I love you

My Genie [ HIATUS ]

Donghae’s POV


I was lying on the bed reminding yesterday’s event , passing my fingers to my lips , maybe I went too far for a first kiss .. but .. I couldn’t help anyway .

I was deepen on my thoughts when some one entered the room brutally

“ Donghae ! “ some voice called me , there are just two people who know about my existence : kyuna , I glanced at his direction who still rolled in his bed , so it’s ..

“ Donghae ! “ OMG Hyukjae !

I jumped and hided my face , my lips to be exact , and looked at him

“ I need you “ he said almost panting “ I mean the wish , the second wish “

So the second wish time came that fast .. , I nodded at him listening carefully to his request .

 “ I wish .. I wish to know who’s the person who kissed me yesterday “


I stunned almost forgetting to breath and about to have a heart attack when I heard I broking sound . Kyu’s , he must have be shocked as I am.

I felt some tickles on my lips , surely the wish’s effect thus I hided hard under the blanket .

“ why are you covering your self “ omo I almost forgot about his presence .

“ hold on some seconds out till I put on my clothes “ ishh such a lame excuse he’s seen me already topless .

“ pff sush a girl “ he walked away .

I guess he went , i slowly uncovered my face “ Booo!” kyu who caused me a heart attack for the second time already

“ you’re in troubles “ he pointed to my lips .

I glanced at the small mirror beside me , yeah I’m in BIG troubles .

“ I’m gonna talk with him , take this “ he leaned me a black cover mouth .


Hyukjae’s POV


I leaned to the wall waiting when the door finally opened

“ is he done ? “ I asked impatiently

“ he ‘ll come soon “ he smiled to me and putted his arm to my shoulder and dragged me outside the dorm

“ But-“

“ Don’t worry your wish is already exhausted “

“ really ? “

He hummed and smiled

“ So who is ? “

“ You’ll discover it by your self “

I stopped walking and faced him .

“ You stop talking with riddle and tell me already ! “

He chuckled .

“ Okay sorry , well you know the one who kissed you will have red lips , red then usual until you discover the person so it will fade and will back to it’s normal color “

“ I see “

“ well gotta go , classes will start soon “

Oh I almost forgot them .


Today we’re having math because even if it’s an entertaining school that help develops our skills it still teach us the basic subjects in parallel so our study cycle don’t be affected .

But I rather concentrated on the students around me than on the formulas on the board , each time I keep glancing at each one of them , pink , pale , dry , white but red .

The break came in it’s time I didn’t feel like eating so I just sat on the filed watching other playing as someone sat beside me , I glanced at the person

“ you finally cam-wait are you sick ? “ I pointed at the outfit hiding his mouth .

“ a little cold “

“ I didn’t think genies can be sick “

We stayed in silent watching a match until a loud “ BE CAREFUL” was heard .

Due to my quick reflex I bent my head down when I heard a ‘pamb’ sound beside me , the ball had shot on Donghae’s direction making him lay down .

I surpassed the feeling of jumping and check if he’s alright since everybody turned his gaze to us _ to me .

“ It was almost ! “ some player shouted jogging to me and took the ball .

I smiled to the player and when I was sure everybody back to his business I turned at him who already sat and leaned to one of the big failed stairs .

“ Ohmy Donghae are .. you .. “ I stunned


Donghae’s POV


Oww that ball was pretty hard , I rested on the nearest thing and looked to the sky clearing my mind .

“ Ohmy Donghae are .. you .. “ Hyukjae stopped I looked at him curiously then glanced at the ground .. there .. was my covermouth ..


“ What’s .. that .. “ he pointed at my lips with shocking face

“ oh with cold they must have reddened “ I tried .

“ No ... it’s pink .. now “

I filed .

“ Donghae .. “ he called me and looked around as if checking something

“ y-yes “

“ yesterday ..“ he came closer to me “ when .. “ only inches from our faces “ were you .. “ he practically talked in our lips .


No he wont dare do it .

Before I think for another lie to answer I felt lips pressed on mine .


He dared .


He started brush them slightly but before it even start he painfully removed them .

“ so it was you “ he leaned back

His expression didn’t look like shocked , he was calm . So I decided this is the moment or never

“ Hyukjae

He raised his eyes to me

“ I love you

I dropped the bomb .

But to my big surprise he chuckled , sarcasly by the way ..

“ You finally said it “

What ? he was waiting me to tell .. does he share the same feelings ?

“ Hyujkae do-“

“ love you back ? “

But the thought flew as the sight of his expression and scaring look .


Hyukjae’s POV


Pff how pathetic and me who taught he’d forget but he still persisting for his plan , I glared at him

“ Hyukjae I love you , I really do from the first day you delivered me “

I stood up about to walk away , lies is the only thing I hate but something grabbed my wrist hard

“ Hyu-“

“ Don’t even dream of me loving you “ and pulled out my wrist as hard as he captured it and walked further .


“ Hyukiiiiie … “I heard him from far , what made me almost stop and surprised wasn’t his persistence of lying nor his broking voice but the name he called me with it … Hyuki ?

My heartbeats quickened and I walked away , no I should not like it , not from him .


The evening classes ended late , the dance teacher told us about a showcase who will help us debut because many of big agencies directors will attend it .

So we practiced until almost 10:00 pm , which I assume the school must closed its door , so I decided to sleep over my and kyu’s room , I walked to the dorm quietly to not awake the other rooms and opened slowly the door num 8 , the moon still illuminate slightly the room and supremely there was anyone there , I changed my clothes _ since I left some clothes on the closet in some cases like this one _ and throw my self on the bed .

After some moment my eyelides started get heavy and I was about to sleep when some one entered .

and was … sobbing ?

I raised my head a little to see who is was but as soon as I did the person threw him self on me _ practically don’t noticing some one was in the bed _

“ Wae don’t you *hik* believe me *

Donghae who was now on top of me talking on my ear .

“ Oh “ he raised his head lazily and faced me “ helooow hyukii *hic* “

Was he drunk ?

“ Hyukiii let me show you howwww mush I loooobe you “

I felt hands rushing on my chest slipping under my shirt .

Yes he was .



 Hey there ^^ so will they ‘do’ it ???


Btw how do you find the story? ( there was already a flashback but I removed it since it was booring) I mean do you enjoy it ? please if you notice anything bad or wanna remarque just do it will help me improve the fic :)


*sorry for any typos*

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It was so many fics for me to handel , myi'll post it as hiatus untill i finish the others one by one , this will be the second after "W.I.L.T.A.M" ^^


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Chapter 15: Update more please :)
maedeh #2
Chapter 15: hi
wow hiuky is reallyyyyyyy cute and prev!!!!!thanks for chapter
Chapter 14: waaa _____ hae detected XD
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 14: Whaaaaa oh oh dangerous Hae mode on O _ O
jewelsvalencia #5
Chapter 14: Pleasee don't delete it! I love your story :'(
I didn't mind waiting for your next chapter ^^
Chapter 14: please don't delete this fic....
i will wait for you to update....
maedeh #7
Chapter 13: hi
its fun story and please update more
jewelsvalencia #8
Chapter 13: I hope they will win this competition! :D
yeaaah thanks for making them as a couple again and i'm happy Hyo didn't mad at Hyukkie, but she just smiled and told him to be Hae's boyfriend ^^

Thanks for the update :D
Yunnieloveyou #9
Hyuk you are so busted!!! Mwohh haha
Hae make him repay.
Omg clifff hanger really?