f o u r

A little closer to heaven

the next day

I walked into the school leisurely as I greeted some familiar faces. I stopped abruptly and opened my locker. I was looking for my chemistry textbook when i heard a cough behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"What is it, Kai."

"What? Not even a goodmorning from you? Man, this ."

"And you're here be-cause?"

"I was just checking to see if you were free today, to practice our dance routine." I shut my locker and started walking.

"I dunno. I gotta help my dad with something tonight. I may be able to- AH!" I was cut off when I slipped on a spilled drink. I was waiting for the pain to hit me but it didn't. I opened my eyes and saw Kai holding onto my arm.

"You okay there Min Ji?"

"Fine. Thanks." I said as I avoided his eyes. This was the second time he saved me. Why would a guy like Kai want to save a girl like me?

"Hey, you alright there?" I heard a voice from behind. I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally spilled a can of coke on my way in and I went to get the janitor. Didn't really think that anyone would fall." He glanced at Kai and nodded.

"What's up, bro." He said as Kai nooded back and they slapped each others' palms. 

"Nothing much, Lu. It's lucky I was with Min Ji otherwise she would have gotten hurt."

"Yeah, lucky. Anyway, My name's Luhan. I'm a friend of Kai." He said as he held out his hand.

I couldn't help but stare into his eyes which were a hazel-brown colour and it looked so sparkly. He had a great build, just like Kai, probably a dancer too, but most of all, he was cute.

"Uh.. yeah, I'm Min Ji. I'm... kai's classmate." I said as I shook his hand.

"Cool, nice to meet you. What class do you guys have right now?"

"We're having chemistry." I turned to Kai, "which is why we probably should be going."

"There's no hurry Min Ji, Mr Hwang is always late by 10 minutes. Anyway, where are you going, man?"

"I have a physics class to attend." Luhan said calmly as he adjusted the sleeves of his long shirt. I thought to myself that he might be in Lee Ah's class.

"Uh, by any chance, do you know Park Lee Ah? She's in physics too, dance major, brunette, really big eyes."

"Hmm..Park Lee Ah.... Oh! is it that really pretty girl that came late yesterday? I saw her on the bus and in all my classes."

"Right that's the one." As if on cue, Lee Ah ran towards us. 

"Min Ji ah, you have no idea how angry I am at the bus driver for making me run..and oh hi who are they" She panted while putting her hands on her knees.

"Lee Ah, this is Luhan. He's in your physics class and he's in the same dance major as you and in the same stream." I motioned towards Luhan. He smiled warmly at her and offered her his hand. She smiled back and shook it willingly since Luhan is too cute to reject.

"And this...is Kai. This is Kai.Yup, KAI." I said as I widened my eyes at her. She immediately straightened her posture and panicked.

"Uh...um...hi...uh Lu...Luhan, I think we're late for class." She blurted. Luhan glanced at his watch and nodded. He motioned for her to walk in front of him. Lee Ah gave me the sorry-i-freaked-out look and quickly rushed to class with Luhan.


She left me here alone with Kai even when she knew I needed help.

"Is she alright? She just walked away without even looking at me." Kai asked as he started walking.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." I said as I sarcastically smiled.

"Min Ji, is there something you want to tell me? Why are you being so hostile towards me?"

"No Kai, what's wrong is we're being seen in public together."

"Oh, so you're scared that people would assume that you and I are having a thing with each other, am I right now?"

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! Why would I, Song Min Ji, be scared of THAT."

"You're scared that you'll fall for me, aren't you." Kai continued to tease.

"Whatever you say Kai, let your thoughts roam around freely if you want them to."

"I'll take that as a yes then."

For the rest of the day, I was giving the cold shoulder towards Kai, God knows why, but I could tell he didn't like it. I'm not even sure why I'm acting like this. Maybe because I don't want people to get the wrong idea, or maybe I was just blinded by Luhan. Although, what intrests me was that his eyes instantly lit up when we were talking about Lee Ah, but whatever it is, I still find him cute.

Our last lesson for today was dance. The day was bad enough with Kai following me everywhere but it became worse when our dance teacher told us that we have to get it ready by next week. She was not going to waste anymore time with the project discussions so she started the lesson for the day which was jazz. She told us to folow her lead and we did. We each grabbed our assigned partner, still don't know why mine is Kai, and followed her steps for the Jazz number. I could see that Kai was always one step ahead of her.

"What, don't tell me you learn jazz?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes I do actually. My mother especially LOVES jazz. She simply can't live without it."

"Your mother likes jazz, no way, mine too."

"There's a reason they're best friends, you know." I nodded my head.



HEY GUYS! So sorry for not updating often but I hope you will forgive me :( I've been watching So You Think You Can Dance a lot! And i LOVE LOVE LOVE the way they dance(: Anyway, Please invite your friends to read my Fanfic if you could! And comments would be much appreciated! <333 LOVE YOU




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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.