
My Genie [ HIATUS ]

Black everything was black .. again . He opened his eyes and scanning his surroundings , where he would last but everything was just dark , he doesn’t know for how long he was there maybe some minutes , some hours maybe some days or months , he didn’t know ; that space had no time and no precise place just everything was dark , but some how he could see , just himself , see his hands and his steps he could see himself inside the darkness .

He walked there in the endless path till he felt tired , he just decided to close his eyes and to submit to be absorbed by the dark ocean thought his lips formed a smile , yes he doesn’t regret , it was his choose and he’ll face everything with his entire will .

 As he was about to close his eyes when some gleam appeared in front of him , further by some meters , the sight started clear and a familiar face appeared , the origine of all this , there was Yoona holding a little doll that looked like him her lips formed a victory smile , in the other hand were a scissors that she approached slowly to the doll , he assumed what she was going to do and just closed his eyes smiling once again , as he closed his eyes slowly another gleam blinded his sight and formed another familiar face , his face brightened and smiled more , yet the other person ran to yoona and before she would cut and destroy the doll he already took it from her making her cut her hand instead , she was angry and tried to get the doll back from him , the other one just held it tighter what made her legs heavy and as he approached the doll toward his chest , her feet were paralyzed and she couldn’t walk anymore , bloods were flowing from her injured hand , the skinny person looked at her , his eyes not showing hate nor love , maybe pity , he just let a weak smile and turned to the one which the doll he’s holding looked alike , his expanded his smile while approaching the doll to his chest .


After that everything went dark , it’s like all lights went off again except from one place , himself , he was shining like a sun and he just closed his eyes , this time for real .




“ Sir .. sir are you okay ?? “

“ is he dead ? “

“ no maybe sleepy “

He started open his eyes slowly to be welcomed by a couple of pair of eyes


“ oh he’s starting to wake up!” one said


“ w-where I am ..? “ was the last thing he could say before returning to darkness .




Once he opened his eyes again , he could smell a familiar scent , yes this particular delicious scent that just one person can make it


“ M-mom ? “


Even thought it was almost inaudible voice the middle aged woman ran  from the kitchen to the living room welcoming her son who was lying on a big couch


“ OMG Donghae “ she hugged him and he hugged her back instantly but still confuse .

“ Thank’s God your alive .. I .. I thought you were .. “ the woman couldn’t complete her words and started cry .


Donghae sat up and released from the hug sweetly

“ how did I come here ? “

“ some young men from the country found you and recognize you

The younger nodded , still don’t understanding completely , is he alive ?


Some burn scent were smelling and the woman immediately ran to the kitchen , Donghae in that time pinched his cheek to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and he wasn’t . He was alive ! and the greatest thing he was back ! He was DELIVRED !

He couldn’t understand how but he was indeed thankful to the person or thing who delivered him .

After a while his mother came back with burn food his face showed a slight sadness


“ oww don’t be sad you know I like burn food “ Donghae said showing her his best smile as she smiled in contentment too .

While eating they talked about everything and nothing , Donghae pretended that he studied aboard in this years when he didn’t show up and that he decided to rest a little thought he slept the reason why they found him in that state . His mum believed every single word and later he knew from her that his ex fiancée , yoona was sick .

“ Sick ? “ he asked a little surprised

yes , her parents didn’t give more information about her illness but she didn’t quite her house since almost a week . “


Donghae’s POV


I decided to go to visit her , yes after all she still my best friend’s sister , but also because I had some doubts concerning her sudden illness .

I knocked them house’s door but someone answer me from behind the door instead of open it

Im sorry but no one can visit these days , you may back later “

“ Auntie?” I called, recognized her mother’s voice “ it’s me Donghae “ i said hoping that she will open and that’s what she did

I bowed to her as she let me enter

I’m glad you’re here son but I don’t think yoona will want to-“

“ Umma who’s” yoona asked but she already knew the answer seeing me in front of her , I was socked seeing her but now my doubts were certified , she was sitting in a wheelchair and one of her hands have bandage , I smiled at her but she looked away like if not daring to see me .

