e l e v e n

A little closer to heaven

I closed the front door and touched my lips.

It was just an accident Minji!  I thought to myself as I walked towards the dining table.

"Aish. He stole my first kiss. What a jerk." I muttered as I ruffled my hair.

"Who's a jerk?" My dad smirked as I watched him take a seat on the dining table.

"Oh don't give me that look."

"What look?" My dad feigned innocence.

"That i-just-saw-you-do-something-but-i-will-pretend-to-be-blind kinda look."

"That is sooo not the look I'm giving you right now."

"Then tell me what look that is." I exclaimed in frustration as I jabbed my finger at his face. 


"Minji, listen. Kai's a good kid. Give him a chance."

"Dad, do you hear yourself?"

"Sugarplum, if you were to bring home any other boy, I'd kill you. No actually, I'd kill him first. Then kill you. But that's not the point."

"Then what is the point?" I asked as I poured myself a cup of water and took a big gulp.

"The point is... I approve of Kai as my son-in-law." I started to choke on my water. I hit my chest continuously for God knows what reason but I did it anyway.

"DAD! We...we're not like that. I...I don't like him, okay! I mean I like him as a friend but...there's this other guy in school... he's really cute and he happens to be Kai's cousin. So like, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen and-"


"You didn't even let me finish, dad. So anyway-"

"Minji, I don't approve." I flailed my arms wildly before palming myself in the face.

"DAD JUST LISTEN TO ME! So anyway, he's in Lee Ah's class so I was just wondering if I should call her to see if she could help me get closer to him and all, because he seems to hang out a lot with her and-"

"Have you been speaking to Lee Ah the past few days? I haven't been seeing you contact her for awhile." 

"Of course I do, I guess. I mean we have our own busy schedules and all, so I'm a little disappointed that I don't get to see, or call her as often. Plus, I've been going over to Kai's house a lot lately for my dance project so you can say that I'm busy as well."

I started to chew my food slower so that my words would come out clear.

"So what you're saying is, you've been spending more time with Kai, than with Lee Ah?"

"I mean there's dance and all-"


"Okay fine I have, what about it?" I shrugged. A playful smirk tugged on my father's lips but just as soon as it came, it had gone.

"What's that other boy's name?"

"Luhan." He shook his head disapprovingly before putting his utensils down. 

"I'm more of Team Kai."

"UGH APPA!" I facepalmed myself again.


After dinner, I went up to my room to give a call to Lee Ah.

Beep, hey it's Lee Ah, I'm kinda busy right now but you can leave a message after the tone, beep.

"Hey Lee, uh... I just wanted to talk to you. It's been weeks since we had a heart-to-heart phone conversation...and um... I guess I really wanna know what my best friend's been up to. Call me back." 

I sighed as looked continued to stare at my phone. It was so unlike her to not answer her phone. She always answers, even at 3 in the morning, even when she's showering, even during lectures. So why wasn't she picking up her phone now?

Suddenly the ringing of my phone interrupted my train of thoughts. 

"Lee Ah?!"

"Nope, Kai."

"Damn, I was hoping it'd be my best friend."

"Well your hopes came true."

"My other best friend."

"So you acknowledge me as your best friend now?" I could already picture him smiling on the other end. I couldn't hold back a scoff.

"." His deep voice rumbled through the speaker as he chuckled.

"I know. Oh speaking of Lee Ah, has she come back from her date yet?"

"Date, what date?"


There was silence on the other line.


"Kai! Tell me what date?"

"Uh... no nothing it's just, I saw her leaving school with some guy and she told me she was going on a date so... I'll let her tell the rest of the story to you."

"Oh so she tells you but she doesn't tell me. Some best friend."

"I'm sorry, I promise I'll tell you first next time." I could vividly picture him smirking.

"Yah. This is not funny. Why are you calling me anyway?"

"I was bored." 

"So only when you're bored, then you call me? Stop calling me."

"That's not true. I always call you... by your name... in school... face to face. That's better isn't it? And no I will not stop, I just got started."

"Ugh, goodbye, Kai." I heard him let out another low chuckle from the other line.

"Boo, you're no fun." He said before he hung up. I rolled my eyes thinking about the stupid things going on in that boy's head when my phone rang again.

"Kai, I told you, stop calling-"


"Lee Ah?"

"Um, hey. I got your message. You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah. Why didn't you pick up your phone the first time?"

"O-oh.. I uh, I was busy."


"With...with studying?" I suddenly remembered Kai telling me about her being on a date.

"So you went on a study date?"

There was silence, almost as if she was hesitant, just like Kai.

"Who told you that?"


"So your little boyfriend is tattletaling on me now?"

"Lee Ah! He's not my boyfriend. Plus, you didn't even tell me!"

"Well, you were busy and all..."

"We're best friends."

"Would it help if I told you the date went well?"

"Ugh...you know it won't but I'll still say yes anyway right."

"Right." The sound of her tinkling laughter rang out of my loudspeaker.

"So anyways Lee, I wanted to ask you if you could do me a favour."

"Sure anything!"

"Could you, possibly, help me and Luhan get closer to each other?"


There was another pause. This time, it was dead silent. 


"He-hello? Lee Ah?"

"Minji... do you..."

"Do I what?"

"Do you... like Luhan?" I blushed a little at her straightforwardness.

"Well, I guess you can say that I did develop some form of infatuation for him. So what do you say?"

I heard her sigh, almost inaudibly, through the other line. 

"Okay. I'll...try." Never in my entire life had I heard Lee Ah sound so depressed, demoralised even. 

"Hey, you okay?" 

"Fit as a fiddle. Listen, I gotta go finish up some Physics and Humanities, I'll call you back soon."

"Okay, but I was just about to tell you my plan."

"Let me handle it, Minji. You are my best friend after all."

"Oh? Okay then. I'll trust you. Bye Lee Ah! See you tomorrow."

I heard her hum in agreement before she hung up. Something in my gut was telling me that something was wrong, judging by her change in attitude, something was very very wrong. And I would get to the bottom of it somehow.


a/n: I'm sorry this chapter was so short and was only filled with conversations but next update, I'll explain in greater detail! Thank you to all my subscribers, new and old! I love you all (:





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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.