n i n e

A little closer to heaven

Minji's POV

Kai slammed the door shut once we reached the practice room. He gave out a deep exasperated sigh and turned to me. "I'm sorry about my sister, she just... has issues with me." 

"Oh no, it's okay I guess. I'm the one who should be saying sorry for my behaviour towards her." 

"... No I think what you did out there was cool. Nobody usually has the guts to stand up to my sister but you did it pretty well," he stopped and awkwardly rubbed his nape. "I'm sorry she brought up the topic about my past..." 

"Why do you need to be sorry? There's really no need to be. Really, I believe that everybody makes mistakes. Just make sure that you learn from them." I hesitantly advised.

"Anyways, thank you for having my back, you're a good friend Minji." He beamed, showing his canines. I was temporarily frozen. His smile..was mesmerising. I found myself smiling back goofily. 

His deep laugh was soothing to my ears as I put my bag down. "Okay, so let's start practicing!"



Cheska's POV

I scoffed as I watched her being dragged upstairs by my brother. Unbelievable. She just stood up to me. Nobody has ever done that before. 

"Hmm, this is one interesting girl. I think I'll have fun with this one." 



Narrator's POV


Kai sauntered through the double doors of the school with his hands in his pockets. The girls were all staring and oggling at him as usual. Apart from the usual winking he used to do, he smiled politely at them instead. Minji realised the change in his behaviour as she took out her books and stole glances as he walked in. He saw Minji and immediately brightened. He jogged over to her locker and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Minji ah, are you feeling alright today?"

"Yeah, i am. Thanks for asking." She closed her locker and looked up at Kai who was smiling down at her.

"You seem excited today, Kai." She giggled a little.

"Hey its not a crime to be excited is it?" He raised an eyebrow as they started walking. 

"No it isn't, but people might find you weird for smiling like that."

"No they won't." He rolled his eyes as he took his seat next to her in Chemistry. At that moment Luhan and Lee Ah walked into the classroom together. Minji's eyes were so fixated on them that she wasn't even listening to what Kai was saying. Lee Ah caught her staring and winked. Minji scoffed and then looked at Luhan who was smiling at her. She pinked and smiled back. 


"Huh what? Yeah sure I am." She muttered but continued to stare at Luhan.

"Okay then what was I saying?"

"Hey Kai, don't you think that Luhan is really cute?" she asked as she finally turned her attention back to Kai.

"Yah, are you seriously asking me this question."


"Well, I think Luhan... and Lee Ah will make a cute couple. After all, Lee Ah does seem like his ideal type. " He pointed to them. Min Ji gaped at him. He just shrugged. Min Ji looked back at her best friend and the golden-haired boy.  *There goes my chances*



Kai and Min Ji walked to the dance room together with nervous hearts. It was finally their turn to showcase their dance to everyone and they wanted to get the best grades there were. They chose hip hop as their genre, of course since it was both their majors.

In a performing arts school, you don't only have to perform to express, but you also have to perform to impress and that was what worried them both. Individually, they would both excel in this area but they've never tried to perform with partners. It was their turn and they started to get ready.

"Hwaiting." Min Ji whispered and Kai nodded.




The whole class clapped as Kai and Min Ji stood in front of the teachers for their results. The head of department for dance, who was also our dance teacher, Ms Shin stood up and read out our grade for the hip hop number. Her poker face soon diminished and was replaced with a smile as she read out, "High Distinction." Minji and Kai couldn't believe their ears.

There were only four high distinction pairs out of 40 pairs in the whole level so far, and since they were the last pair to perform in their class of 20 people, that meant that they were now the fifth pair of high distinction partners in the whole school.

That meant that they would have a chance to audition for the Seoul Academy of Fine Arts' dance scholarship. Min Ji squealed and hugged Kai while Kai, who was as jubilant, hugged her back and twirled her around. The class let out a loud 'oooh' as they watched the pair interact. Min Ji blushed profusely and pushed him away while Kai merely laughed it off as the teacher asked the class to quieten down.

"Okay class, now that this assignment is over," she paused for dramatic effect while the class cheered loudly. "We have a new task for you." And that was the cue for the jeering.

"Don't worry, it's not boring. Our new task for you is the annual opening ceremony for the freshmen of the school, Dance Revolution. Starting from this year, we have decided that for every year, the seniors perform for the freshmen of the school to set a standard for them to follow. So, this means that the junior and senior classes will combine for a full showcase.

The five high distinction pairs of the senior batch and the four of the high distinction pairs from the junior batch will showcase their performances as pairs, solos, and groups. As for the rest of the dancers, don't worry, you'll be included as well. What do you say to a flash mob tour?" The students instantly cheered loudly.

A petite girl raised her hand and asked Ms Shin, "But Ms Shin, what's a flash mob?"

"It's when we do a mass dance at places together as a group at the most random timing."

"But where will our flash mobs be held at?" Ms Shin cleared and smiled.

"Its a flash mob tour around all High schools in Seoul." All the students gasped for a second, before they started cheering again. "The high schools in Seoul have allowed us to do our flashmob at their school as a showcase of how different performing arts' schools and regular high schools are.

This is a wide-scale project which is compulsory for your Involvement Programme. It will help you with your score for your College Entrance Exams, so, do a good job."