Her mom lead us to the living room ,

I .. I don’t know one day she was so healthily and the next day she couldn’t walk and blood was flowing from her hand “ her mom explained sadly , yes what happened wasn’t a dream but was somehow a reality .

I smiled at her comforting her and hands her a handkerchep to wipe her growing tears . While yoona kept silent all the time , after sometime her mom leaved us as we were alone .

“ How do you feel ? “ I asked trying to start a conversation

“ W-Why did you come ? You sure enjoy seeing me like that “ she said still not looking at me

“ No .. I came to thank you “ she looked at me surprising and confused

Yes even if , let’s see the good side of what she did , if she didn’t imprison me in that lamp I’ll never meet Hyukjae , Hyukiie ..

I smiled at her “ thank you “ with that some tears were peeking out from her eyes as she looked away , but then I remembered something

Yoona .. what about … the baby ? “ as I knew she was pregnant , the baby that she pretended I was the dad .

“ I .. didn’t give birth “

“ you weren’t pregnant ? “

“ I was … “ she mustn’t continue to know that she aborted

“ How .. could you .. “ I looked at her in disbelieve , she killed an innocent creature

“ what did you think ill do after you left me … live isn’t that easy I was obligated and I was alone , I’ll never forgive you “

but I forgave you “ I looked at her and she looked surprised “ but you shouldn’t throw the responsibility of your fault to me , I have nothing to do with the baby “ with that she started crying and unconsciously burned her hands into her hands , her BOTH hands

“ Yonaa.. your hand “ I pointed hesitantly at her injured hand , because she could move it and she looked as surprised as I was

“ doesn’t hurt anymore “ she said sobbing moving her hand to different directions to make sure it was healthy

“ Thank you “ she said in her turn burning her face again in her hands and continuing to cry , I didn’t understand her behaving but I just smiled “ I – I thought I’ll never have my hand back .. Donghae .. I don’t deserve your forgiveness “ she started cry louder

I went and hugged her patting her back gently “ Yoona I don’t got what your hand have with me but I really forgive you , really so stop crying please

After some sobs she calmed a little and I sat beside her , then she finally showed her face from her hand showing a swollen red eyes who were looking straight at me

You was delivered , and not because of me , it’s a miracle but someone was able to break the spell even if everything was decided , the person who delivered you once from your darkness must love you so mush but maybe she had doubts so it’s why you were back to the lamp for some time “ she declared and I listened to her attentively yet I wasn’t sure .. because the person which is hyukjae doesn’t love me , does he ?

when the spell was broke the chastisement was back to the owner of it , me .. but it would removed if the one I hurt forgave me , what you did so I got my hand back “ she said and tears were starting fall again yet she didn’t react and just let them run on her cheek “ I’m sorry .. “ she said looking at her legs which were still resting on the resting bares of the wheelchair , now I see the yoona that I knew and that I loved once , the pure one , I smiled and wiped her tears away as she faced me

“ so it’s mean you can start walk as well “ I smiled to her

“ oh I forgot about them .. “ she said with a smile but paused thinking about something

need some help ? “ I asked and she nodded

She rested her hand to my shoulder and I held her waist slowly helping her to stand but as soon as she stood she fall making me fall as well ,we were both on the ground me sitting and her falling in my laps , I helped her and she rested her beside me

it’s what I taught “ she finally said as she sat on the floor grabbing my shirt so she would take her balance

I looked at her curiously

you’re not the only one I hurt “ she continued “ the person who loves you have his part too , as he didn’t forgive me ill not be able to walk .. “ she paused “ and he have all the right to not do “ she ended .

My mind went again to that person , so he really loves me ?


