The Guardian Angel

The Angel or the Demon?


Suho had never felt so uneasy then when he saw that figure standing in the distance. Whoever that person was he had vanished in the blink of an eye, which only meant he was never there and Suho was seeing things or that person was up to no good, but Suho, being perfectly sane, knew it was the latter.

Someone was definitely coming after Hyuna; Suho could feel it. In what way they were trying, he hadn’t figured out yet, but he knew he had to watch Hyuna even closer now.

Suho had always been there to protect Hyuna and now he felt like this was the time to guard her more than ever. Something, or someone, was coming and Suho had to make sure he was there to stop it.

As he walked home from meeting with Hyuna, the nervousness would not leave him. The dark image of the person kept coming back into his mind and every time it did Suho cringed.

What could possibly make him feel like this? He was a strong man, not exactly physically, but emotionally and mentally, and only certain things could make him have these feelings. That person was either someone with bad intentions or someone who was just evil, or in the worst case, both.

As he entered his house quietly, Suho tried to shake the thoughts from his head, but they wouldn’t leave, which forced Suho to think about the consequences of clashing with this person.

However evil this person was Suho could stand up against them. Suho was, in the least words, a special boy; he was the closest thing to pure good in the world. He was intelligent, honest, loving, patient, caring, and everything else that comes to mind when you think of a virtuous person. Some might even think, when they interacted with him, that he was not human.

But he was as human as you could get, although worthy in every sense to be more than mortal, he was skin and bones, weak and impotent in the areas of being human. He knew this fact well, but he also believed he would risk everything for those he cared about. If the time came that he would have to sacrifice his life, it would easily be taken from him, because he is…human.

Walking to his room, he realized this fact and the upcoming threat to both Hyuna and himself. He tried to believe that he was just imagining this whole thing, but the discomfort in his heart proved him wrong and made him focus on the point that this was reality.

Lying on his bed he replayed the earlier event in his mind. Staring at that person, he knew the time would be coming soon where he would fulfill his mission to save Hyuna. He didn’t know how the undertaking of being Hyuna’s protector came into his life, but ever since he met Hyuna he knew his life’s work was to be by her side and defend her in every way possible.
As Suho fell asleep the last image in his mind was Hyuna’s smiling face, the beautiful face of the person he cared most for in the entire world, the one he would do literally anything for. 

[shortest chapter yet UGH]

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wrote a chapter for Summer of a Lifetime....and now its time to write a chapter for The Angel or the Demon XD


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kokoya15 #1
Chapter 6: update pleasee!
4niahyun #2
please update~
Chapter 6: I am really gonna kill you if you dont get to doing some typing.... -___-
*Crack my knuckles dangerously*
This is so good! :-)))) I love it.
rbtigersm #6
Chapter 6: Aghhhhhh jadahfgiglgndasfjzjgsktdjf this is so good! Update soon!
Chapter 6: Omg I love the bond between hyuna and suho! Poor hyuna so clueless. I wonder if he decided to be the nice or scary guy. Please update soon!
Chapter 6: I want to strangle you for being so late on your updates!!!!!

*hop into your room*

This was a good update~!!
exclusivex3 #9
Chapter 4: please update soon :)
Bangster_noka #10