped her get up. she looked who it turned out that this was Minho. Miyoung was surprised but did not have strength to react or even thank you. Helping her get off Minho smiled and said:
- If you banister could you not go to, why do not you tell
Miyoung semi-conscious voice said softly:
- No one asked me for an opinion
Minho I realized that this was the case, and when finally Miyoung s balance embarrassed said, scratching his neck:
- You're right, sorry, I should ask you first
Miyoung looked at his face and slightly embarrassed I felt very confused

ashamed because she said:
- It is already a well-
Minho smiled and Miyoung from minute to minute she felt that the more they know the more I feel lost once they are nice and sometimes even rude and impolite, she could not understand her new company, and felt really embarrassed being with them, but apparently this had to get used

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i like it updaTe soon
will someone can comment what are you think about this??