dad this is......


Taemin Miyoung and reached the top. Miyoung looked in the direction of the queue and she felt like her legs bend, suddenly saw Taemin is like at the start line and pulls her hand of encouraging her to ride with him. Miyoung she felt that her heart speeds up and start shooting her in the head, but was not sure if it is because of a mild and sweet smile Taemin or maybe out of fear of driving this madness. Suddenly she felt like some kind of frame covers it around your neck. looked away and noticed Key. surprised looking at him with eyes wide open asking:
- What are you doing?
- What?
- I thought that you're afraid to go?
-and you do not?
- I .... not change the subject what are you doing here?
Key smiled, looking at his face visibly annoyed and said to Taemin Miyoung his face closer to her face:
- What can be said to have worried so, I'm here to save you
Miyoung looked surprised at Key who were turned face towards zdenerowanego Taemin. Taemin came up to them and pushing the frame Key from Miyoung said:
- What are you doing here Hyong?
Key said nothing Miyoung only caught by the hand when he saw the anger in his eyes Taemin smiled more and said:
- Came to what my

and headed for the elevator with a consequent Miyoung. Taemin quick movement caught the second hand of Miyoung which caused slight confusion girl. , not at all understand what was going on and how to deprive the behavior of these boys. Key Taemin stopped feeling that Miyoung looked at him and said:
- Let her go
Key Taemin looked at and said:
- You Hyong release it? Hyong what are you doing? Miyoung after all do not know why you think that she is yours?
Key Taemin looked at and said:
- And you know I Taemin?
Taemin felt like a cold sweat bathed him, he did not know what to say, he looked at Miyoung surprised, I suddenly heard the voice of Key:
- That your behavior is strange Taemin at the bottom waiting for your girlfriend, and you're trying to stop other girls with you?
Taemin felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water it, looked at Miyoung which also I felt somehow remembered the waiting at the bottom of Jiyeon girl who wants to make friends and whose boyfriend is Taemin. Taemin's hand let go of his teeth Miyoung, key immediately pulled her behind him and away he said:
- It would be better to deviate alone.
after a while disappeared from Miyoung in the elevator. There was silence. none in the elevator or the Key or Miyoung not evoked. Miyoung had abandoned a key eye looked at her from time to time. Key after a while he asked:
- Taemin from somewhere you know?
- Anyo, I met him the same day as you
- Araso. ..... you talk about something when a wagon stop?
- About anything important, I was too scared
- Araso ........ looks as if something had happened?
- Anyo ... nothing happened ..... I am ..... I'm just tired already
- Surely?

Miyoung nodded her head nodding. Key looked at her. Miyoung tried to collect my thoughts, I'm going to be sort out what happened, why, how far is she felt like her whole brain is spinning to around without much sense. spending time with rich people caused by Miyoung glubsza than she felt it was really was the next point of why they did not like. Key saw that something was wrong Miyoung held his hand on the hair that covered his scars. most intrigued me is why Taemin asked about it all in the car.  when the elevator stopped Key caught by the arm Miyoung and said:
- Come on
- Where? - She asked surprised Miyoung. Key smiled and pulled her behind him, holding the wrist. After a while the two were already on a motorcycle Key. Key gave Miyoung helmet and said:
- Wear
- What?
- You are tired, so I will take you home
- But I can not, Jiyeon i ...
key he took out the phone and dialed a number after a while Miyoung heard:
- Jiyeon I will take Miyong home, it's nothing serious and I feel bad enough, how will I wanted to come, for now
Key looked at later Miyoung and said:
- Jiyeon  will by not worried, get
Miyoung again she felt a little disoriented. once hated this person, and once he thought it up nice. How can you feel two very different feelings for one person. Key turned and looked at miyoung saying:
- How long?
Miyoung quickly mounted his bike and grabbed Key. But this time the Key was traveling much more slowly and carefully. This ride even liked a Miyoung. Key looked at carefully Miyoung happy face and smiled to himself, then looked at the path. after a while they were already at home Miyoung. she lighted off the helmet and looked away shyly at Key. Key looked at her house and said:
- This is where you live?
- Mmmm
- Nicely
- Thanks
- Do not even invite me for tea?
- And why should it?
- Yahhh, though not looking so I helped you today?
Miyoung and looked at him hard, sighing, she had to admit he was right. she rolled eyes and said:
- ok good, but you will not be for long?
- Good, good

After a while we both went into the house. Miyoung Key unveiled the room where the boy sat down and waited for Miyoung who went to the kitchen. Key at this time looked around the room. It was full of pictures miyoung as she was young, her mother, father, friends Miyoung. Key eyes suddenly stuck in the photo on which Miyoung was from a little boy who did not look happy in this photo, but still cover a Miyoung. Key suddenly heard a voice standing next Miyoung:
- yahhh! I said I want you sat and waited
Key looked at her and said, heading for the table:
- Who is this little boy, he is your brother?
- Anyo, I have no siblings
- This is who he is?
- My neighbor from childhood
-what is his name?
- I do not remember from childhood rather not remember much, a few traumatic events, but of names I do not remember, but when I look at his picture it feels to like him anyway
- After all?
- Yahhh what you're a detective?
Key smiled:
- Anyo, it's just an innate curiosity
started to drink tea and the atmosphere between them began to do even quieter. Miyoun g looked at him and said:
- You're weird you know?
- I? why?
- Sometimes I feel like you wgniesc in land
- Thanks for honesty
- But sometimes you seem to be nice Why?
- What, why?
- Why you're nice to me?
- And what you prefer as I'm not nice? I have no reason to somehow specifically you may not like except for one event, in fact, you do not know. and you?
- What am I?
- Why do you not like me?

