t w o

A little closer to heaven

Even though I wanted to skip a little of drama, I couldn't possibly hang around there awkwardly with... Kai.

I sat down with a friend of mine, Ka Eun, who was great at singing. I always, always practice my singing with her. Its good enough to get accepted into an arts school but  if you don't have all the 'talents' , you gotta earn them. And sad to say, my singing isn't as great as my dancing. Endless hours of toture during vocal training makes me wonder; can't I be a rapper instead. Actually, we do have rapping classes but my major subject didn't offer rapping classes the last few years.

There was only singing, singing and SINGING~ It's crazy how Ka Eun can pull off 8 octaves perfectly and I'm like a dolphin choking on a fish. Don't even try to imagine. Ka Eun says I exaggerate about my singing skills but I think that's the BEST way to explain how I sound like when singing REALLY high notes.

My drama teacher is really gay. Well, what do you expect, he's a DRAMA teacher. Anyway he likes nagging at us so usually, we take down notes to keep his yap shut. I took out my notebooks, they're vintage. I LOVE vintage notebooks, espescially since I'm using my mother's old vintage notebook as my diary and I bring it to school everyday and I bring it to class EVERYDAY because its THAT precious. Its a mild yellow, it has a green fold and it has a heart shaped lockett on it. It's really meaningful because it used to be my mother's but the rest, I bought with my own money, at the very shop where my mother used to buy her stationery at.


I rummaged through my bag for it but it was nowhere to be found! I traced back my steps from today. First, home, but it can't be at home because I remember reading my new year's resolutions on my way to school. Second, outside school, no, but i kept it already by that time. Third, my locker, it can't be at my locker because I always bring it to class and....OH NO...


What if I forgot to pick up my notebook? What if he took my notebook and reads it?! I can't bear having the thought of him reading through personal stuff! Shoot. Gotta think, gotta think, gotta think. Should I ask him? No I can't ask him! 

*ahem* he-llo, thank you for helping me. I was just pondering... Nah too formal... *ahem* hell-o, i'm minji, by any chance.. NO too straightforward... *ahem* hey dude... GAH sheesh. Why is it so hard to just go and ask him for my notebook back?


"Sorry Mr Ko, I had trouble getting OFF the crowded train so I missed a lot of stops."

"Well then, quickly take a seat." Mr Ko said as he continued with his lesson on the Principles of Romeo and Juliet. 

Lee Ah ran over to me and nudged me. 

"Heyy" she whispered.

"You're late." 

"Well I'm sorry sour-puss, I can't control the trains."

"Because YOU were late, I had a little 'trouble', okay fine a lot of 'trouble'."

"Can't be that bad." she laughed as she unpacked her bag.

"It's Kai."

"WHAT!?" She practically shouted. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"MISS PARK! Do you want a DOUBLE booking for nuisance during class?" Mr Ko asked.

"No Mr Ko."

"Then you ought to behave yourself."

"Yes Mr Ko."

I bit my lips while waiting for Lee Ah to finish with Mr Ko before continuing.

"My mom's notebook, it's with him! I dropped it in the hallway when I was being trampled over and I must have forgotten to pick it up."

"Uhuh, sure, that;s the reason."

"What else could it be?"

"Let me guess, You were being clumsy, he decided to take advantage and make a move, you fall head over heels, he takes the notebook and boom! here you are now."

"-.- No, Lee Ah, just ...no. Anyway, why would he want MY notebook?" 

"Maybe to see if you have secrets on girls...AHA! Gotcha! That was his motive all along, that sneaky little guy."

I sighed in frustration as I began to scribble the title 'Principles of Romeo and Juliet'. I decided not to think about my problem for now and focus on my work.

After drama, I had Maths while Lee ah had physics. I walked over to my locker again to put in my drama notes and that's when I bumped into Kai again, like, literally.

"I'm sorry... Ah, Annyeonghasaeyo." I bowed as I looked up and noticed Kai standing there.

"We should really stop meeting like this.I'm Kai." He laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. I gave a nervous laugh in return before asking for my notebook back.

"Umm, nice to meet you, I'm.."

"Min Ji right?" he finished before I even had a chance to.

"uh..yeah..how'd you..."

"You dropped your notebook on the floor just now. I thought it didn't belong to anyone so truthfully, I was gonna take it, but then I opened it and saw your picture and name on the front page." He said as he passed me my notebook back. Happiness came over me but suspicion soon took over.

"Umm, you didn't..."

"Oh, no i didn't read it if you were wondering." I raised an eyebrow at his statement.


"Yeah, I totally didn't read your new years' resolutions." he said as he grinned at me.

"You liar! Ugh, idiot!" I shouted as I walked away from him. I heard footsteps running behind me and he suddenly appeared in front of me again.

"Well excuse you, but i only read your latest updates. Come on, tell me why you cancelled 'find love'! You can always find love in this school."

"Excuse me little liar boy, aren't you suppose to have class now?" I sarcastically replied as I shoved him aside.

"Well, I'm having Maths, you are too I suppose, since you're walking towards the Maths stream classes." I stopped walking and stared at him with my mouth agape.

"You're.. kidding me.." I slowly spoke. He gave me a wide smile and pulled me into the class.

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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.