first step on this devils school


Miyoung Pov:
"Hello I'm Miyoung and today is my lucky (the worst day of my life) for students in special schools. I am most talented in the first year fantastically. Yeah, right ..... it would be fantastic if I had to walk to the ordinary college, no gaze upon the rich their kids who will judge me by looking aishhhh ..... why is it needs to meet me .... ahhhhh
She sighed and quickly rose from the bed. the only good thing at this university is that it has its own special uniform. Although he was terribly expensive, but coz I worked on it all summer just to expenses not borne by his father, he still has a lot of them. hmmmmm .... I want to really enjoy but I just can not be so hard on my soul but I can not show his father. He is delighted with her ​​new job and this place, he worked hard so that now live here.
Somehow I have to endure the humiliation which I'm sure I will be waiting there. can not believe kids are studying at this university are different from those damned kids with a rich home from my neighborhood. miracles in my life do not happen "

Miyoung quickly had a shower and dressed uszykowala breakfast for himself and his father still asleep. her father is free today because Miyoung not want to wake him up. Came just in time to his room to make sure everything is well with him and then covering him
smiled to herself and then she left the house well it shut. The neighborhood was really nice, but the people living here that the middle class affluence. Miyoung had quite close to the university on the way bought herself a juice and water because even though it began autumn day was unusually warm, and maybe it Miyoung was so nervous that she felt as if the temperature around it was much higher than it was in reality.
Miyoung finally found itself near the school. sighed heavily and moved at a slow step forward. it rained a little last night and the street was full of little puddles. Miyoung tried to go as far as the curb so that no one moving car could not make it splash. she was already in the middle of the road when suddenly someone riding with incredible speed I passed her and ran into the biggest puddle that was on the road, had bad luck Miyoung appear in its environment at this very moment. when the car traveled the girl was wet and dirty from head to toe. Miyoung until she stood frozen in place. could not believe what had just happened to her. only opened their mouths with anger and astonishment so widely that if another car was traveling probably would not have to drink anything for the rest of the day.


"Why does this have to meet me!! Why!!!"
looks at his dirty uniform, and with tears in his eyes began to move slow steps toward the school thinking:
"I'll try somehow to quickly spank, can not be aishhhh spots ..... I hate this school! I do not have time to go home, moreover, I do not have to change the school uniform"
Suddenly Miyoung looked, on their dirty watch and stood for a moment it felt like the air in the lungs stops, she raised her head and said:
- I can not be late, not on the first day
started to move around more quickly after a small step, who now turned into a gear.
running lowered her head counting on faster steps, corner of his eye only knew where to run. already seen the gate when suddenly she felt a severe headache and that falls to the ground in the Appendix are not alone. do not know where you're running and as a result of this had hit someone with all your strength. uniolsa head when a feed is a poor man who fell and in which she wanted to apologize to him her eyes stopped at the painful but wonderful face. Miyoung at first thought,
"Is it possible me to hit me so hard I had died and that my guardian angel?"
in which the boy came up and looked at her without great emotion on his face stared into her eyes. Miyoung Pov:
"I certainly ne died and now I'm in heaven. Why it must be so beautiful? Why my heart beats so hard and fast. I could not move
It is so beautiful, I'm ... I'm sure she died and now I'm in heaven ..... just what I am talking about is this possible in order to fall in love at first sight, but this is typical of the naive girl, and I, I .. also .. maybe I'm naive? "
  He stopped suddenly, thinking Miyoung voice boyfriend had been lying:
- Get off me!
Miyoung was a slight shock when I wanted to rise suddenly heard a voice behind him. voices were coming, and all began to laugh loudly. Miyoung turned back in to see what they are so fun and suddenly I realized the worst thing ..... during the fall of her dress rolled up and to light appeared in her .... what more it was a little Children's underwear Miyoung always wear it when be upset to treat yourself. Now, all improved the mood besides her. already gathered her to cry, it was the worst day of her life. Now I realized that instead of the sky had to go to Hell. was so ashamed she could not get up. suddenly felt that someone is covering its back jacket of the uniform. She looked at the boy who became her back and before she could thank him wogole boy said without looking at it:
- Can get up already on his feet and end this circus?
Miyoun quickly did what her boyfriend he asked. notice also rapidly improved. the boy whose fallen too rose and another guy standing at the head of laughing people said to him:
- Yahhh Taemin regret that you not see this

Taemin looked on laughing to tears and said the boy improved in:
- Jonghyun Hyong not know that such an intense laughter can cause blockages in the brain?
- Really?
- Aishhhh Hyong so you should read, kidding we do not have time to watch just any views
Miyoung felt a little pain when they heard it from an angel has had a hope that Taemin is trying to defend me. she looked around to around a boyfriend who hid but the longer I was nowhere. Miyoung quickly so he fled to the bathroom striving to somehow pick up today after a long introduction, in addition, the day is not over yet, is only the beginning, and it scared me the most

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i like it updaTe soon
will someone can comment what are you think about this??