first day end part 2


MiYoung Pov:
"When I came into the school building was trying to be the most cautious as soon as I was set just to not to fall into some more trouble. Headed for my new class. When I entered the class eyes focused on me, I felt this awful. At heart then I wanted to be invisible. one and only one person looked at me, only he Taemin. do not know but for some strange reason I enjoyed it. knew that he does not care what happened and I enjoyed it. after the fall must have been mad at me, did to him I'm not surprised. I took a deep breath and headed toward it maybe it was not the right time but I wanted to apologize to him, wanted to be a little closer to him even for a second. my heart beat really fast with my every step. she stood next to his table I did not know how to start a conversation and what to say. my palms are sweated and my heart wanted to jump out of my chest. from the moment I felt faint. whether it really possible that he in love with him?
Taemin had lowered his head and listened to his mp3. gently touched his shoulder. Taemin lifted his head and looked at me in the face jeggo not drawn to any exact emotions. he took out the headphones from his ears and waited in silence. I lowered my head and said:
- Mmmm .... I just .... As far as this incident .... I ....
I could not really gather logically slow. in. I was shaking. Taemin looked at me from top to bottom and turning his gaze toward his
table, said:
- the forgotten
- Huh? - I did not know how I understand his words. I looked at him and asked:
- What do I forget?
Taemin looked at me and said:
- So you want me to apologize?
I nodded, shaking his head, and went on Taemin
- Does not have to do it, nothing happened just forget about it
- But to me it is really sad and .....
- I said that everything the game right?
I nodded, and before he could say anything Taemin yet again set up his headphones and started listening to music, so I was left with nothing but look for places where I can sit back

I look around the classroom in the hope that someone will tell me to sit next to people's faces, but rather expressed in the class something like
"Die, be gone"
certainly were not the friendly facial expressions. Suddenly I felt someone grab me by the wrist, she turned I saw a girl, beautiful girl. looked like a barbie doll or porcelain. I've never seen such a pretty girl. the girl smiled at me, the first person in this school that happened to me, smiled

I did not know how I react wogole saw it coming. smiling girl said:
- Sit down together
looked at her shocked. Is this a dream or reality? is this beautiful girl, walking ideal of beauty really want to sit down with me?
I nodded nodding. she jumped with joy and clapped her hands and then took me to his table.
looked at her with disbelief. she unpacked swojee things on the table and looked at me smiling, said:
- I am Jiyeon and you?
- MiYoung
- Nice to meet you - said she is constantly smiling. I've never seen such a beautiful smile

unpacked my things I was still in shock I did not know what to say to this girl if I ask you something. I felt like confused. she looked at me and said:
- If you want to lead you on, in school, do you want?
nodded her head nodding. This girl was really nice, what wogole I would not expect. maybe I can somehow survive in this school?

at each break and I walked across Jiyeon school. she told me about everything and nawett announced that tomorrow will present me to his friends. I started to like this girl. After class, Jiyeon said goodbye to me and suggested we were friends. I probably really likes her


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i like it updaTe soon
will someone can comment what are you think about this??