
The Angel or the Demon?

Feeling flustered and hopeless, Hyuna quickly made her way to the familiar bench in the middle of the park, right outside of campus. Collapsing on to it, she regained her composure, trying not to start crying again. This bench was where she met the one person in her life that she could entrust anything to. Whenever she needed to talk to him, for whatever reason, they met at this bench.

Breathing slowly to keep herself calm, Hyuna replayed the previous event in her head. She saw her teacher's face, heard her saddened voice and felt her touch leave her. Her eyes watering, she shook the thoughts away. She took one last deep breath and started to look around the park. A few people where walking along the paths, but the one person she was looking for wasn't to be seen. She gave up looking after five minutes had passed and looked down at the ground. She knew he was coming; he always came. The way he sounded on the phone, she could tell he was worried, so he would definitely come. The weird thing was it never took him this long to get to her.  

She kicked the random rocks on the concrete path before her and waited patiently. Considering leaving, she scanned the park once more, but instead of looking and ending up with nothing, as she looked to her right her heart rose as she saw the person she needed jogging up the path. She smiled in relief as he made it to her, his breathing heavy. 

"Suho, why where you running?" Hyuna asked, looking at him in worry.

Suho swallowed and took a deep breath looking at Hyuna in the eyes. His brown eyes held nothing but kindness and Hyuna always felt safe when she stared into them. Looking away from Hyuna for a moment, he repositioned his bangs which where currently a mess, on his forehead. He was also a red head, but his hair was browner than Hyuna's bright red. He placed his hands on his hips, trying to rest. He was a short boy, but still taller than Hyuna. He had a cute face, beautiful eyes, and an angelic smile, a smile that could warm the coldest of hearts. He was, using the least of words, a perfect boy. 

Feeling rested enough; Suho walked around and sat on the bench next to Hyuna and finally spoke. "I was across town and couldn't wait to get a taxi, so I ran here." 

Hyuna looked over to Suho as her eyes widened. "Across town?! Why didn’t you tell me, I could have met you.”

“Because, I didn’t want you to go through having to meet me in the condition you’re in. Coming here was so much easier for you.” Suho stated. He was always right, no matter what they were talking about, but thankfully that fact didn’t bother Hyuna, it actually helped her to have someone who knew the reality around her and could tell her what was right. “So tell me what happened.” Suho continued.

Hyuna told her story about what had occurred and then looked to Suho who was staring forward, thinking.

“Please don’t tell me you’re considering what I think you’re considering.” Suho said rolling his head in Hyuna’s direction.

Hyuna in return, rolled her eyes. “Yeah I am.”

Suho sighed. “You can’t. You know you’re good enough to start auditioning. You don’t need a teacher.” He paused. “You know, I think the main reason you’re so taken aback at what happened is because she was the only one who supported you.”

He was right, again. Hyuna realized the moment he said those words that it was true. She knew she had the talent to start finding a job in dance, but the main reason she was so distraught over her teacher leaving was because she was the only one next to her along this journey. Suho and Gayoon had her back, but they weren’t dancers so they couldn’t relate to her.

“Start looking for places to audition and let me know where they are. I’ll come with you.” Suho said, causing Hyuna to relax, knowing she wasn’t going to be alone during the next step of her journey.

“Thank you.” Hyuna said looking at Suho. No matter what, he always had the right thing to say and Hyuna was glad she called him

“Anytime.” Suho said wrapping his arm around Hyuna. She laid her head on his shoulder as he pulled her in close. They definitely had a tight relationship, but one that didn’t come near to a dating one. Suho meant the world to Hyuna and Hyuna was Suho’s world, but they loved each other only on a platonic level. Suho came into Hyuna’s life a year ago and Hyuna couldn’t imagine it without him.

They met on a normal college day for Hyuna. She was sitting on this bench, studying, when Suho came and sat down next to her, just like he was now. Hyuna was shocked that a boy would sit by her, but when she looked at him she immediately felt comfortable. They had a nice conversation while sitting on the bench and since that day they became as close as they could ever be. Hyuna didn’t understand what made Suho so different from other boys, but he just was. In every way he was different and in every way he was better.

As Suho held Hyuna he looked around the park. Nothing seemed unusual, but he had a bad feeling. He repositioned himself, causing Hyuna to stir and sit up. Suho’s arm slid off her shoulder as she looked at his face. “You okay?” Hyuna asked as she saw Suho’s stern eyes.

“Yeah…” Suho said, staring forward at a figure in the distance. In a moment the figured moved, causing Suho to snap back to reality. “Yeah, I’m fine.”   

Hyuna looked at the area trying to see what Suho saw, but found nothing. “Well I guess I should go home and tell my parents what happened.” She said standing up.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later then?” Suho asked standing up after Hyuna.

“Yeah.” Hyuna responded.

Suho smiled and walked around Hyuna, taking his leave first. Waiting until she couldn’t hear his footsteps, Hyuna turned around to watch him walk away and out of the park area.

Not wanting to go home, but knowing she had to Hyuna began walking in the opposite direction than where Suho left. As she walked along the path she didn’t watch where she was walking, but stared at the ground instead. As Hyuna began to think about Suho all of a sudden she felt someone hit her shoulder, causing her to fall back. She spun around to regain her balance, but while doing so she dropped her purse. She twisted to see whom she had run into and found a boy kneeling down on the ground, picking up her purse and all the belongings that had fallen out. Shocked, she quickly fell to the ground and started cleaning up for him. When everything was back inside the purse, Hyuna looked up at the boy, as he was about to look at her. Their eyes met and instantly Hyuna’s heart sank. The boy had thin, dark eyes that seemed to pierce into Hyuna’s weak eyes. As she stared at him, she felt chills throughout her body. She quickly broke her stare and stood up, the boy following her lead. As he handed Hyuna her purse, she said thank you. He smiled in return, but without a word walked away. Hyuna, suddenly scared, positioned her purse on her shoulder and quickly walked out of the park. When she made it to the other side of the street that separated the residential area from the park she turned to scan the park. Her breathing was fast as she looked around trying to find him and she didn’t know why. Not seeing him she turned back around and headed home.

As she entered her house, walked to her bedroom and started getting ready for bed, the image of the boy’s eyes wouldn’t leave her mind. She didn’t understand how someone could have such scary eyes. Whoever that boy was, she hoped she would never see him again. 

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wrote a chapter for Summer of a Lifetime....and now its time to write a chapter for The Angel or the Demon XD


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kokoya15 #1
Chapter 6: update pleasee!
4niahyun #2
please update~
Chapter 6: I am really gonna kill you if you dont get to doing some typing.... -___-
*Crack my knuckles dangerously*
This is so good! :-)))) I love it.
rbtigersm #6
Chapter 6: Aghhhhhh jadahfgiglgndasfjzjgsktdjf this is so good! Update soon!
Chapter 6: Omg I love the bond between hyuna and suho! Poor hyuna so clueless. I wonder if he decided to be the nice or scary guy. Please update soon!
Chapter 6: I want to strangle you for being so late on your updates!!!!!

*hop into your room*

This was a good update~!!
exclusivex3 #9
Chapter 4: please update soon :)
Bangster_noka #10