And So It Begins

The Angel or the Demon?

Tao had watched Suho leave and Gayoon arrive at Hyuna's apartment. Since Hyuna lived on the fourth floor there was no way for Tao to scope out her house or be able to take in her routine inside. The only thing he was able to do was watch from afar. Tao knew this was gonna make things complicated, but he wasn't nervous being set back at all; he had thought of everything. This just meant he would have to finish his job away from the apartment, unless he got in somehow. Those were problems for later times, so Tao focused on the present. 

Kris had told him he couldn't mess this one up and Tao knew he couldn't take any risks, but being as confident as he is, acting quickly on a single thought wasn't a problem. He wanted to get in as soon as possible, but at the same time he wanted to have fun with this one. Not being on the job in a while made him hungry for action. 

Tao sat behind a large bush below the balconies until the sun fell over the horizon and the crickets started to chirp. He looked up to Hyuna's room and saw a faint light flicker on. The movie marathon must have ended. Tao stood up, putting his hands in his pant's pockets, and closed his eyes. In this silent night, he listened...he heard a door close and then soon after another door closed and then seconds later a door opening, letting Gayoon exit the building. He opened his eyes and watched Gayoon walk to the sidewalk and toward her home. Once she was gone from sight, Tao looked back up to Hyuna's apartement, the once faint light gone. Presumably, she had gone to bed. 

A little disgruntled for not being able to be closer, Tao left the hiding spot and walked along the sidewalk. He had plenty of ways he could approach this situation. He had many ideas to get to know his target better. The main dilemma was figuring out if he wanted to be the friendly guy or the guy that would eventually scare Hyuna out of her mind. Tao sighed as he considered his options. Both were easy and both would lead him to his goal, but he couldn't decide which one to do. Being the friendly guy would mean Tao would have to get close to Hyuna, very close, enough to earn her trust and that would be extremely simple, but he knew Suho would be there, warning her and putting wary thoughts in her head. On the other hand, he was an assassin, he was trained to scare people, so being the other guy would be very natural; Suho would be less of a threat that way too. Suho...either way Tao knew this boy was going to be difficult to deal with. He would have to decide what to do with him later.Tao shook his head to clear his mind as he kept walking. 

About ten minutes went by when a smirk slowly formed on Tao's face; he had decided. Hyuna was in for an adventure; too bad adventures aren't always fun and exciting...or safe.

Tao had no where to sleep for the nights when he was away on a job, so he had to find different places each day. This night he found an emptied house that was for sale to rest his back against. He could sleep in any position, along with sleeping sitting up. Feeling relaxed, he closed his eyes and easily drifted off to sleep. When he awoke it was nearing dawn. He stood up and stretched, letting out a yawn. He looked around while ruffling his hair, trying to get it to look decent. Feeling his hair he realized he would be in the need of a shower soon. Before finding the targeted girl, Tao would have to get to know the town he was in: where the grocery shops were, where the local mall was, etc. The malls usally had a few showers, that he easily accessed at night and he always carried a couple of hundred dollar bills to spend on food and such.

He shrugged and starting walking, thinking about what today would bring. He needed to get another close eye on Hyuna. It had been one full day since the first day he set eyes on her. Usually his tasks would take a few days to accomplish, but he realized this one might take a week or longer, which he wasn't that happy about.

Being a Sunday, Hyuna would have a lot of free time to be out and about and Tao was sure to be close wherever she went. 

[wow i apologize a billion times these chapters keep getting worse >_<...i completely forgot my plot and stuff so it might be slow the next few chapters since Im trying to form something decent -_-]

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wrote a chapter for Summer of a Lifetime....and now its time to write a chapter for The Angel or the Demon XD


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kokoya15 #1
Chapter 6: update pleasee!
4niahyun #2
please update~
Chapter 6: I am really gonna kill you if you dont get to doing some typing.... -___-
*Crack my knuckles dangerously*
This is so good! :-)))) I love it.
rbtigersm #6
Chapter 6: Aghhhhhh jadahfgiglgndasfjzjgsktdjf this is so good! Update soon!
Chapter 6: Omg I love the bond between hyuna and suho! Poor hyuna so clueless. I wonder if he decided to be the nice or scary guy. Please update soon!
Chapter 6: I want to strangle you for being so late on your updates!!!!!

*hop into your room*

This was a good update~!!
exclusivex3 #9
Chapter 4: please update soon :)
Bangster_noka #10