something changed on him ..

My Genie [ HIATUS ]

Hyukjae’s POV


“ Donghae ? “

Yes it was him , I wasn’t dreaming , I jumped to his neck and hugged him .

Yes I missed him this genie , missed him A LOT .

I just can feel relieve , my heart finally can start beat normally , I felt warm when he hugged me back and along my neck something hot flowed on in .. looked like tears .

“ Donghae are you crying ? “ I asked after breaking the hug .

“ hmm no “ he looked away.

“ so why are your eyes watering ? “ I asked at the view of his face by the moon’s light from a little fissure in the window’s glass .

“ umm no .. mean yes , well I missed you too “ he’s lying , I can feel that but I didn’t care mush I enjoyed my present time to see him back .

“ but what are you doing here ? “ he asked after a while .

“ ah some morons provoked me and I accepted to spend all the night here “

He chuckled “ babo , having troubles from the first time “ he added .

I heard that some where .

So let’s sleep “ he smiled to me , I was surprised .

“ What’s that face ! It’s not like it’s our first time “ he winked me .

I blushed without knowing why , “ but .. the blanket there isn’t ..” I muttered

“ My arms will be your blanket , my chest will be your pillow so just sleep “ bittersweet , sweet and cold at the same time .. something changed in him .

After couple of minutes I fall asleep , yee I didn’t sleep for day so I shivered to dreams land fastly .


Next morning ~


I was sleeping so peacefully , Donghae’s arm didn’t let me a sec , even if it was pretty cold I didn’t feel anything but warmness ; everything was perfect until I felt some kicks hitting lightly my legs .

“ Ya wake up ! “ Some one shouted , I raised my eyes to see .

“ The princess finally woke up “ said another voice , it was two silhouette , one tall and robust and the other obese and big , I guess the boys of yesterday .

The dimples guy lend me his hand , Donghae in same time woke up and delivered me in time for stand up .

“ so how was your night huh “ he smirked “ it seem you talk alone , it didn’t surprise me thought “ he laughed .

I didn’t let intention and passed my way to go until I heard “ I wonder how he’ll act when we’ll publish the vid of him talking alone that we filmed yesterday “

“ WHAT ?! NOO!! “ screamed Donghae .

It’s okay I don’t care let them do “ I said .

No the vid cant be shown or else I’ll appear there ! “

“ huh ? “

“ I’m inoffensive to flash and cameras’s rayon , so my body appear .”

“ What! “ my jaw dropped down .

I back toward them but they already left , I ran then to find them as soon as possible .


Donghae’s POV


Hyukjae ran as fast as he could to catch the camera as soon as he knew , I followed him and in the exit of the old building he met some young boy there who seem was waiting him .

“ Hyung I came here to-“

Have no time now kyuhyun !”

What ? K-kyuhyun ? I ran go see the boy , Holly God can he be ,, !

“ K-kyuna .. ? “ I tried , if it was him , he’ll probably hear me God he turned!!

“ F-fishy .. ?!!”

“ OMG it’s really you!! “ my eyes were wide , still not believing .

“ FISHYYYYY” he ran to me and hugged me tight , I can feel his tears , yeah I missed him too .

We walked to his room , my naughty dongseng he didn’t change! My last time seeing him was in my … wedding , since he was my fiancé’s brother . I still can remember him dressing the black suit and me the white one , he was my “groom maid” following in the long crush’s corridor to that forced marriage , it was against my will since she was pregnant , so I was obligated to marry her and take the responsibility , but in the last second I knew that the daddy’s baby wasn’t me so I rejected her , and as revenge she went to the biggest wish and you can guess the last of the story .

Here we are “ kyuna said .

We entered the room , I can guess Hyukjae’s bed as it smell strawberry .

So what are you doing here naughty ? “ I rubbed his hair teasingly “ aren’t you supposed to stay there and be a Math teacher ? “ I asked .

“ I came here for you , I went from there to search about how I can deliver you  I spent all those years searching and I didn’t regret since I met you

Yes even if all what happened he was my friend before knowing his sister , my lovely dongseng .

So what did you find ? “ I asked curiously

“ you know for break the charm you must let the other-“

“ –fall for you I know , which is not easy with Hyukjae “

“ W-WHAT! Don’t tell me it’s him who delivered you !?!! “

“ So why you think I’m here “

“ oh my it’s unbelievable ! it will be hard since it’s a .. guy “

“ and you know the worse thing is that I started fall for him before he do !”

This time I sure chocked him to his face expression , he couldn’t even answer , he made me laugh

“ It’s complicated “ he finally said “ but you know I found some other information that may interest you  “

“ What is ? “

“ I have some signs that make you know if the other love you or no , the first one is missing , it start with him missing you and freeze all time he’s not with you- … “ he stopped

What’s wrong ?”

“ you know yesterday he was all time freezing “

“ pfHaha don’t make me laugh , it must be because of cold , yesterday hadn’t a perfect weather I think I ever caught cold “ I cough .

omo come come here beside me “ he pat in his bed .

I smiled , he didn’t change even thought I’m the older he still want care of me ; I went to his bed and layed beside him , he covered me with the sheet and kissed my cheek , at the same time we heard loud sound of something broken near to the door .



Hyukjae’s POV


I finally got the camera from them with pain .



“ Hey you ! “ I shouted as the dimple guy turned “ give me that camera of you ! “

“ why must I ? are you scared that everyone know you’re crazy ? “ he smirked .

