f i v e

A little closer to heaven

I sighed as I sauntered towards the main gate. I stalked off towards the direction of my house and was quite far from school  when I suddenly remembered. 


I ran back towards school and I stopped to catch my breath when I saw Kai waiting outside school for me.

"Hey! Where were you! I was in the bathroom and you decided to ditch me? " 

"Well I'm sorry Mr. clingy-pants but I ran 2.4km all the way here just because of you! " I huffed.

"You shouldn't have forgotten in the first place." We walked towards his house since I had left my bus concession at home today and Kai had no money. I had sprained my ankle earlier when I was running back to school to meet Kai and the pain kept magnifying everytime I took a step. I bit my lip to prevent myself from grunting. Kai noticed my difficulty in walking and caught on pretty quickly. He stopped in front of me and bent down.

"What are you doing."

"You sprained your ankle didn't you." 

"NO! No I absolutely did not! I can dance perfectly, see." I said as I awkwardly started to dance. He gave me that judging look and I clucked my tongue.

"Not buying it?"

"Not one bit." He chuckled and offered his back again.

"Straight A students can't afford to flunk especially one in dance~" He teased.

"Hmph. Go to hell." I laughed and jumped onto his back.

"Min Ji, are you anorexic?"

"KAI!" I slapped his back.

"OW! what, I was just curious as to why you are so light."

"That was an insult okay! I'm stronger than I look!" I held an arm out and flexed it.

"OH REALLY! if you're so strong, why do you fall so easily? Hmmm?"

"Hey! I don't fall easily! I simply weaken when certain unforseen things come my way."

"Sounds like you're weak to me." He muttered as I slapped his back. We walked in silence for a few more seconds before I broke it.

"So.. Luhan."

"Uh huh, what about." 

"Didn't know a guy like you could have friends."

"HEY! I could just drop you here and make you flunk dance."

"OKAY OKAY! sorry sheesh. Anyways I was just wondering how he became your friend."

"Well, he....he's my cousin." He admitted. 

"GET OUT!!" I smiled as I whacked his shoulder and adjusted myself at an angle on his back so that I could hear him clearer.

"Hey watch what you whack!! I actually need this arm to breakdance!" He shouted as I kept slapping his right arm for him to continue. "Anyway, I don't like him to intoduce himself as my cousin because we're so different and I don't like it when people compare or connect us because he's good and I'm bad." Kai sighed.

"Yup. That's it. He's good and I'm bad." Kai repeated as he stared blankly into the distance. Somehow, I could feel that he didn't like to be compared to his cousin and I sort of pitied him. We soon reached his house and he immediately ran up the stairs. We had made it to his living room and were about to go up when Auntie Kimmy spotted us.

"MIN JI!" she ran over from the kitchen. "Did something happen? Why is Kai carrying you?" 

"Uh, Its just a sprain Auntie Kimmy."

"OH GOODNESS! A SPRAIN?! Let me help you get an ice pack." She soon came back with an ice pack and wrapped it around my ankle. She glanced at Kai and slapped his arm.

"OW!! MOM~! what was that for!!" 

"What did you do to her to make her sprain her ankle, hmm? Spit it out Kai!" She slapped his arm again.

"ALL WOMEN ARE THE SAME!! why do both of you keep slapping me! and Mom, it wasn't my fault; I swear."

"Yeah Auntie Kimmy, it wasn't his fault. I was just careless when running." I smiled.

"Oh that's assuring. I thought you slipped when Kai was kissing you or something." My eyes rounded at her comment and Kai slapped himself right across his left cheek.

"Mom, we're not like that. She's just a friend." Kai said as he cleared his throat.

"OH! that's a first! I'm so proud of you Kai~! "

"Wait, Auntie Kimmy what do you mean 'that's a first'?"

"Well you see dear, Kai always brings home 'girlfriends', never friends! Anyway I never approve of them! So I make sure they feel so uneasy near me that they'd want to leave! But you, Min Ji...You I'd approve of any day. But Kai says you're his friend. Weird...Maybe he became a little bit more cautious after knowing that we have history~" She laughed. I laughed at Kai's uneasiness.

"Well thanks for everything Auntie Kimmy! I'll just go up to practice our routine."

"Alrighty then deary, be careful! AND KAI! Don't just stand there, carry her upstairs!" Auntie Kimmy said before she left. Kai told me to grab onto his neck and wrap my legs around his waist as he carried me up the stairs. 

We finally reached the practice room and Kai put me down.

"You can't dance with a jacked up ankle."

"Why not."

"You won't help the healing process."

"Kai, I'm stronger than you think. Honestly. Let's just do it." Kai sighed but started the music anyway. We practiced more than 8 times and I was doing fine until halfway through the twelfth song when we had to switch spots, my leg got a cramp and I tripped over Kai. He held onto me but he fell flat on his back. Luckily, our bags were there so he didn't get hurt. I landed on top of him and let out a small wail. I propped myself up to get up but our eyes locked. I took the opportunity to study his features. His jawline was a V-line, his nose was sharp, he had totally kissable lips and his eyes were soft. His eyes; They were a greyish-blue colour and they were so moist. I felt all tingly in my tummy. We both stared into each others' eyes until my phone rang. I reached out for my bag and cussed under my breath.

"Hi dad, I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell you that I have dance practice after school. Yeah I know you were worried and I won't do it again, promise. Yeah I'll be home soon. Yup, okay love you bye." I hung up the phone and that's when I realised I was still on top of Kai. My cheeks started to burn up as I slowly got off him. We both stood up.

"You, uh.. need to go already?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh, yeah. Do you mind-"

"I'll walk you home."


"Yeah, it's no problem."

"But you'll have to carry me.." 


"Uh..you sure?"

"Yeah totally. I'll just tell my mum we're leaving." He said as he bent down so that I could get on. I took out my hankercheif and climbed onto his back. I wiped the sweat off his head and neck as he walked towards the living room where he found his mother during her break time. 

"Hey mom, I'm sending her home."

"Okay my lovelies." She walked to both of us and hugged Kai then me.

"See you soon Min Ji!" She waved.

"Yes Auntie Kimmy!" I bowed.

On the way home, we talked about everything and anything except the accident. We joked and laughed as usual, and it occurred to me that maybe Kai was not such a bad guy after all. I mean, maybe he plays with girls but maybe he's changed. We soon reached my house and Kai put me down on my porch. I wanted to bid him goodbye but I remebered that he had already walked me home twice and I didn't even thank him for it.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.."

"Yeah...um Kai, by any chance... would you....would you like to come in?" He stayed quiet for a few seconds before answering.

"I'd be honoured." He smiled.

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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.