The Idol's Marriage






Today, Lee SoMan, the director of SM held an important meeting. There are Yoona, Siwon, Jessica, Donghae, Heechul, and Tiffany

“Good morning everyone..”Lee Soman greets everyone.


“So, First, I want to congratulate you all for the event. I’ve never imagine that you all will be the winner. I’m  really happy to see the result. But, can you explain me about yesterday? Why that you change the partner? “

They all quite. They keep looking at each other.

“Hey! EXPLAIN TO ME NOW! I’M SERIOUS!”He yelled at them.

“Hm.. First of all we’re sorry. Honestly, I change partners because I my partner go with Donghae and because Fanny partner gone too, so I decided to go with her. That’s all..”Heechul started to explain.

“Hm.. Ok… Your reason can be accepted. So, what about the rest?”

“Hm..Sorry Sir. But, you know right that me and Sica is dating. So, it’s not easy right to see our girlfriend or boyfriend is with someone else. That’s why I decided to go with Sica. I’m really sorry Sir..”Donghae continue…

“Hm.. Ok… I accept. So, what about our winner? Tell me what happen between you two! How can you kiss each other! Do you want any gossip??”He yelled now.

“Hm.. First of all I’m really sorry. I decided to take her because Donghae left her alone that time.”Siwon explain to him.

“So, how can you kiss her so passionately?”

“Hm.. It’s because I love her..”Siwon said. He knows that everyone eyes are widened now. Especially his wife. He knows that he can’t lie to them this time…

“HAH? MWO?”The director seems really surprised.

“Well.. I can’t lie to all of you! I love her..”Siwon said again…

“How can you give me an answer like that!”He seem really mad right now..

“I’m sorry.. But, I can’t find another reason…”Siwon said..

“Hm.. Ok… You two after this meet me at my office. I still need a lot of explanation..”

“Ok.. Now, because you all the winner. I will give you holiday for 2 weeks. Because after this, you all will be very busy. Especially you all have a lot of job with your couple…”



After the meeting Yoona and I go to the Director’s office. I know she really nervous right now. I decided to hold her hands and walking.

“You two! What happen actually? Do you want to create gossip?”

“I’m sorry..”We said and bowed our heads.

“Look.. I allowed you to marry because of yours family. And if you two love each other, it’s not my business! But, if you create gossip that’s my problem! ARRA?”


“Do you want people caught your secret marriage?”


“So, don’t make any problem again. Arra?”


“Look.. Just be carefull.. Don’t let paparazzi realize it. Arra?”


After the meeting, we still busy with our job. I have to go to my dorm and she have to go to her dorm too..


When I arrived at the dorm, everyone looking at me like they really need an explanation.

“Annyeong..”I greets them..

“Yah.. Im Yoona! Tell me what happen between you two?”Taeyeon Eonni said to me

“Hm.. Nothing!”I said and shook my head.

“Yah.. Don’t lie to us! Tell us!”Hyoyeon Eonni said…

“AISH.. Just read the newspaper and you all will know what happen!”I said

“We already read it Eonni. But, we don’t believe it.. Please tell us Eonni..”Seohyeon said with her puppy eyes.

“I’m sorry magane…I can’t..”I said and leave them to my room.

“Yoong.. you know I’m your best friend right? Please tell me what happen..”Yuri Eonnie asks when we at the room..

“Well.. We love each other.. That’s all the reason..”I said..

“MWO? CHINJJA??????”

I nodded my head…

“Great then. It means you already move on..”

“I hope so…”

“By the way, is Fanny Eonni in here?”

“No.. She doesn’t come here…”



I’m really shocked when I heard Siwon loves Yoona. My really hurts this time. What the scariest things is really happen. I decided to go to the club. I thought some drink could make me comfortable for a while. I know Heechul is following me all the time.

“Fanny… Stop drinking..”He said and take the glass from my hand.


“Fanny, don’t be crazy just because of that guy!”

“OPPA! I LOVE HIM..”I said and cry this time..

“Fanny, stop loving him! Open your hearts to someone else!”he said and look at my eyes..

“No.. I can’t.. No one loves me anyway..”

“Fanny.. I love you!”

“No.. you don’t!”

“Yes, I am. I propose you that time is for real, Fan…”

“Oppa.. Leave me alone! Jeball…”I said to him..


I was on the way to my penthouse when suddenly Heechul call me. He said that Fanny is really stress right now. He wants me to meet her at the club. At first I want to refuse, but Heechul said that she really need me. So I decided to go. I think I have to explain a lot of things to her for the last time…

I came to the room. She look very drunk right now..

