The Mission

The Angel or the Demon?

"Kris is looking for you." Chanyeol said solemnly to Tao as he entered the dorm room that he had lived in with his best friend since they were little kids. 

Tao had just taken a shower after training and was now relaxing on his bed reading a book. He looked up at Chanyeol and saw his worried look. Chanyeol was a tall guy, just like Tao, but with longer light brown hair. He had large puppy eyes and a huge smile. You would never guess he was a trained martial artist with a mind to kill. Tao was the complete opposite, with small dark eyes and a peircing stare; you could easily be scared off by him. 

Kris hadn't asked to meet with Tao in a while, so he was curious as to why he randomly wanted to see him today. "What do you think he wants?" Tao asked, closing his book and changing his position on his bed. He flipped his head to move his bangs out of his eyes. His medium length black hair fit him well. It finished off his overall dark demeanor. 

Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders. "You're the best assassin, he probably has a task for you to accomplish." He stated, moving to his bed. He sat down and fell back against the mattress.

It was true, about Tao being the best assassin, he had been trained the longest and had the most talent. Kris was proud of him and only trusted him when it came to important missions.

Tao looked over to Chanyeol, who had now closed his eyes. Chanyeol and Tao had been friends since they where toddlers. Tao entered EXO a year before Chanyeol, but they had been together ever since they were recruited for the group. They were like brothers, since they had no real brothers or family for that matter. EXO was their family, a big family of ten boys and a dad. Tao hadn't seen his real family since he was a baby, so he didn't even know if he had any siblings or even parents. He always thought he was a foster home child, since he could'nt remember his family at all and it was easier for Kris to steal a baby from orphanage than from a home. Kris rectruited children when they were very small so he could raise them the way he wanted to. Implant his morals and make them cold hearted. But heaven knows where he really came from, he could have a family that misses him like crazy...but he'll never know.

Looking away, Tao realized Chanyeol was right. "Oh, probably." He said. He hadn't had a mission in a few months though so he was slightly shocked, but none the less, excited. He'd been training every day instead, getting stronger, getting more precise. "I guess I should go then." He said, thinking Kris wouldn't like waiting any longer.

Chanyeol said good luck, keeping his eyes closed, as Tao got up from his bed. He smiled, left the room and made his way to Kris' room, which was located in the back of their large house, looking out over the lake in the back yard. EXO lived together in this mansion in a secluded area that Kris had bought to hide the boys. There was a large complex hidden in the woods next to the house where the group trained daily.

Tao made it to his room in five minutes and knocked on the door. "Come in." A stern voice said from inside. Tao slowly opened the door and walked in, closing it lightly behind me. Even though Kris was like a dad to him and the rest of the boys, he was extremely intimidating and Tao made sure to act submissive and careful around him, even if it had to do with entering his room quietly as to not disturb him too much. 

Kris motioned to Tao to sit down in the chair in front of his desk that he was sitting at doing work, his head looking down at his papers. Tao silently sat down and waited for Kris to speak. Kris continued working, writing something on a yellow piece of paper. 

After a few moments, Kris dropped his pen and looked up at Tao. Tao bowed and remained stoic. "How has training been? I haven't bothered to be with you at all since I know you know what to do by yourself." Kris said, his voice low and strong.

"It's been going well. I feel stronger." Tao answered. He had gained weight in the past months thanks to building muscle, but at the same time he was leaner than ever. He trained for hours every day. Martial arts was difficult, but he enjoyed enduring the suffering. The result of working out would pay off soon and maybe that time was about to start today.

"Good." Kris said, satisfied. "Then I have a job for you."

Tao's eyes widened as the reality of a new mission came to mind. Chanyeol was right and Tao was happy; it was time to get back out into the field and put all the new skills he learned to work.

"I have a girl for you. An important one." Kris said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Why important?" Tao asked, interested in why she was special.

"You don't need to know." Kris blatanlty said the gleam leaving his eyes, making Tao worry. 

"Do I start today?" Tao asked, getting restless. 

"Yes. I have all the information you need in his folder." Kris said lifting a manila folder off his desk and handing it to Tao. Tao received it and began searching through the papers, seeing who this girl was. After glancing at the informational papers, Tao closed the folder and looked to Kris who was staring at him. "Don't mess this one up, Tao." Kris paused for effect. "You never have and I trust you won't, but do not under any circumstances let this one go." Tao clenched his teeth and nodded. This girl was important to Kris and Tao had to get ready to be the best assassin he had ever been. Without saying another word, Kris returned to his work. Tao, knowing Kris was finished, got up from the chair and left the room.

Tao remained outside the door and reopened the folder. He stared at the picture on the first page. Tao raised his eyebrows when he realized she was probably the most beautiful girl that Kris has targetted so far. Maybe that was why she was so special, but who knew. Whatever the reason was it was a good one and like Kris said, Tao didn't need to know, all he needed to do was finish his job.

"Well it's time to get to know my new target." Tao started to say to himself, closing the folder. "Kim Hyuna." 


[idky i keep making these chapters so short but i hope you all dont mind lol im horrible with adding details to make it longer]

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wrote a chapter for Summer of a Lifetime....and now its time to write a chapter for The Angel or the Demon XD


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kokoya15 #1
Chapter 6: update pleasee!
4niahyun #2
please update~
Chapter 6: I am really gonna kill you if you dont get to doing some typing.... -___-
*Crack my knuckles dangerously*
This is so good! :-)))) I love it.
rbtigersm #6
Chapter 6: Aghhhhhh jadahfgiglgndasfjzjgsktdjf this is so good! Update soon!
Chapter 6: Omg I love the bond between hyuna and suho! Poor hyuna so clueless. I wonder if he decided to be the nice or scary guy. Please update soon!
Chapter 6: I want to strangle you for being so late on your updates!!!!!

*hop into your room*

This was a good update~!!
exclusivex3 #9
Chapter 4: please update soon :)
Bangster_noka #10