theme park


After a short time when no one could find the key from his pocket he took out the phone and rang first to Onew, Jonghyun later to do Minho even Jiyeon but got no answer. looked a little upset at Miyoung and said:
- It's all your fault, not enough that I do not like to come here, it's still anybody I can not contact
She looked at Key Miyoung rudely shrugged her shoulders and turning her back on him. Key gritted his teeth and raised his arm as if to hit her but it was only a gesture that shows that it is satisfied with the current situation. Now the only chance was key because I did not ring just yet for Taemin, although the chances of Taemin answers were vain he never picked up the phone. Key took a deep breath and dialed the number Taemin. To his surprise, not even a good one has passed from a combination of signal and Taemin picked up the phone:
- Yes?
- You hang on? I am in shock
- Something happened Hyong?
- Anyo just arrived at the place and I can not find you, where are you?
- And where you're Hyong I'll go after you
- We stand at the entrance gate at the east of the food booth
- Araso, I'll be right there
Taemin disconnected has a key see own phone a little confused

Miyoung She looked at the silent and dense with Key confused and asked:
- You know where everyone is?
- So nearly
- Like this? you know or not?
- Taemin just come and take us to the rest
Miyoung hear Taemin name she felt like her heart begins to accelerate, but then tried to calm down in the end is the only guy for her nicer people not counting Kikwang but he inadvertently announced that more of it helped. Miyoung sighed heavily and began to look around. Suddenly, despite the noise in the park with her ​​belly let out a strange sound
"Woahhhhhh" ashamed she only realized now that as long pondered over the fact whether or not to go and later she was busy so as not to miss that nothing had eaten. Key looked at her and asked:
- Are you hungry?
Miyoung quickly straighten up and said quickly turning back to Key:
- No!
Key shrugged and started to play the game on the phone to kill time waiting for Taemin. sound from the belly Miyoung but was becoming louder. Even the people passing by looked at more and more red with shame Miyoung. Key cautiously came up to the back Miyoung and quietly said:
- Are you sure?

Miyoung did not know what to do it was very embarrassing for the worse when stuck his hand into his pocket realized that there is a wallet. sighed heavily and lowered her head, staring at the ground. Key looked at her and said:
- There is a booth with food you can go and .....
- I can not - she said, heartbroken, angry and ashamed at the same time Miyoung. Key looked at it carefully. Miyoung meet tenderness with her ​​crying. when he saw before his eyes many servings of delicious food, raised his head and saw Key holding food, and of looking the other way. did not know whether he just play it with her, or maybe by some miracle he bought her food. Key not looking at her said, indifferent voice:
- Take it or not, it is really hot
Miyoung confused with the carefully took your hand Key portions of food and sitting on a bench standing next began to eat at some time looking at the man sitting next to the Key. did not know whether to thank him or not but I ended up buying it for her so swallowing another bite, she said:
- thank you
Key stretched himself on a bench and looking at the sky said:
- Just do not make it a habit
Ending with food Miyoung said with irony:
- And start thinking that you are nice guy
Key looked at her with an ironic smile, but his laughter quickly turned into a real laugh, he tried not to look at Miyoung Which dirty nose, unaware of the fact of the sauce looked on laughing in amazement Key

Key slowly began to calm down but as soon as he saw Miyoung laughed again. Miyoung in the end I realized that there must be something in her face and quickly asked:
- I become dirty right?
Key the only thing I could do was nod. laughed so hard that it ached stomach. Miyoung tried to wipe his face did not know which place is dirty. Key in the end przybl.izajac said to her:
- You look like a clown
Miyoun wiped his face even more Key finally grabbed her hand and said, approx; izajac to her face:
- Stupid, you will have a red face, leave
After these words, to the surprise she felt like touching her chin Key gently lifting her face at the height of her face, a smile did not disappear from his face. Miyoung suddenly, she felt as Key gently and carefully wipe wipe her nose. did not know what to do.

Taemin Pov:
"I ran fast enough to find the Key and Miyoung, tried to find as effectively as I could, in the end I managed. I was about to scream when I saw them as Key Hyong, grabs the hand of Miyoung, and the way his hand begins to touch her ​​face.
what!! what he was doing
Miyoung sat very still, There's no way to get it is liked, it is impossible!
I could not walk faster to wait for the further course of events. I wanted to step in before it would be too late "

Miyoung looked at concentrated gaze Key. suddenly heard a voice behind him:
- What are you doing Hyong?
Key calm look he looked toward the voice and said:
- Finally you are Taemin, if you can wait, boring for me
- Just knowledge - Taemin said sarcastically. Miyoung not have the courage to look him in the face. Key got up and lazily dragging said:
- Not accelerated Taemin with his imagination, the girl Even as it has something to happen, you could see it Taemin, pure reflection of a clown
Taemin looked on embarrassed Miyoung and breathed a sigh of relief, and helped to get up from the place Miyoung grabbing me by the hand. Miyoung surprised as she felt her heart speed up again. Taemin smiled at her and said:
- Let 's go for the rest will have great fun without us
and we all rush to the front. After a short time they found other friends.

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i like it updaTe soon
will someone can comment what are you think about this??