I went closer to him “ I don’t have time to waste with you so just give me

“ N.O” he said curtly

owkay “ I said and turned , I stopped for a while and when I felt all my strength is gathered I returned and sent a punch to his face what made him fail because it was sudden .

With the show all wanted attack me but he stopped them , still laying in the ground .

“ Siwon what are you doing ?!”

Let it Shindong , this guy look interesting we’ll have fun with him after “

I heard them hissing but couldn’t hear so I grabbed the camera and went happily finding Donghae .

*end of flashback*


He was nowhere , not in the old building nor the garden then I remember kyuhyun he wanted tell me something this morning but I was too busy looking for the cam .

I ran to the room and couldn’t believe what I saw in my arrival there was Donghae and him , in same bed , sharing same sheet , hugging each other and kyuhyun kissing him !

My hands let the camera fail without my conscience , my chest gave me ache due to my sudden speed heartbeats.

I took the rest of strength that still with me and walked inside .

Hyuuuuung! You finally came ! “

I layed in my bed .

“ Here is the camera “ I said looking at the ceiling .

oh! You could have it ! “ I can hear the surprise in Donghae’s voice .

What is with the cam ? “ kyu asked

Ah with all what happened I forgot to tell you “

Huh all what happened  ! what he meant by that ! why what happened !!

I jumped in my place and sit , curiosity killed me I was going to ask when “ AAaah”  I screamed my .. stomach was hur..ting me terribly , it was soo painful that my tears dropped .


Donghae’s POV


OMG what was going with him? I was so frustrated , I stood up to go help him , do something but kyuna stopped me “ let it be “ he strangely said “ it will stop soon “ he added and he wasn’t lying! It stopped ! but not totally I think at the view of Hyukjae failing from his bed to the floor like a cadaver .

I ran to catch him , I was soo worried his condition is totally not good

It’s his first time , he couldn’t support “ he smirked , what the hell is he saying I cant get that kid sometimes we’re in big troubles and he seem enjoyed it !

“ stop talking non sense and come help me “

“ I’m not talking non sense , it’s the symptoms “

“ what are you meaning ? “ I asked confusedly

After missing , it’s jealousy which its signs are pain in stomach “

 He was talking about those signs , no its impossible … could it be ?

After a short moment , he finally woke up as anything happened .


Hyukjae’s POV


I open my eyes and see couple of eyes watching me with worries .

What ?! any prob ?! “ I said and sit , then remember .. “ THE CAMERA! Where is it ??

ah it still beside the door “ the younger ran to it “ anyway its broken “ he cemented .

Hey kyuhyun! Btw how can you see him ? mean Donghae and .. how do you know him “ I finished with low voice .

He chuckled and then told me the story of the wedding .

“ but … I still cant get how you can see him now .. “

it’s because of this” he finally said showing me a pendent that out of his chest which at the end of it was a blue pearl .

it’s a sapphire , taken from the depness of a Holy lake , they said as long as you possess the crystal , all spirits , genies and ghost can be shown to it’s owner “ he explained . It was a beautiful pearl thought ,   but then the classes come to my mind !

GOD the courses !! “ I jumped

“ calm down you still have 30 min “ said kyu as he watched my schedule .

I was getting ready to go and called Donghae “ your not coming ?

“ here I am “ he smiled

The first lesson was in a dance room full of mirrors I followed the trainees as they followed the teacher and u stopped as they did .

Our first lesson of today will be imaginationthe teacher said “ you must improvise a dance imagining that your dancing it with another one while it just only you who dance , the viewers must see in your moves and show a duo dance not solo “

Hmm I see ..

So who wanna try ? …. What about …. You ? “  oh he’s pointing at me !

well okay .. “

I went to the scene as the others sitting in front of me , looking forward what I’ll perform .

I was wondering what do to until a brilliant idea came to my mind .


Donghae’s POV


I was standing in the corner of the danceroom  , waiting patiently what he’ll gonna do .

I was there watching him until he turned faced me and with one gesture of his hand he c-called me ?!


Hyukjae’s POV


They want a duo show ? they will have a duo show and a real !

I called Donghae to come near me and whispered to him to not move and let me do the rest .

After the show I can hear all the room jumping with the claps sound , but inside the noisiness there is some one quiet who let my hand and went running to the exit eyes watering , and no one can see him but me …

“ Donghaeee !!! “ I shouted and ran followed him



Woaaa I wrote that long chap! Hope you’ll enjoy it , and for the last I was tiiired so I ended like that but there will be a flashback in the next chap so you could understand ^^

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It was so many fics for me to handel , myi'll post it as hiatus untill i finish the others one by one , this will be the second after "W.I.L.T.A.M" ^^


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Chapter 15: Update more please :)
maedeh #2
Chapter 15: hi
wow hiuky is reallyyyyyyy cute and prev!!!!!thanks for chapter
Chapter 14: waaa _____ hae detected XD
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 14: Whaaaaa oh oh dangerous Hae mode on O _ O
jewelsvalencia #5
Chapter 14: Pleasee don't delete it! I love your story :'(
I didn't mind waiting for your next chapter ^^
Chapter 14: please don't delete this fic....
i will wait for you to update....
maedeh #7
Chapter 13: hi
its fun story and please update more
jewelsvalencia #8
Chapter 13: I hope they will win this competition! :D
yeaaah thanks for making them as a couple again and i'm happy Hyo didn't mad at Hyukkie, but she just smiled and told him to be Hae's boyfriend ^^

Thanks for the update :D
Yunnieloveyou #9
Hyuk you are so busted!!! Mwohh haha
Hae make him repay.
Omg clifff hanger really?