“Fanny, stop drink! You already drunk!”I said and take the glass..

“Why do you care? Just go to Yoona!”

“Fanny, don’t bring her to this! Now, let’s go back..”



“Fanny, I’m sorry… But, we’re over”


“Fan.. you have to let me go..”I said to her..

“I can’t.. Why that you choose her and not me Oppa?”

“Mianhae Fan…”

I was about to leave her when suddenly she pulled my hand and kiss me!

She kisses my lips passionately but I didn’t respond her. And I’m so shocked when I see suddenly the door opened. Yoona and Heechul standing there and look at us. I saw Yoona run from that room and Heechul follow her. I let go her lips and slap her. I really mad this time! I go out from the room and chase Yoona…


I was about going back to my penthouse when suddenly Heechul call me. He said he want to meet me at the club. At first I want to refuse because I’m really tired. But, because he said this is about Fanny Eonni so I decided to meet him.

“Yoong… I’m sorry to call you this late..”

“Neh.. It’s ok..”

“Hm.. By the way where is she?”

“He is at the room right  now with Siwon.. I’m sorry. I call Siwon first. I hope you all can explain to her. She is really stress right now.”
“Oh.. It’s ok..Let’s meet them”

I’m so shocked when I open the door. They kiss so passionately. I can feel that my tears falling down right now. I decided to go out from that room. My heart really hurt this time…

I know that he chase me, but I don’t care. I just keep run and run… When suddenly I fall from the stairs. I thought it will be ok since it just 5 stairs, but I was wrong my stomach totally hurt this time…


I chase after her. But, she’s too fast! I know Heechul chase her too.. I was so shocked when I heard someone scream…


I was so shocked when I see my wife is at the bottom of the stairs.. She looks really in pain. But the most shocked is when I see there is a blood over her feet! I run towards her…

“Oppa… It’s hurt.. My stomach…”She said and crying…

“Hyung, what happen to her?”’

“She falls from the stairs. It just 5 stairs only, but I think something wrong with her stomach…”

“Yoong.. Gwenchanna?”I said and look at her

“It’s hurt.. APPO!”

“Hyung.. I need to bring her to hospital. Can you help me to drive?”

“Neh.. Let’s go…”

I carry her and wipe the blood.. She really looks in pain.

I sit beside her at the back and help her to rub her stomach. I hope it can less her pain.. After arrived to the hospital, we brought her to the ER and the doctor told us to wait outside. I’m really worried about her.

“Won, I think I have to go back to Fanny…”Heechul said to me..

“Neh.. I think you should go back.. Gomawo Hyung..”

“Neh.. It’s ok.. Everyhing will be alright..”He said and tap my shoulder.

“Neh.. I hope so..”

“Ok.. I will go first. If there is any news about her, please tell me..”


“God, please take care of her..”I pray in my heart.

After an hour waiting finally the doctor come out from the room.

“Is this Choi Yoona family?”

“Yes.. I am. I am her husband. Is she okay?”

“Hm.. Thanks to God we can save both of them..”


“Neh.. The baby and of course your wife…”


“Neh… She is pregnant…”


“Neh.. She has to rest because she already lost a lot of blood. “

“Gomawo doctor. Can I see my wife now?”

“Neh.. But I think she’s still sleeping. Do you want us to move her?”

“Neh.. Please move her to the VIP room..”

I sit beside her and looking at my wife face… She really looks beautiful. I still can’t believe that she is pregnant right now. Thanks God, the doctor can save them both.

“Gomawo Yoong…”I kiss her forehead..
“Baby, welcome. You must grow well in your mommy’s tummy. Arra? Appa can’t wait to see you in this world… I promise to make you happy. And God Bless You, my baby..”I talk to my wife’s tummy and kiss her tummy…





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Chapter 32: I still love this ending. It was a great idea to reread this story.

I didn't say it before, but now I do, thank you for making this story and sharing it with us.
Chapter 31: My fifth moment of anguish, and on the other hand also of hope
Chapter 30: It was a nice surprise for yoona
Chapter 29: I was so glad to know that everything was alright
Chapter 28: even though it's a misunderstanding, I really suffered with these episodes
Chapter 27: Yoona needs to rest and not be so sad :(
Chapter 26: This was my fourth moment of anguish in this story
Chapter 25: what a sad moment Yoona and her family spent :(
Chapter 24: I still think this chapter is beautiful
Chapter 23: It's so cute ^.^