[Black Blood] Chapter Four

Black Blood

You ran quickly, as quickly as your legs can carry you.

What was that? It was a person? A monster? A zombie?

“No, that stuff doesn’t exist,” you whisper to yourself.

Those things belonged in movies, but it looked so realistic. Too realistic.

“What am I going to do now?” your mind goes blank for a second before deciding on finding the others. At a time like this, you need to regroup.

You have to find them.

You quickly walked around all the buildings, trying to look for Yia or maybe the boys, but they seem to have disappeared as mysteriously as this town had appeared. It was apparent that you had spent the day trying to look for them, because the sun was setting, turning the sky into a blood red.

“What if they turned into those things?” you mumbled as you took a drink from your water bottle. You see a door rattling slightly and as it slowly slid open, you ran for some cover behind a bunch of barrels in between two other houses. Peeking over the top, you see another one of those things stepping out. It was a woman. Her expression was blank and black tears were flowing out of her eyes, her clothes were stained with blood and she was clutching a meat cleaver in her hands.

This is not normal, not at all. You carefully sneak behind all the houses until you were a good distance away from the town, hiding in the tall grass. You see more things stepping out of the other buildings as if they have woken from their daytime slumber. This was their waking period and you couldn’t help, but think of the others. Do they know of this? Have they been caught?

“What do I do?” you talk to yourself, “I can’t just go try to find them with these things walking around.”

Should you head back to the car and sleep there for the night? You seemed to have been unbothered by the dead that night, perhaps they still have no idea that it’s there. That spot should be safe. Should you continue trying to find the others? What if they’re killed while you’re sleeping?

 You can’t just go off and risk your life like that. No, you’ll have to trust that they’ll be okay for the night. That they knew what was going on and escaped in time. By morning, these things would have hopefully retreated back to their houses and until then, you would have to wait.

You make your way back to the car. Darn, Yia locked it. If you attempt to break into the car, the alarm will sound and those monsters will know your location. It’s best to find a safe place to rest. There are a couple of trees surrounded by tall grass, maybe you could sleep in it for the night. It will provide sufficient cover.

How can you sleep with such events going on? It’s impossible to get some rest when you worry like this…

Time seems to go by ever so slowly.

Impatient, you look towards the village and in the darkness you can see dim lights illuminating the village and the dark figures were slowly moving back and forth. Perhaps, they’ll make it back to the car too. You try to convince yourself that everything was alright.


Wow, I'm so bad at updating. I'm sorry.

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jumday #1
I get you. It's nearly impossible if you aren't especially interested in it. OTL
willreadanything808 #2
I could never write essays either unless they were written from the heart instead from my head.
B-Hyesoo #3
those things? LOL
jumday #4
I'm glad you like it so far! And thank you for the compliment, I'm a poor writer (especially when it comes to essays), but I try. ^_^
jumday #5
Wow, I'm so glad you like it! :D
TheGermCafe #6
love ur story!!!!Whats gonna happen next dun dun dun!!!!!!Update soon^^
getting goosebumps :/
TheGermCafe #8
Please update soon I love ur story!!!!