Chapter Fifteen

This is How It Goes

|Chapter Fifteen|



The older female glanced up from behind her glasses to find Dani standing in front of her, bouncing on her toes and smiling happily. Mone glanced around the library to find no one else but just herself and Dani. Originally, Mone was waiting for Jong-in to finish up his rehearsal, but now that Dani was here, she wasn't really sure of what she was doing with her life -- it was like her blood ran cold, and her brain disconnected itself from all her nerves.
Dani smiled a sickly sweet grin, plopping herself beside Mone. "You remember my name?"
Mone nodded politely. "Jong-in oppa.." she hesitated, saying his name at first, but continued nevertheless, "told me about you," she smiled gently. Mone set down her textbook and pushed away her notebook and pen. "Can I help you?"
"Unnie, you look really tired! I came in here to study, but then I came across you, and saw how tired you looked." Dani gave a cute little pout before nudging Mone softly. "Let's go the vending machines outside to get you a can of orange juice, ne?"

Mone blinked slightly before nodded. "Mm.. keurae."

The two found themself in the long corridor, away from the librarian's peering eyes, and Dani immediately dropped her innocent beam. Instead, her eyes narrowed down on Mone and her lips twitched into a menacing frown. "Yah. Who do you think you are?"
"Mwoh?" Mone questioned, extremely puzzled now. She scoffed lightly under her breath. Ah.. I see how it is, she realized. "Dani-shii-"
"Shut up!" Dani growled through gritted teeth. Impulsively, Dani's small hand met Mone's cheek; she pulled away suddenly, shocked with herself and her sudden action. Dani's eyes profusely widened.
Mone turned her head to look at Dani, glaring angrily. "Yah, are you crazy?" she snapped, cupping her cheek. She winced at the stinging sensation in her flesh.

"Who do you think you are? You're just another nerd from the academics department, yet you have the nerve to go out with my oppa? Aniya! I won't allow it, I won't share, I don't want to! Kai-oppa was mine first!" Dani  scoffed, moving to cross her arms, but Mone roughly caught one of her wrists. "I'm older than you -- don't you think you should be apologizing?" Mone shouted, irritated. The pain welling up in her cheek didn't help; apparently, it seemed Dani was a lot more forceful than she looked.

"What's going on here?"

Mone in a shaky breath at the familiar voice and nearly screamed at the sudden change in Dani's face. In a blink of an eye, Dani went from a slave-driving into the sweet, innocent kid Jong-in knew. "Mone-ah, what's going on here?"
Mone bit her lip, trying to prevent the stream of curses fighting to leave . Dani took the silent oppurtunity to speak up, her voice sickly sweet and girly, much unlike the husky, grown up tone she used with Mone just seconds ago.
"Oppa," Dani murmured sadly, "I accidentally bumped into Mone-unnie when we both came here to the orange juice machine, and she got all mad.. I was just about to apologize," she sighed. "I can understand.. I actually saw Mone studying really hard, and I came to get her orange juice, but then she comes jogging out here, probably to get some, too, and we bumped into each other. She must've been so tired, she was taking out her exhaustion on me..."

Dani looked at Mone solemnly. "Mianhe, unnie," she whimpered, bowing her head respectfully. She averted her attention back to Jong-in and smiled, tears almost forming in her eyes.

Mone gaped at Dani, now unable to say anything she wanted to say, despite the growing urge in her stomach to punch the snot out of the dongsaeng in front of her.
Jong-in turned to look at Mone for a second, to find her biting down on her lip, looking away, huffing angrily. He mistook it as an action out of guilt, rather than disbelief, and knocked Mone's grip off of Dani's wrist. "Yah, don't you think that's a bit much? I didn't know you could be like this. She's your dongsaeng, Mone-ah; no matter what, you should be a role model. Don't just blow up on her because you're cramming for finals, araseo? You're not the only one stressing out here."

Mone turned to look at Jong-in, yanking her hands out of his firm grip. His eyes narrowed down on her, bringing back her memories of how Dani looked at her the same way. She shook her head, drawing in a quivering breath. She opened to object, but realized there was no point now. "I can't believe this," she sighed, walking away.

