
The Angel or the Demon?


A few days went by after running into that boy; a few days of feeling anxious, unnerved and basically scared. Hyuna had tried to push him out of her mind, but it was impossible. She kept telling herself she had nothing to worry about and that he was just a normal person, but she knew that she had to worry and that he wasn’t normal.

Hyuna had decided to spend the day at home. It was Saturday and with a week full of different emotions it was time to take a day off and relax.

She woke up early and made herself a cup of hot chocolate to drink on the balcony of her house. She owned a small apartment right outside of the tiny city where her campus was located. She was on the fourth floor so she had a balcony that overlooked the quiet neighborhood.

As Hyuna sat in the comfy butterfly chair with a long sleeved shirt that fell to the middle of her thighs with sophies underneath, she sipped the hot cocoa from her favorite mug in silence. She knew she needed to get her mind off things and this was the only way she knew how. These were the moments she loved, sitting and listening to the sounds of a still morning in her quiet hometown.

After about an hour, with her hot chocolate gone, she had completely forgotten about the boy and all the anxiousness she had earlier was gone. Feeling renewed, she called Gayoon, wondering if she wanted to get together for coffee like she had promised she would.

Gayoon was busy for the whole day but said she would come over later tonight for dessert and a movie. Hyuna was happy with that, but now she had to figure out something to do to keep herself occupied.
Hyuna decided to catch up on some homework for an hour or two and then at around noon she grabbed a book and started reading on the couch in the living room.

After she was reading for a little while, her phone rang. She finished the page she was on and looked at the screen to see Suho’s picture. It was a picture he took himself after stealing her phone, he was making a piece sign with his fingers and had a lip smile on his perfectly clear skinned face. Hyuna had loved it so much that she made it his contact picture so that every time he called she would see his angelic face and smile herself. Forgetting she had to answer after staring at her phone, she quickly called him back and waited for his voice.

“Hello?” His clear voice came through the phone.

“Hey Suho, sorry I missed your call by like two seconds.” She laughed.

“That’s okay. I was just wondering what you were doing today.” Suho asked, always curious as to what she was doing with her free time.

“Right now I’m just reading a book, but later Gayoon’s coming over for a movie and dessert.” Hyuna said as she began reading her book again.

“Oh cool.” Hyuna heard him calmly say through the words she was reading.

“You wanna come over in a bit?”

“If you want me to.” Suho responded, never being the deciding one.

 “Yes I do, I’m bored. You don’t have to come over right away though, whenever you’re ready, okay?”

“All righty, I’ll talk to you later then.”

“Sounds good.”


“Bye.” Hyuna hung up first and tossed her phone to the opposite side of the couch. She was even more happy now that Suho was coming over later so she would have something to do, but now this book was actually getting interesting so she hoped Suho wouldn’t come over right away like he usually did.

Shockingly, Hyuna didn’t hear Suho’s knocking on the front door until after about an hour, which was perfect for her because she was able to finish her book, which turned out to have a horrible ending.

She walked to the door and opened it to find Suho standing there in his favorite outfit, tighter jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. She smiled and invited him in without any words. He walked to the living room and sat down in his normal chair. Hyuna plopped down on the couch and stared at Suho, who was looking around the house.

“You okay?” Hyuna asked, wondering why he was so out of it.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Suho said, looking at Hyuna.

Hyuna shook her head. “So what do you want to do?”

“Whatever you want to do.”

“Like always.” Hyuna sighed. “Well, it’s almost two and Gayoon should be coming over at six so we have plenty of time to do anything.

“You wanna go talk a walk in the city?” Suho requested.

Hyuna took a minute to think, but soon agreed. Exercise was always good.

“Okay, let’s go.” Hyuna smiled, grabbing Suho’s wrist, turning him around.

She led the way out of the apartment and out into the street. Still holding Suho’s hand, she looked at him. “Which way should we go?”

Hyuna was always spunky, no matter what circumstance, if she was happy she was really happy.

