The audition

My Genie [ HIATUS ]

Hyukjae’s pov

O-okay it might be the effect of eating so mush strawberries , I will just back to my sleep as if anything happened , I said reassuring  myself , went to my bed and closed my eyes till I fall in sleep again.


Next morning~

The stripes of  sun ask me to wake up , it wasn’t a good night but I slept well , I even didn’t slept that well from so long , my head still up and down in that smooth pillow , and I can hear the bird’s chan- wait.. do the pillow move ? I turned my face and-

“ morning “ some guy said

“ AH! “ I jumped and tried to hide my half body , God who’s it! How the hell did he end up in my bed!

“ don’t hide with the blankets you look beautiful without them “ he winked me.

The hotness in my cheeks tell me that I’m blushing , “who are you?” I asked calmly this time

“ I’m  Donghae the genie of your lamp “ he smiled

Donghae.. such a nice nam-WHAT!! GENIE!!

So it it was real!! I didn’t dream ! no it cant be ! but wae he doesn’t have big cap and blue clothes ?? I wondered

And I knew from his chuckling that I said it out loud

“ why are you laughing!”

“ you’re just cute ! “

“ cute yourself! “

 What now! He’s laughing!

yaa I don’t know if it’s a joke or something but the only thing I know is that you will go now!” I heard the door opened but didn’t mind and continued “ so GO OUT!” I shouted pointing my finger to the door .

“ oh! Hyukii if you want me to go just say it gently “ OMG it’s noona

“ Oh no it wasn’t for you Noona , look there is a boy in my bed and he doesn’t want to leave “  I said jumping around her like a monkey and pointing at my bed “ what are you doing!”  I exclaimed when she cupped my forehead with her palm

“look hyuki if you aren’t ready for the audition it’s okay “

Oh the audition I forgot abt it but-

“ No no look there cant you see ? Arg he’s laughing now!”

“ oh my poor it’s more serious than I thought , I’ll take this day off for bring you to the doc”

“Doctor?! Why ! you think I’m crazy? “  I stopped  , yeah it’s not far that I am , but that lamp junsu gave it to me and junsu is real , ah btw himself told me it was magic !


I was too lost in my taught that I didn’t notice her leaving and I can hear her blaming her self for not raising me well , because yeah after my parents went to America when I was young , due to my mom’s illness , she was the only one who raised me and was everything for me . And NO I don’t want her become sad because of me !

After putting something to wear , I faced him and with a glare shouted “U don’t dare to move and stay here! “ and ran following her.

She was in the living room getting ready to call the doctor , as fast as I cupped the line I held her hand “ you’re the best thing in my life , so stop saying that you failed in raising me “ I said , and then added “ yeah maybe it’s just the stress of the audition it’s my first time and you know the feelings mix “ , yes I decided to keep the genie topic for my self.

No now she’s crying! What a bad brother I am! But then she hugged me tight and after a moment she added “ Don’t worry , you’re the god of the dance so go show them what you can do! “

Good now it’s me who’s crying.


Donghae’s pov


Ah that guy juste cute , If it’s not because of him I was going to stay in that prison till the end of my life. Cursed be that witch who imprisoned me , so now I must so as told –by her – if I wanna break the charm I  must focus in my objective and make that guy fall for me before the 3rd wish , yeah I’m still a genie and I exhaust wishes , or else ill never can see the light again.

But I must be quick before I myself fall for him , that black hair guy have really an irresistible body!

“why are you drooling” oh no he’s back , damn my ert mind.

I groaned.

“ well tell me , why Noona didn’t see you?” he asked

“ you’re the only one who can “

“ so you are really a genie!” what? he still don’t know it!

“ cool and me who said that unreal is for fool people , now nothing change me from them” he said and entered in a deep thought

“ no you aren’t “ I smiled , but I think he didn’t hear because he was too lost in his thought .

so , you exhaust wishes “ he suddenly said

“ yes , you have two wishes “ I smiled

just two?” he pouted , aw cute

“ do you want more? “ I

“uh no.. so I can start wishing?”


“ I wish I can pass this audition and be selected to enter the SM entertainment “

“ Okay , you wish , but when is the audition? “

this evening “

“ btw audition of what ?”

“ of dance , I love dancing “ he said showing a gum.


At the audition~


“ Next one  Lee Hyuk Jae “ the ‘sooman ‘ – as it was wrote in the card – jury said , the boy called was calm in the opposite of the others who trembled in stress and scare , the light off and then just a circle of light appear showing him , in the middle of the dark with a red shirt , a black pant ,white gloves and his face was almost all hidden by a cap in the same color of the pant that showed just his plump pinkish lips ; as soon as the music start he started move oh so ingly , it was a music of M. Jackson that he danced at it so hotly !

His moves were perfect with the rhythm and hotness wasn’t the thing that mess , in a moment all the audience screamed to death at the moves he did , yes it was killing , he grabbed his lower part so wildly and make it turn in circle as his waist do to , God Mercy that cute and oh-so-called innocent boy was everything except that in dance.

Finally the show ended , the light on and I can see the amazement in the jury’s eyes .

As soon as soon as they announced the result that hotty face changed in one sec to a bright gumming one , he was so happy that he ran directly to me and shouted in joy “ I passed! I passed! “ oh no don’t tell me he forgot that others cant see me “ Thaank youuuu “ he added ,  yes he did .

 “ hmm , hey “ I whispered “ calm down , I’m happy too but you know to others you look like a crazy talking with a wall !”


Hyukjae’s Pov


“ calm down , I’m happy too but you know to others you look  like a crazy talking to a wall “

Oh no , How did I forget! I turned my face and felt all eyes slapping me .

“ ahmm it’s happiness “ faked a smile and leave the place . That was sooo embarrassing .


Back to the home I went straight to my home , I was humiliating but it doesn’t matter since I PASSED!


Donghae’s pov


He was smiling all the way , just cute! Who can say this is the person who was dancing earlier .

Back to his room , I went and sat in his desk chair , smiling as he smiled too.

“ you know “ he broke the silent “ you’re handsome thought “ I chuckled .

just this morning you wanted to get me out and now your complimenting me ! “

“ I’m just happy “ he simply said

happy ? aren’t you by any chance trying to seduce me ? “ I tried

“ NO! “ he almost shouted , well I tried , “ by the way “ he added “ thank you

“ for what ? “

“ for exhausting my wish “

I didn’t do anything , you did everything you still have the two wishes “ I smiled

thank you even if “ he ended and for my big surprise kissed me !

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It was so many fics for me to handel , myi'll post it as hiatus untill i finish the others one by one , this will be the second after "W.I.L.T.A.M" ^^


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Chapter 15: Update more please :)
maedeh #2
Chapter 15: hi
wow hiuky is reallyyyyyyy cute and prev!!!!!thanks for chapter
Chapter 14: waaa _____ hae detected XD
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 14: Whaaaaa oh oh dangerous Hae mode on O _ O
jewelsvalencia #5
Chapter 14: Pleasee don't delete it! I love your story :'(
I didn't mind waiting for your next chapter ^^
Chapter 14: please don't delete this fic....
i will wait for you to update....
maedeh #7
Chapter 13: hi
its fun story and please update more
jewelsvalencia #8
Chapter 13: I hope they will win this competition! :D
yeaaah thanks for making them as a couple again and i'm happy Hyo didn't mad at Hyukkie, but she just smiled and told him to be Hae's boyfriend ^^

Thanks for the update :D
Yunnieloveyou #9
Hyuk you are so busted!!! Mwohh haha
Hae make him repay.
Omg clifff hanger really?