The Idol's Marriage





Finally the wedding day is arrive. I’m so nervous right now. I keep looking my reflection at the mirror. I’M TOTALLY NERVOUS RIGHT NOW! I really don’t know what to do.

KNOCK… KNOCK.. “Can I come in, Yoong?” Yuri Eonni asks.

“Yeah.. Just come in..” I reply her..

Yuri Eonni was the person that I choose to know this secret wedding. She was the closest Eonni I have. That’s why I chose her. I believe she can keep the secret.


Last week, I and Siwon Oppa already agree to bring one of our own members to meet. He chose Donghae Oppa and I chose Yuri Eonni.

It was 3 o’clock when we meet at the private restaurant.

“Annyeong… Oppa. Sorry we’re late..” I and Yuri Eonni greeting Siwon and Donghae Oppa…

“O… It’s ok… Just sit..:” Siwon Oppa said with his warm smile..

After sit, we order some food and drinks..

“So.. Yoong… why that you want me to come? Tell me right now, I’m really curious!..” Yuri Eonni said and looking at my eyes..

“Yah.. Siwon.. Exactly what happen. Why that you want me to come with you too?” Donghae Oppa asks him too..

I really don’t know how to tell the story. I really don’t dare to tell them. So I keep looking to Siwon Oppa. I HOPE HE CAN START FIRST.

But, he just keeps quite too. I know he really confused right now, what should he said to them.. We just take our drink. And looking each other.

“YAH.. You two! Don’t waste my time! What happen exactly? If you not to tell us, I will go back first… I have a schedule too..” Donghae Oppa said and break the silence.

“AISH…… Yoong! Me too.. I have a schedule too… I come with you, because you said it’s important. But, if you don’t talk, I will go back too…”Yuri Eonni said in serious one..

“Hm… Hyung.. I really don’t know how to start..” Siwon suddenly said and put his drink at the table..

“Me and Yoong will getting married..” He said to Donghae and Yuri and I just drink my tea and don’t dare to look at them.

“MWO?????????????” They said in unison. I know they must be really shocked right now.

“What married? Married in show?” Yuri Eonnie asks again as she really need explain.

“No.. Real married… I will marry him, Eonni…”I said and put my drink at the table too. I know he can’t face them alone, so I decided to talk too..

“MWO? Are you serious?”Donghae Oppa asks with his eyes widened..

“NEH…”We said in unison..

“I don’t believe this.. How can you two get married? You two didn’t dating right?” Yuri Eonni asks.

“No.. We’re not…”We said again..

“So, why must you two get married? Explain to us now…” Donghae Oppa said in serious tone and keeps looking at us.

“Well.. I and Yoong must get married because our grandparents already promise each other to married their grandchildren. And it means us…”Siwon Oppa explain..

“Ok… I understand.. But it doesn’t mean you must marry now right? You two still very young..”Yuri Eonnie asks again.

“Eonnie, my grandmother has a heart cancer, you know that right? She really hopes to see us married. So, I hope I can fulfill her wish. And our parents want to build a new business, and they want to make it under our name. So,they want us to married as soon as possible..” I answer..

“Hm… It’s totally ridiculous!”Yuri Eonnie seems confused right now.

“So, how about your carrier if you two get married?” Donghae Oppa asks

“Well… Our parents already talk everything to the director of our agency. And he allowed us to got married. But, of course, is a secret marriage..”Siwon oppa said..

“Well, so you mean no one will know about your marriage?”Yuri Eonnie asks

“Yeah.. The people that know is only our manager and family. And one of our own member…”Siwon Oppa said

“That’s why we call you to come here Eonni, because you the closest member I have. And I believe you can help me later to keep this secret..”

“Yeah.. You too Hyung. I told you to came here, because the same reason, Hyung” Siwon Oppa continue..

“Hm… I can understand… So, when will you two get married?”Donghae Oppa asks..

“Next week..” I and Siwon Oppa said in unison

“MWO??????? You’re not joking right?” They asks in unison too..

“No… “ And we shook our head…..

“So, where will you two get married?”Yuri Eonnie asks

“We will get married in church at the Busan. Because our grandmothers live there..”I said..

“So, we want you to attend too so our others member won’t suspicious..” Siwon Oppa said

“Hm… It’s ok as long as our agency already agree it. But, Where will you live after married? You still stay at the dorm, right?”Yuri Eonni asks and looking at me..

“Ani.. We will stay at the penthouse. Our parents already bought for us. So they said we must stay there..” I answer.

“MWO? Just the two of you?” Donghae Oppa said while wis finger pointing at us..

“NEH..” We said again..

“HAHA.. This is so unbelievable….”Donghae Oppa said while laughing..

“I know this is unbelievable. But this is the truth..”Siwon Oppa said.

-------------------FLASHBACK END--------------------------

“Yoong.. you look beautiful..”She said and looking at me and smile at me..

“AISH.. Eonni.. I’m so nervous….”I said and looking at her.

“I still can’t believe that I will get married today…”

“Yah.. Me too. I still can’t believe that you will get married now.. I think I will get married first. Since I older than you. Haha..”

“Eonni… I’m really afraid… “ I said. I realize that my tears started to fall down right now.

“AISH… Don’t cry Yoong. You’re make up will faded..” She reminds me and hug me…

“I know… But just be strong. Arra? He is a good guy after all. You know he’s the ideal’s guy for everyone right? I know he will take care of you…”

“But, he didn’t love me Eonni.. And same with me…”I said to her.. And my tears really flow this time…


I was looking at my reflection at the mirror. I’m really nervous right now.


“Can I come in Won?”Donghae Hyung asks..

“Yah…, Just come in..” I answer

“AISH.. I really can’t believe you will marry first! Haha” Donghae teased me..

“Hyung… I really can’t believe it too that I will married today..”

“Hmm…. So will you do the.. you know First night thing? Haha” He teased me again

“AISH.. Hyung! Of course not! She won’t want to do it… And I will respect her..”

“Haha.. You two very unlucky then…”He teased me again..

“So, are you ready?”

“I don’t know… I’m really nervous right now, Hyung..”

“Hey… You must take care of her! Arra? She’s one of my best dongsaeng. Don’t dare to make her cry!”Donghae said in her serious tone.

“I know Hyung…”

“By the way.. How about Fanny? Did she know about your wedding?”

I didn’t answer him I just shook my head. If I remember the last time I see her, it just made my heart hurt. But, what can I do, I must let her go anyway. I just hope she can find a better guy. Guy that she can believe.

“Hm.. Just be strong.. Arra?  But, I think you still lucky, Won?” He said again.

“What lucky?”

“’You married everyone Ideal’s girl….haha….”

Hm… I’m Lucky? Really? I don’t even know my feelings right now..

“But, we didn’t love each other, Hyung..”I said to him………….







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Chapter 32: I still love this ending. It was a great idea to reread this story.

I didn't say it before, but now I do, thank you for making this story and sharing it with us.
Chapter 31: My fifth moment of anguish, and on the other hand also of hope
Chapter 30: It was a nice surprise for yoona
Chapter 29: I was so glad to know that everything was alright
Chapter 28: even though it's a misunderstanding, I really suffered with these episodes
Chapter 27: Yoona needs to rest and not be so sad :(
Chapter 26: This was my fourth moment of anguish in this story
Chapter 25: what a sad moment Yoona and her family spent :(
Chapter 24: I still think this chapter is beautiful
Chapter 23: It's so cute ^.^