"Mianhe, unnie! I really didn't mean it!" Mone cringed at Dani's cute voice calling after her, knitting her brows together, gathering all her will power to restrain her desperate need to shout.
The first place that came to mind was to go to the EXO studio room to go to Chanyeol. Despite his rough exterior, the happy virus was someone Mone could go to for anything, especially now that he was usually the one she would consult whenever she needed "Jong-in advice".

However, Jong-in didn't bother following after Mone; rather, he took Dani out to his car, offering to take her home. "Don't mind her," he told her once they were both situated inside his vehicle. "Mone gets frustrated; she's not good with emotions, please cope with her."
Dani only nodded, shooting her oppa a sweet smile. "Araseo." And in return, she received herself a happy chuckle and grin, and a ruffling of her hair. She almost fainted from his touch, but realized she would rather experience this moment with him conscious. She smirked, looking out the window. Gotcha!



Chanyeol was anything but happy. "HE TOOK HER SIDE?!"
"Whoa," Lu Han whistled. "Hyung, calm down."

"Mone is the victim here! Momo-ah," Chanyeol whined, calling her by the nickname he came up for her. "Why didn't you say anything?"
Mone could only shrug. "I couldn't find the words," she whispered. She couldn't even find the energy to look into Chanyeol's honey brown eyes. They were furious, with a hint of worry. 
"Do you know where Jong-in went?" Chanyeol inquired quickly.
Mone bit her lip. Yeollie never called Jong-in by his real name unless he was serious.. or extremely agitated. "Don't worry," she muttered, nudging Chanyeol. "It's nothing to worry about, okay?"
"What do you mean? He fell right into that Dani's trap! He didn't even think twice about looking into his girlfriend's side!"
"It's not like he would've believed me, okay!?" Mone cried back in frustration.

She ran a hand through her hair, ignoring the awe-struck stares she received from the eleven boys. They shrunk back slightly.

Mone felt a soft hand rest on her shoulder, and turned to look to find Kris smirking. "No matter how crazy or unbelievable your story may seem, a boyfriend should believe his girlfriend.. he's in this committed relationship with you for a reason. Where's the point in proving that he truly likes you if he's going to choose another girl's story over yours?"
"Kris-hyung is right," Tao piped up. 
Chanyeol nodded towards Mone. "Your call... what do you want to do?"
"You're not going to.. break up with him are you?" Tao inquired, worry pouring into his eyes.

Mone shook her head. "It's not worth that much trouble," she replied. "Don't worry, Tao-ah.. your noona's not going anywhere."

Mone sighed, though, and slumped her shoulders, sitting down onto the hardwood floors, feeling tired all of a sudden. "I'll just talk to him."
"What's that going to do?" Kris scoffed, setting himself down beside her. Soon enough, the rest of the EXO affiliation surrounded her with their bodies, placing herself as close to her as they could to offer as much comfort as they could possibly muster for her.
"There's no other way to clear things up," Mone shrugged.
"You can sleep with him," Chanyeol grinned.

She playfully punched his arm, "Yah.. I'm serious."
"So was he," Lu Han laughed.

Mone smiled. "We'll just have to see..."
She seemed confident with herself to the EXO members, but truth be told, she was shaking. She didn't imagine this kind of scenario to come in between them. She didn't even have the time to imagine how much damage Dani could cause so quickly and so irrationally. She smiled, though. Nevertheless, Dani was just a kid in love with an older brother figure... Mone knew she would be like that too, somehow. Most girls are like that. Dani was just another one of the Eve population that spent her time fawning over her first love.

Mone understood at least that.


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Chapter 19: This fic was so cute ;; but I wonder, when did he start liking her??
Chapter 19: I loved your story and everything about it but the ending was a little bit sad even though they didn't break up but...:'( You made JongIn so adorable and fluffy~I wanted to hug him so bad XD Thank you for sharing your story with us ^^Great writing!!!
Chapter 19: Ahh! This was soooooo cute! Great story!
I love this!
Love it! <3
Zarahbaer127 #6
This story was awesome... Loves it.
while i was reading the finale chapter, christina perri's a thousand years played from my playlist.... and it gave the emotions if this chapter... =)) i really loved the story...

there wasn't a chapter that i didn't like... =)