We stayed like that for a moment , silence filled the room , neither of us talked because both were thinking , then after a moment I broke the silence

“ what about you come with me ? “ I asked

“ t-to where ? “

“ let’s go back to where everything started , to seoul , plus you’ll have a big surprise there“ I smiled to her ,  she seems lost not understanding what I meant but nodded in the end , it’s there when her mom back and gasped at our sight running helping her daughter to back to her chair as I helped too , and she couldn’t believe that her hand recovered .

After I took permission of her mom , she gladly accepted saying that it will be better for her daughter if she changed the surroundings thus she’ll forget about her illness , thought she doesn’t know that that she will not just forgive about it but also will not have it  , because am sure Hyukjae will forgive her .


On the way I told Yoona about SM , that that person is there and that we must pass a test to get accepted there , tought I didn’t mention hyukjae , she maybe doesn’t know that the person I fall in love with is a boy .

As we came to Seoul we went directly to the agency since we don’t have any place to go , and the director was kind to let us pass the audition in the middle of the semester , and didn’t refuse yoona because of her state because for him appearance doesn’t  count if  there is skills , they dragged us to a big danceroom which I recognized , it was the one where hyukjae passed the audition too , I started first with a ballad then with a more eventul song which I sang and danced .

The jury were mesmerized , well I used to sing in crushes and studied music since I was little thus my voice omproved when I grew up , after was yoona’s turn and as I expected she left the jury speechless since she was the lead vocal in the music course .

I was registred in both dance and singing courses which I’ll share the second with her .

They showed us the dorms and told us about the agency’s rule and protocol .


Since it was still morning I went to my first class , the dancing class , the teacher _ which I know already _ introduced me to the class which I knew them too and which was formed into little groups discussing some things , yet they was polite with me and welcomed me warmly , then back to them discussions , I eyed the room looking for a special student but he wasn’t in sight till I spotted a familiar face , sitting alone in the wooden floor leaning to the mirror wearing a worried expression , and was the only one who wasn’t grouped with someone , I went closer and kneeled so I’m in same eyelevel

“ hey “ I smiled

She looked at me as she just woke up from a big thoughts

“ hi “ she smiled back

may I sit beside you ?

“ oh sure “ she pointed at the empty place beside her

“ I’m donghae

“ Hyoyeon “ she said but back to her thoughts

I knew that there were preparing to some audition and that she was paired with hyukjae , but she looked alone , did they dis-paired ?

“ You don’t have a partner ? “ I asked casually

“ I have .. but he’s aboard now “ she said back to her worried expression as I was surprised but tried to hide it

“ why ? “

“ I don’t know … “

“ mm can I join you ? “ I asked as she looked at me with surprised yet smiling expression

“ oh yeah you’ll sure help us “ her face brightened and I smiled back

We chitchatted and she told me that it was about a proposal , that she found some moves but still she needs to know the lyrics to manage a good choreography and I offered my help which she accepted gladly .


It was lunch time and since I just know her , she offered to treat me , she wasn’t that gluegirl that was before , she behaved differently and that was mush better , as we sat we continued talking about the showcase

“ ah by the way , my partner will send the lyrics but I have troubles in my account “ she played with her food “ do you mind give me yours so I can give it to him ? “

She finally asked and I nodded in agreement , wrote my pseudo name in a paper and gave it to her

Aiden lee … what a name“ she chuckled  “ here his one , Eunhyuk

I almost spit the juice I drank when I heard the name but managed to gulped it and let a small coughs after

“ are you okay ? “ she asked worry as I waved my hand signalling that everything fine

OMG IT WAS HIM !!! I couldn’t believe it was the one I talked to him!!! He seemed sad that time and he said he had troubles in love . my eyes widened instantly in disbelieve and Hyoyeon asked me again if I was all right as I nodded again .


