what now part 2


Miyoung really had enough of all this amusement park, thought very seriously about going home, and this is only the beginning of the day, did not know how to sneak out of this trap and entertainment from his new company. Miyoung really never liked rich people and in spite of her new friends, in fact, not doing anything, it would stay with them Miyoung did not include that on their list of dreams to fulfill. Miyoung took a deep breath and I was away the sowing when suddenly she felt someone hug strong and covers her wrist before she could turn around and see who it is, this person already dragged it behind him. Everything happened so quickly in the Appendix Miyoung looked puzzled look on astonished faces of his new friends, before I knew it Miyoung was already back in the car who was moving to the mountain on which Miyoung definitely did not want to go back. time in my life make a mistake especially one through which a person feel humiliated or embarrassed. Miyoung nervously looked through the window to make sure whether it was real, in fact, had hoped that maybe made ​​a mistake

But no, it was real. slightly resigned Miyoung sat on the bench waiting for the end drive the wagon. its broken wzrook rose to see who makes me once again to live this nightmare, and suddenly his face froze Miyoung, and the girl was unable to even breathe. it turned out that her kidnapper is none other than Taemin. thoughts in my head began to spin in a strange way Miyoung not managed to think logically. only looked wonderful Taemin's face, who looked toward the window of the wagon. Shake the car suddenly. Miyoung stood up to the window to make sure it already reached the end, but no. were only half way aa car stopped, as if it broke down.

Miyoung she felt like after it passes back a cold sweat and a strange thrill. swirling in her head, one question, what now?
and minute by minute the question was ccoraz louder, Miyoung tried but could not calm down,, he could not, sat on the bench and started swinging nervously crossing her arms on her elbows, her eyes were strangely empty. The truth is Miyoung terribly afraid of places that closed were small and from which there was no way out.

Taemin looked away toward her and noticed her naagle panic in her eyes, quickly came up closer to her and tried to comfort me somehow wogole but she would not listen. Taemin finally drew her to him and said, cuddling Miyoung with all his strength in his arms;
- All right, already Miyoung well, I'm here. You do not threaten
Slowly, very slowly returning consciousness Miyoung She looked surprised at Taemin and trembling voice she asked:
- Can we get out?
Taemin looked at her and said:
- Why is scared?
- I just .... I .... when I was little someone for fun, lock me in tight spots ..... no .... I hate it ...... we can come out now?
- Was it someone from the family? - Asked the surprised and frightened but Taemin. Miyoung shook her head no, so Taemin asked:
- So who?
- Boy, a little boy from the opposite .... always I played with him .... but he treated me like a toy and not as a friend .... I .... I just wanted to be his friend

Taemin opened his eyes very wide in surprise, looking for a moment the sad look Miyoung, Miyoung was so scared of Taemin just felt he wanted to protect her, he suddenly leaned Taemin Miyoung hair gently and said, looking at her scar:
- Is also his doing?
Miyoung nervously covered her scars, and ashamed of Taemin pushed away and thus confused boyfriend not coo. Miyoung embarrassed tries to avoid looking Taemin and avoid answers when Taemin came up to her to ask again, suddenly moved toward the wagon Miyoung joy that immediately got up and ran to the window, and Taemin looked decidedly disappointed. Miyoung but could not see it because I was too excited and looking wagon is moving. Taemin sat on the bench with disappointed face looking in silence at his back turned to Miyoung.

few minutes before:
"All the enthusiasm and excitement watched as more cars start page to the top zawozac people at the beginning of a terrible turn. Only Taemin was focused from the moment of taking off on a wagon. On this in which sat Miyoung and Minho. Not take his eyes from him in silence. After a while he looked on standing next to him Jiyeon and said:
- Are not you afraid?
Jiyeon smiled and just holding his shoulder said:
- I start to be scared when you hold me and will have the opportunity to calm me down right?
Taemin is not silent, smiling gladly. After a while he looked again to the wagon and later on Jiyeon and asked:
- And you will not be cold up there?
- Give me your jacket when it gets cold to me, right?
Taemin already starting to get very annoyed at last looked at Jiyeon przechoddzaca carefully and thought through his head left a smile on his lips. Taemin came close to Jiyeon and asked:

- Are you also do not have a new hairstyle?
- Noticed?!
she asked excitedly Jiyeeon, Taemin smiled and said:
- Of course, is beautiful
- Ooooo Taemin're wonderful, thank you. You know I had to spend much time at the hairdresser, so to look like?
- What a sacrifice Jiyeon, so I'm worried
- Why? - She asked surprised and disconcerted Jiyeon compacted. Taemin pushed up closer to her and said:
- You know you look wonderful, however, as we ride upstairs there will be very windy and also speed of the queue in which we go. I bet you all will destroy all your fighting.
Jiyeon froze as if someone told me it was just the last minutes of life. Taemin took over her hand and with understanding in his eyes said:
- I can not let your sacrifice to wasted, when you come back Miyoung I go with her in the end it does not have to look for me, so beautiful as you are true?
- Taemin are wonderful - in fact overjoyed Jiyeon save her image, she took Taemin.

when she finally let go of Taemin, the boy was relieved and pleased with himself stared at the car from which they had already probably get off Miyoung and Minho. Taemin looked around carefully to around and when I was sure that nobody pays attention to him slipped out to the employees of the queue. offered them a lot of money if the car will stop a few minutes in which it can be fun with a girl. for the quantity of money people were willing to keep him there with this girl for the night but Taemin warned them that a girl will be at any price they tried to force to run and if it can be dangerous for them to let them re-run car, but said they tried teeth to stop the car as long as you can. employees agreed to a Taemin gave them money. not, however, that someone supposedly heard everything. This was a Key, ktorrego whole situation started to really intrigue. coz this is a Key to does not like when in its surroundings there are any matters on which it was no clue, and the behavior of Taemin, was at least suspicious. The more it happened when I poworcie podejrrzliwie Minho and Taemin Miyoung Miyoung took the carriage and with it stopped in the air. This ignorance was driving Key to a headache and decided they had to find out which combines Taemin. When Minho told Key that Miyoung is scared this go round, Key asked employees, how do you get down and descended no queue. learned that the side of the Wind which alarmed the people who can safely return. exit queue is not the end of compulsory. Key pay employes and he took hiis this elevator on a top. Key want to go there before Miyoung and Taemin.

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i like it updaTe soon
will someone can comment what are you think about this??