
Saranghae... Again. 사랑해... 다시.

September 19th, 2010.

“Shii—” Seon Yul was startled at the sound of the phone and her forehead collided with Deon’s. “OW!”

“Oh crap, are you okay?” Deon asked as he removed himself from her personal bubble.

“I-I’m fine,” she stuttered and swiftly got herself out of bed, furiously making sure not to make eye contact with him as she slipped past him and towards nearest the ringing telephone. “Hello?”

Deon paced the room while Seon Yul was outside on the phone. Stupid, stupid, stupid! he mentally scolded himself for rashly acting out earlier. What the hell were you thinking idiot?!

Seon Yul entered the room soon after she had left. “Wrong number,” she mumbled.

“Oh,” Deon said, for lack of better vocabulary currently running through his mind. “Uh I’ll just turn off the light when you’re ready…”

Seon Yul crawled back into bed and tried to make herself comfortable again, though her body and mind were still stiff from the encounter. “Goodnight Deon.”

“Night Mel.” He turned off the light and shut the door behind him.

Seon Yul waited to hear his footsteps travel downstairs until it was out of earshot. Instantly, her body shivered as it released tension and the thoughts in her mind started running around in chaotic circles. Within that mess, a particular memory came back to her of the ferris wheel incident at Everland with Young Saeng. Saengie, too, was a bit too close for comfort at the time, but there were sparks she had felt when he had shown the slightest possibility of physical affection towards her. Similar to what had just happened with Deon, but stronger.

“Don’t forget me…” she had told him before boarding her flight to her new home. I hope he didn’t break his promise. She focused her gaze on her keys before dozing off to the familiar sight of her little plush bunny keychain.


A/N: *rises from the dead* Greetings, Earthlings. Tis I... if you remember who I even is. Two and a half years later, I have uncovered this draft from my dusty archieves and thought I'd give it a little run for its money. It is not at a length or word count that I would usually post at, but I'm curious to see how many people still click on my story haha. Even for me after all this time, I had to go back and skim everything (despite having an outline and timeline drafted already).

Modificiations may occur to this chapter, but like I said, for now this update is more of an experiment to see what's going on in the fanfic community.

- Melody~xoxo

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I forgot how fun writing can be...


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DrEaMLin #1
Chapter 13: Omg you are finally back. ;D Pls update more. :)
Chapter 13: Finaaaaaallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
I'm waiting for next chapters^^.. so please keep updating and make it a happy story not a sad one :'(
YOU'VE FINALLY UPDATED!! <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH...I thought you've given up on this fantastic story! >.<
hanakiss501 #6
loving it! I love your style of writing~ feels like I'm dissolve into the story.. keep updating!^^
nice update..i love how the concept the writing was..hehe..cant wait for the next chapter..:D<br />
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update soon..:))
update soon..hehe..wondering what will be the role of kyu..since in the picture is kyusaeng..i think they are rivals..right?? ahehe.:)