That night they gave me an empty room when I could sleep , the monitor said I must be glad that I don’t share it with anyone since I just came , but I didn’t care mush since I know ill change it soon , therefore my eyes couldn’t shut not believing what I heard earlier but also wandering what would happen later , many questions were spinning in my head , where is he ? where he is aboard ? when he will comeback ? I even wandered about the audition thought it was the last thing what bothered me , I glanced at the clock it was already 3 past midnight , and sleep still don’t want to come so I just decided to open my laptop maby ill felt sleepy after .

As I opened it I searched about SM to know more information about it after some pages I read I got a clear Idea and decided to break the read time and open my account there I found a message from Eunhyuk and rapidly opened it


“what a nice surprise I didn’t know you were from the same agency ^^

Well here are the lyrics

Eunhyuk - “


You’ll see how nice it is when you’ll know the owner of the mail later , I tought and read the lyrics .

They are awesome taught you feel slight sadness by reading them , by lines you start feel the words and live with every letter . I’m impressed, thought I knew that if it was from him it will surely be something special .


The next day I showed the lyrics to my partner and she let a tear fell from her eyes and was as impressed as I was . I proposed that we’ll make two boys proposing the same girl thus there will be some problems and in last it’s the girl who will choose , since there was a little fight at the end and because our team already have two boys and one girl she agreed and liked the idea but I told her that we still must see with the other partner .

Days passed and both focused on the work , she was dancing all the time trying to find some moves while I tried to find some tune to the song . the days were tiring but I enjoyed it , I asked to change my room and go to the 19 years rooms , even tough I’m a year older and since I know that kyu is the only minor there I asked to change places with him , and apologized silently to him .

While I grabbed my suitcase to leave the old and go the my new room I heard noises outside the dorm and there my phone rang signalling Hyoyeon as the ID

“ Donghae shiii come sooon Hyukjae oppa , our partner came back “ she said happily and hung off .

I went to my new room , put the suitcase and peeked from the window, my heart beat slowly fastened , I didn’t know why I was nervous since I did all this way to see him , but my heart was going to skip when I heard footsteps coming from the corridor and the room’s door opened brutally , it was the time that I waited for so long , finally I’m free and I can love you without any fear and ill make sure to never leave you .. soon , I turned slowly looking straight at the person infront of me ,  you’ll be mine


“ Long time no see “ I smirked as he stand there speechless open mouthed .




Okay I allow you to beat me up , yell at me and ill just accept everything , I made you wait for so long and didn’t move an inch from the preview’s chap’s event , thought you knew some new information even if .

I’m sorry it’s just that school started and they started rude from the beginning , I’ll try to update every week ends and try to finish this fic soon , but a question still turning in my head … do you want in this fiction ??

I started a little part in a preview chap thought it wasn’t completely .. so I was just wondering if you want it .. (and know that it will be my first time writing it)

Well answer me so I’ll know what to do


Take all care of you :)~

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It was so many fics for me to handel , myi'll post it as hiatus untill i finish the others one by one , this will be the second after "W.I.L.T.A.M" ^^


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Chapter 15: Update more please :)
maedeh #2
Chapter 15: hi
wow hiuky is reallyyyyyyy cute and prev!!!!!thanks for chapter
Chapter 14: waaa _____ hae detected XD
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 14: Whaaaaa oh oh dangerous Hae mode on O _ O
jewelsvalencia #5
Chapter 14: Pleasee don't delete it! I love your story :'(
I didn't mind waiting for your next chapter ^^
Chapter 14: please don't delete this fic....
i will wait for you to update....
maedeh #7
Chapter 13: hi
its fun story and please update more
jewelsvalencia #8
Chapter 13: I hope they will win this competition! :D
yeaaah thanks for making them as a couple again and i'm happy Hyo didn't mad at Hyukkie, but she just smiled and told him to be Hae's boyfriend ^^

Thanks for the update :D
Yunnieloveyou #9
Hyuk you are so busted!!! Mwohh haha
Hae make him repay.
Omg clifff hanger really?