Day 1: Meeting.

Hello Umma!

There were cameras set up in every room of INFINITE's Dorm (except the toilet). The boys gathered together in the living room, sitting in a circle.

"What show do you think it is this time?" Sungjong asked.

"I'm betting on Sesame Player" Sungyeol said proudly.

"What? 2nd season? Are you stupid?" Hoya laughed.

"HEY! IF I'M RIGHT! YOU'RE GIVING ME 5000 WON!" Sungyeol proclaimed. 

Sunggyu pointed at the camera man "Doesn't he look like the camera man of Hello Baby?" 

"How do you know what he looks like?" Myungsoo replied with a scoff.

"Connections Kiddo!" Sunggyu poked Myungsoo's head. 

Woohyun chuckled loudly and turned around facing the camera man "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!"

The camera man turned back and pointed to himself "me?" he asked dumbfounded.  

Sungyeol stood up and put on a serious face "We're filming Hello Baby this time... RIGHT?!" 

The camera man stared at them speechlessly  awkwardly for a few moments "............."  he blinked then turned back continuing to set up his camera. 

Sungyeol stared at him setting up the camera in shock "YAHHHHH!" 

Everyone laughed "Ignored Sungyeol~" they cheered. 

"Pshhh" he pouted and sat down. 

"I wonder if the baby would be a girl or a boy" Dongwoo sat back, leaning on Hoya. 

"I want a boy" Sunggyu smiled excitedly. 

"I want a girl" Myungsoo said with a cheeky smile.

Sungyeol sighed "How are we gonna look after the kid, we don't have food"

"Go cook" Hoya replied.

"When I said there's no food I meant we need to go buy some" he stared at Sunggyu "The leader is making us starve" he sulked.

Everyone's gaze shifted over to Sunggyu "Hyung...." The made puppy faces, especially Woohyun, he moved closer with a puppy face doing a heart with his hands.

Sunggyu looked around awkwardly and closed he eyes, pretending to sleep "I'm to old for this" he mumbled. 

Woohyun shook him "Foooooood" he chanted "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD".

"CAMERA'S READY" The camera man screamed out.

Dongwoo jumped in shock "YOU SCARED ME!"

"She's coming" The camera man announced with a cheeky smile.

*A BABY GIRL?!* They all thought.

Your hand was placed on the door knob but you couldn't bring yourself to open it, you suddenly felt very uneasy, building up all the confidence you had in you, you finally nervously opened the door and poked your head in looking around. 7 pairs of eyes looked at you with excitement *that must be the mum!*

Your eyes widened at the tension and you moved your head back -boom!- you closed the door shut  "Why are they so intimidating?!" you panted putting your hand on your chest.

Myungsoo did a "what the hell" face and looked at everyone. "Huh?"

Dongwoo stood up "Maybe the baby ran away and she went to chase her"

"OH MY GOD!" Sunggyu said and stood up.

You were leaning on the outside of the door and a gust of strength pushed the door opened, pushing you down. "WAAH!" You screamed.

7 heads poked out the door and stared at you *No baby?* they looked around. 

You stood up rubbing your back then screamed "YAH!"

They moved back and Sungjong unconciously closed the door *What the fishy in the pond was that?!* his eyes was wide, still shocked with your scream.

Sunggyu calmed down then went to the door quickly "Guys, we can't let her stand outside like that!" He opened the door to see you standing there crossing your arms. 

He awkwardly bowed, you smiled and pat his head "Good son" 

He looked at you, shocked, but you pushed passed him and entered the room, it was quite unorganized and had a strange smell.

You walked to the camera and bowed with a cheerful smile

"Anneonghaseoyo! ~~~~~~~~-imnida. Welcome to.....

Hello Umma!

You clapped and threw a confetti then turned back to look at INFINITE with a cheerful smile.

INFINITE stared at the backstage crew holding in their laugher, then they looked at eachother "W..We were completely fooled..." they whispered to themselves. 


Hope the first chapter wasn't to bad! 

Please Comment and Subscribe! ^^ <3 

^ Just for fun OwO




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Chapter 6: Omg, Hoya is so cuteeeeeee <3 hahah and Myungsoo is teasing her! :D Is he interest in her or something? Definitely ;d hahaha omg, the best was with Sunggyu and Sungyeol <3 hahahahha :D Dongwoo is polite son :D
Btw, annyeong, I'm your new reader :) I'm Kathee and I'm 96' liner :) I hope we will get along well :) Thanks for your hard work and update soon, arasso? Fighting! <3
Dani_L #2
Chapter 6: I loved this "Hello Umma" idea!!! Please update (imagine i am making all the aegyo i could learn with Woohyun to try to convince you to update soon ahhahahahahaha)
Chapter 6: UDATE SOON >...<
Your fanfics are keeping me from being bored while trying to sleep keke ;)
Chapter 6: Update soon!!!
Chapter 6: OMG!~~ I like this chap!! kekeke xD
Chapter 5:

Randomly choose some gifs, I hope there okay?
Maybe Umma and Appa have an argument?
Or one of the Infinite members get a mission?
Mothers Day special chapter ?
Aigoo xD
Love your story author-nim, very funny~ kekeke

Update soon!
lolol Sungjong at the end. xD
Update soon!