- It's not like that I do not like, I just ...... I do not like rich people
- Araso, if I was poor, the more would you like me?
Miyoung did not know what to say, he suddenly came back home to her father. Key seeing the falling man rose from his place and bowed. Miyoung father looked surprised at Key bowed and said:
- Morning
Key quickly responded:
- Good morning, I'm Kim Kibum key called by friends, I am a friend from school Miyoung nice to meet you - and quickly gave Miyoung father's hand. Miyoung father greeted the Key and smiling at the Miyoung said:
- Already have found new friends is good, and told you that there will not be so bad. then slowly away to the kitchen he added:
- Do not worry I will not block you out something just like to drink and I run upstairs
Key Miyoung confused and looked at each other and after a while they both laughed. What made the Miyoung father returned to the room, and Key said:
- In anything you do not mind I actually went out more ....
- But there is no rush, just prepare dinner Miyoung true darling?
Miyoung looked with inquiring glance at her father who had just patting on the shoulder Key coming back him into a chair, and then I looked at mIyoung urging me to go to the kitchen. Key began to laugh and Miyoung had no choice but go do lunch. Key sat back and looked at a smiling Miyoung father, who said:
- Miyoung a good girl, maybe we are not rich but she is truly remarkable. Key was not sure how to pick up his father's words MIyoung so he decided to sit quietly and listen. Miyoung father continued:
- As a father I would like to give her, but she gives me more than I do her. From an early age takes care of me, cares about home, about me, since you died my wife she is trying to replace it. and I would Miyoung just to make her happy.

Key was silent, staring at his father's anxious face Miyoung, the distance we could see how much this weary man loves his daughter. later, the father looked at Key Miyoung and asked:
- Do not want to be rude but I know that my daughter does not fit into this school, if I may have to ask you ...
Key felt strangely, looked straight into the trusting eyes of his father Miyoung and listen. Miyoung father grabbed Key's hand and said:
- In your eyes, boy you can see sincerity, I have a hunch that you are good boy so ..... Please take care of my daughter
Key suddenly felt as if the whole world stood still. He has to take care of her daughter? Miyoung? her own father asked him about it. No one has ever before tem did not trust him so much to entrust him to care for their own child, for someone who loves most in the world. Key heartbeat felt strange, strange spin in my head as if in itself automatically he say  wondering self :
- Please do not worry, I'll take care of her
Miyoung father reassured smiled and hugged him. Key is not never was hugged by his father. did not know how to behave. but the warm embrace of the work-worn arms was surprisingly nice. when my father sat quietly Miyoung in a chair drinking his tea Key tried to calm their emotions hour. Miyoung father suddenly got up and walked to one of the shelves with the books he took out something and came back, sitting down beside Key. Key curious asked:
- What is it?
Miyoung father smiled and proudly said:
- This is an album of childhood Miyoung
Key even more curious, I began to pick the pictures Miyoung when she was a little girl. he had to admit that she was a sweet, always smiling in the world if there were no problems. key when looking at the photographs he began to smile.
- Although it was sweet? - Miyoung father demanded. Key had no choice but to disagree. Miyoung proud father kept showing more pictures, and anything not a conscious Miyoung quietly preparing dinner. when he had finished an album in  Miyoung father looked on and said, stating the key Key of the picture:
- In this photo Miyoung is a little older, but take it
Key was a little surprised but accepted the gift his father Miyoung, somehow you surprised himself could not refuse this strszemu man. Shortly after, however Key hid photo appeared in the room slowly Miyoung stating the lunch. Key looked at her from time to time when it served his father. envied her a bit of contact with his father. later, together they ate lunch. Miyoung after dinner father went upstairs and walked Miyoung Key to exit:
- I hope that my father did not molest you?
- Anyo is a very nice man
- Thank you
- For what?
- But that you were nice

Key smiled and said, getting on your bike:
- Give me your phone
- What?
- Just give
Key Miyoung carried the phone and after a while something recordable Key and then gave her back the phone saying:
- This is my number, do not give it to anyone and you know I have a better idea than that of'd be my slave
- And so what?
- This is an experiment in which you must help me
- An experiment?
- Mmmm, this applies to you, Taemin and more ....
- Huh?
- Just trust me, I need to know this then he will explain everything to you araso?
- And like you I like this help?
- We'll pretend a few
- What! and what does this have to do with me and Taemin!
- I told you to trust me, at least you will not eat, it's just fun nothing more.
She looked at suspiciously Miyoung Key who said:
- I promise you nothing to do
Miyoung She looked again at last said:
- I do not know what that has to do with Taemin and with me, but always better than doing it as someone's slave
Key smiled and said:
- So I do, right?
- consent
Key smiled and said before leaving:
- For tomorrow
after a while even he could not see. when he came home Miyoung still did not understand. but the feeling was accompanied by very often when he was with these rich people, so the only thing left is get used her to it.

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i like it updaTe soon
will someone can comment what are you think about this??