“Left.” Suho said raising his chin to the left.

Hyuna nodded and began walking, pulling Suho behind her. As soon as Suho caught up, Hyuna released her hand. They walked side by side along the sidewalk. The sun was out, but it wasn’t hot, thanks to a cool breeze that blew past every minute.


They walked comfortably for about an hour, talking about life and how school was going. Suho was the one person that Hyuna could vent to easily. Gayoon, being a girl was the better choice, but with Suho, for some reason, it was easier.

As they neared Hyuna’s house, Hyuna saw something in the grass of someone else’s house in the corner of her eye.

“Suho look!” Hyuna gasped as she saw a kitten walking in the tall, uncut grass.

“Oh, looks like a stray.”

“I want it.”

“Seriously? You’ll take in a kitten?”

“Yes.” Hyuna quickly answered. She’d always wanted a cat for her apartment, but never went out to buy one. As long as this one was healthy she was completely fine with taking in a stray.

“Alright, I’ll get it for you.”

Hyuna watched curiously as Suho slowly walked over the kitten. It was lying down, playing with a piece of grass. When it finally saw Suho it twitched, now aware, but didn’t run away. Suho bent down and wrapped his hands around the tiny black and white kitten. He picked it up and cradled it in his small arms.

Hyuna jogged over to him and smiled when she saw the kitten.

“Aw, it’s so cute!” She said petting its head as Suho ran his fingers through the fur on it’s back. “Come on let’s get home, I wanna play with it.”

Hyuna grabbed Suho’s elbow to urge him along. After they got home, Hyuna decided to give the kitten a bath.

After she finished, she walked into the living room to find Suho lying on the couch asleep. She smiled and walked over to him, holding the damp kitty in her arms. Hyuna sat down on the middle of the couch by Suho’s hips. Hyuna watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. Her eyes then trailed from his chest up to his face. His head was sideways on the pillow, his hair falling messily over his forehead and eyes.

Hyuna the kitten’s fur as she stared at Suho’s face. His angelic profile was amazing to Hyuna. Every feature was perfect. The dip in his cheekbone to the roundness of his eye, even the shape of his jawline, all of it was perfect.

Hyuna sighed, not understanding her feelings at the moment. Suho was always her protector, nothing more. So why was she feeling like she wanted more? Why was her heart aching? She shook her head and looked away, making her eyes and mind focus on something else.

The kitten purred as if satisfied with its new owner. Hyuna looked down at it and smiled. She was happy she had a new companion in her house, now she wasn’t completely alone.

Hyuna looked back at Suho, her true companion in life. Leaning forward, she placed the kitten on Suho’s chest. Unfazed, it curled in a ball and rested right in the middle. Hyuna laughed to herself as she watched the kitten breathing in the same rhythm that Suho was, bobbing up and down with Suho’s chest.

Hyuna scooted up next to Suho’s chest, leaned down and placed a kiss on his smooth cheek. He would never know and Hyuna would never tell, she just needed to do it. 


[not that good sorry. I just needed filler to get to the good part! which is the next chapter ^o^ he he]

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wrote a chapter for Summer of a Lifetime....and now its time to write a chapter for The Angel or the Demon XD


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kokoya15 #1
Chapter 6: update pleasee!
4niahyun #2
please update~
Chapter 6: I am really gonna kill you if you dont get to doing some typing.... -___-
*Crack my knuckles dangerously*
This is so good! :-)))) I love it.
rbtigersm #6
Chapter 6: Aghhhhhh jadahfgiglgndasfjzjgsktdjf this is so good! Update soon!
Chapter 6: Omg I love the bond between hyuna and suho! Poor hyuna so clueless. I wonder if he decided to be the nice or scary guy. Please update soon!
Chapter 6: I want to strangle you for being so late on your updates!!!!!

*hop into your room*

This was a good update~!!
exclusivex3 #9
Chapter 4: please update soon :)
Bangster_noka #10