"AND you'll also be doing a special sneak preview of your flash mob performances to kick start the Dance Revolution ceremony. How does that sound?" 


"Great, now we'll need all your co-operation so the two distinction pairs in my class please move to the left side of the dance studio and the rest, please gather on the right side so that Mr Lee can brief you all about the whole thing. Jungah, Serin, Joon and Sungho, please go to the back of the classroom for a special briefing of your leadership positions by Mr Ha."

Ms Shin said as all the students started moving. They congratulated Min Ji and Kai and the other pair which consisted of a girl named Yuri and a guy named Eunhyuk. The two pairs greeted and congratulated each other while making some small talk.



Minji's POV

"I hope we can work together to make this project a success." Yuri beamed.

"After all, We are the greatest dancers of all time, are we not?" Eunhyuk boasted while smirking. Kai and Eunhyuk fist-bumped and laughed.

"Can the guys of each pair come over this way, please?" Ms Shin hollered. Kai nudged me and sent me a cheeky smile. I stuck my tongue out and shoved him towards her. He feigned hurt by clutching onto his heart and I merely laughed it off. I turned my head as Yuri spoke to me.

"You probably know that the other senior dancers are no joke, right." I raised my eyebrows at her statement.

"Are trying to imply that we're a joke?"

"NO! That's not what I meant I-"

"Hey, its okay. I know what you meant. Come on, don't think so lowly of yourself, Yuri, you were amazing out there."

"Aw, come on Minji, that made my ego swell, because it came out of your mouth." I laughed as she scratched her head while smiling.

"So what if its coming from me?" I laughed and she gasped.

"You have the highest distinction in dance for the girls category in our school MInji, and Kai is top of the charts for the guys category too! Plus your routine was flawless. You guys really are hip hop legends."

"Hip hop legends? That's funny!"

"No seriously Minji, I've only heard about you through friends of mine who were in the same class as you the previous years. You're phenomenal!"

"Hey you're not that bad yourself." I said as I poked her tummy. She immediately cowered away while laughing.

"Don't do that! I'm sensitive here." She pouted while hugging her tummy.

"Ladies, this way please!" Ms Shin called us as Kai and Eunhyuk went over to our top- notch choreographer to start brainstorming on routine ideas.

"Okay so, since the first day I got to know you girls, I've come to a conclusion that you girls are quick learners am I right?" Yuri and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess." I voiced.

"Good, because not only will you girls join the flash mob group after the showcase, but you'll also have to help us teachers choreograph the moves, no worries, you will get extra involvement points and I've gotten the juniors to help out as well.

Those four at the back have special roles assigned to them according to their performances and they have many duties to carry out so I suggest you guys work closely with them, discuss about the planning, wardrobe, schedule timings for practices, basically you go to them for anything.

They are now known as your level heads for this project. I will plan the practice timings with the level heads to make sure that everything will go smoothly.

So, basically, it goes like this. Seoul Academy of Fine Arts are sending over representatives for the show so that these representatives can get a gist of your talents before you actually meet them for the auditions. First impressions count, alright.

So, the showcase will be divided into two halves. Altogether its 2 hours 30 minutes, so the juniors get the first half, and you guys get the second half. The flashmob will be performing at the start of the show so you guys don't have to join them.

The high distinction junior-senior girls will perform together the 1h mark so you guys will have to collaborate with each other okay? Then the junior-senior boys will have a joint performance at the 1h 10 min mark and on the 1h 20 min mark, its all your individual showcases plus your pair routine.

Then the high distinction boys group performance before the high distinction senior girls group performance and lastly finishing off with what we call the Junior-senior collaboration movement where the high distinction juniors and high distinction seniors will collaborate for the finale and after that, you can focus on the flash mob tour, got it?"

We nodded and she gestured for us to Ms Han. "Your choreographer is waiting for you." Ms Shin smiled and walked to the centre of the gigantic dance room. She clapped her hands twice and announced with a loud and clear voice,


"Let the EXO project begin!"


Everybody cheered and immediately started doing their own things. They were broken down into four small groups with one teacher-choreographer showing the basic moves of the first part of the song. The radio boomed random music and the dance room was now filled with hustle and bustle. This was only 20 people, imagine 80! Yuri and I made our way to Ms Han who was eyeing Mr Ha and the two boys starting to plan their routine. 

"Hi Ms Han." Yuri and I waved as we watched her stand up, while grinning at us. She squuezed both our shoulders and laughed giddily.

"I'm so proud of you girls for getting high distinctions!" We smiled back and she looked back and forth between the both of us.

"You both major in hip hop right?" We both nodded obediently.

"Minji, you're so skinny, I almost mistook you for a contemporary dancer." She chuckled. I smiled and tilted my head at an angle. 

"Actually, I major in both." I heard Yuri gasp beside me and mutter something. Ms Han merely smirked and nodded her head approvingly.

"That's great! I can't wait to work with the both of you and the other high distinction girls, this is gonna be so much fun!" 


It definitely will be.


a/n: OMG I'M SO SORRY MY DEAR READERS! I haven't been updating in a while because EXAMS. I'm truly sorry, I hope i can update more often now that exams are overrr! Don't forget to upvote my story, and please help me to promote my story please and thank you ^^ LOVE U ALL~ 


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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.