o n e

A little closer to heaven


I stretched my arms and yawned. I quickly took my notebook and scribbled my new years' resolutions. I then jumped up and got ready for school.

I stepped out of my house and took a deep breath of the cool Seoul breeze. Just imagine.

A new year.

A new memory.

A new life.

Everything was going to be perfect. Well, maybe not perfect, perfect but perfect.

I started walking to school as I laid out my new years' resolutions.


1. Make new friends.

2. Be a better sister to my older brother.

3. Find Love.

Number 3 doesn't seem like its going to happen anytime soon so...

3. Find Love.

Now that that's done, all I have to do is carry them out and PERFECT YEAR here I come!

I continued walking and stopped outside the building which said 'Ryden Academy of Fine Arts' and walked right in.

Oh and by the way, my name is Song Min Ji, I'm 18 and I'm completing my last year in High school. School's been good but this year, our classes are arranged according to our subject combinations which means, a whole new room full of strangers that barely talked to each other over the years. The first 2 years are based on our majors but for this year, we are streamed according to the subjects that we choose to do and Lee Ah is not happy with me for choosing Maths over Physics.

Oh! This is Park Lee Ah, She's the prettiest dumb I've ever met and she's crazy just like me! Somehow, we just click. And she is and will always be my BESTEST FRIEND FOREVER!

I must admit, she's an awesome dancer. In fact, that's how we first met.


We shared the same major and we were both so outgoing, that we quickly became friends.

15 years of dancing together, 15 years of friendship, 15 years of fun.

I walked through the long hallway and greeted some of the familiar faces. I opened my locker which was somewhere in the middle section of the hallway and grabbed all my books for today's lessons. I closed my locker and looked at my watch. 

"Sheesh, that Park Lee Ah is late on the first day." I thought to myself.

I was looking for my history book to read among the other books that I was holding while waiting for Lee Ah to arrive when the bell rang and the crowd in the hallway started to rush to their classes. I was caught in the stampede. Everyone started shoving their way past me and they pushed me which caused me to drop my books. People will never be able to learn how to wait patiently. Luckily, my first lesson was drama so I could be slightly late for that. I bent down to pick up my books when I hit my head against the lockers.

"OUCH!" I yelped.

"Hey, do you need any help?" I heard a deep voice from behind.

I turned around and that's when I saw him.


I've heard of many stories about him from my classmates, all of them ending their stories with warnings. They warned me that Kai was a heartbreaker and he always dumped girls harshly. And there he was, standing right in front of me. I wanted to say so many things to him but it was my first time seing him up-close and I was totally speechless. He was so handsome. As I opened my mouth to say something, He had already bent down to help me pick up my books for me. I stared at him in shock. Right then he looked up and his eyes met with mine. We stared at each other in silence for around 3 seconds.

I quickly looked away and snatched my books away from his hands without checking them. I got up, bowed and ran away from the scene. I hid behind the wall and heaved a sigh of relief. I bit my bottom lip and rushed straight for class.



Who was that? Not even a thank you for my help? Wow, girls really are the same. But the way she looked at me, was different from the way other girls look at me. They give me the 'flirty' look but that.....that was different.

"Heyyyyy, what's do we have here?" I thought to myself as I saw a vintage notebook on the floor. I love vintage stuff and this one didn't look like it belonged to anybody. It was in pristine condition, like it was never used before. I flipped open the first page and saw a picture with a name above it.

Song Min Ji.

She looked exactly like the girl I bumped into a few seconds ago. Maybe since its the first day of school, I should be nice and give this back to her? Hmm...



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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.