Secretly Male


            “Minho,” I whispered against his hair. After silently crying with Minho for about five minutes, I was finally able to calm myself down. Of course I waited till my face was a slightly less flushed before calling to the other crying boy who seemed to just be sniffling softly at this point. Minho rubbed his face against my chest one last time before pulling away slightly.

            “Sorry,” he grumbled before gently resting his chin on my shoulder. His grip around my waist tightened, closing the space between us. It wasn’t long before I couldn’t sit still. Minho was breathing into my ear as he held me close. My heart began to race out of control as my body shook. Minho seemed to notice and relaxed his hold on me. He apologized again before completely pulling away.

            “Minho, let me in,” Onew weakly called before knocking lightly on the door. “This is my room too.” Minho and I exchanged glances before getting off the floor. I dusted myself off before turning to the door.

            “Wait,” Minho called as he grabbed my wrist. I looked over my shoulder to see Minho nervously looking around the floor. “I know you aren’t Taemin, but could we still be friends?”


            “I mean, only if you want to!” Minho began to ramble. “Obviously I’m not the best company, and you are really pop-“

            “Minho,” I laughed, “calm down. Of course I’ll be your friend.”

            “Really?” he asked, shocked. His eyes widened slightly before he covered his mouth with his hand. “This must be a joke.”

            “Believe what you want, but I am telling the truth,” I plainly stated before opening the door. Onew immediately jumped up from his seat on the floor and pulled me into a tight embrace. His right hand forced my head into his shoulder, preventing me from seeing anything.

            “What did you do to her?” Onew demanded, probably glaring him. I heard footsteps approaching us, but Onew made us take a step back.

            “Nothing; we just talked,” Minho nonchalantly explained.

            “I heard crying though,” Onew continued before releasing me from his grip so he could approach Minho. Minho visibly tensed at Onew’s statement. I leaned forward and took a handful of Onew’s shirt. Onew glanced at me over his shoulder, and I furiously shook my head as a warning. With a heavy sigh, he let the whole thing go.

            “I’m going to go back to my dorm,” I announced before yawning. I gave Onew another warning look and headed into the hallway through the door we had just left open.

            “Hey, do you want me to walk you back?” Onew offered kindly with a smile. Although he looked at me sweetly, his eyes looked sad. While biting my bottom lip, I nodded slowly and Onew came running to my side. I waved to Minho before walking away with Onew.

            “Bye,” I heard Minho weakly call in the distance. My nose scrunched as my eyes closed. What did I just do? How could I become friends with the one person I’ve tried so hard to avoid?

            “You okay?” Onew asked after I heavily sighed. After I nodded, Onew continued onto his next topic idea. “So what happened with…”

            “Minho?” I finished for him in a questioning manner. He didn’t know his own roommates name?

            “Is that his name? He still hasn’t introduced himself to me, so I don’t know.” Oh, that’s right. I keep forgetting that Onew already mentioned that little tidbit.

            “Right, but anyways, we honestly just talked. Nothing happened,” I explained, trying to reassure him. The corner of his mouth jutted to the side, giving him an unsure look, but he still let it go. The rest of our walk was in silence until we eventually made it to my dorm room. Onew pulled me in for another tight embrace and whispered sternly into my ear.

            “I don’t trust Minho, so please be careful,” he pleaded, concern evident in his voice. I mumbled a “yes”, and Onew loosened his grip instantly in satisfaction.

            “Thanks for walking me back,” I politely said. Onew nodded with a small smile before turning so his back was facing me.

            “Sweet dreams,” he murmured as he began to walk down the way we came. I carefully closed my door and let out a sigh. What a night.


            The next morning, it was Minho who had picked me up instead of Onew. He says he found out from some maid because Onew refused to tell him. We walked together to the dining hall only for him to take off running back to his dorm, saying he forgot something. I merely shrugged and approached my usual table. Jonghyun waved enthusiastically to me as I took my seat.

            “Morning,” I yawned, but still managed to be graceful about it. Key gave me an acknowledging nod, not even attempting to speak. I assumed he was really tired since his eyes were slightly drooped.

            “Hello, Taeyeon,” Jonghyun sang in a sickeningly cheery voice. I glanced around the dining hall to see that Onew was nowhere in sight. Jonghyun seemed to notice and quickly told me: “Onew came by, but said he had something to do.” My shoulders deflated from disappointment, and I nodded solemnly. Key and Jonghyun exchanged glances before falling silent, only focusing their attention to their meal. A waiter kindly brought me some food which I quickly began to swallow down.

            “Slow down, girl,” Key exclaimed, shocked by how fast I was eating. I shook my head frantically while simultaneously scarfing down the food. Jonghyun opened his mouth to say something as he reached a hand in my direction, but I used my left hand to push him away. I carefully placed my fork into my now empty bowl before standing up and taking my leave.

            ‘Where could Onew have gone?’ I thought to myself as I roamed the hallways. Since everybody was in the dining hall, the hallways were empty. On instinct, I first went to his dorm room. However, after knocking a few times and receiving no answer, I assumed he wasn’t there. I immediately checked the grassy field afterwards, but he wasn’t there either. When I glanced at the clock, I noticed that I only had ten minutes before the warning bell rang, so I ended up going back to the dining hall. However, instead of sitting at the table, I merely went to the vending machine and grabbed a few snacks for Onew in case he didn’t eat.

            “Hey, do you want to walk with us to class?” Jonghyun asked as he and Key came behind me. I looked to their sides to see that Onew still was nowhere to be found. With a sigh, I nodded and trudged behind the two. As usual, they were engrossed in a conversation that I didn’t understand. I remained silent the whole walk to class. However, I instantly felt my demeanor brighten when I saw Onew sitting at our table, feverishly doing an assignment. I rushed to his side and took my seat.

            “What’s that?” I asked curiously, peering over his shoulder to look.

            “Ah!” he exclaimed after he finally took notice of my presence. “Oh, it’s just you. I have to make up this quiz that I wasn’t here for last week.”

            “Is this where you have been all morning?” I questioned. When I nodded, I placed all the snacks I bought him over his paper. “Then eat this before you starve.”

            “Aw, were you worried for me?” he cooed as he happily opened up a bag of chips. Instead of answering, I merely rolled my eyes. He laughed lightly at the response and quickly went back to his quiz. I watched him scribble a few sentences down before standing from his seat. He returned the paper to the teacher and skipped back to his seat.

            “You still didn’t thank me for the food,” I remarked.

            “Thanks, Taeyeon,” he smiled before tapping my nose with his pointer finger. I disapprovingly shook my head at him in a playful manner and turned to face the board. “Oh, by the way, did Minho pick you up this morning?”

            “Yeah, why?”

            “Drat, that guy is sneaky,” Onew snapped his fingers as he tsked.

            “What is with you?” I laughed at his weirdness. He opened his mouth to explain, but our teacher suddenly walked in, cutting him off.

            “Class, let’s get started,” she announced before grabbing a piece of chalk.




            “Spiderman,” Key sung, dancing in his seat.

            “Batman!” Jonghyun whined as he slammed his fists against our lunch table. Onew merely laughed at the two while I held the bridge of my nose, shaking my head.

            “I need new friends,” I grumbled sarcastically.

            “You love us,” Jonghyun and Onew confidently stated. They gave each other a quick high five before turning back to me with smirks cockily spread on their face. Key rolled his eyes at the two and soon stood from his seat.

            “I’ll be back,” he announced before taking his leave. Jonghyun watched his retreating figure like a puppy watching his owner go to work. He pouted and whined slightly in the cutest fashion; I was tempted to reach over and pinch his cheeks. However, as soon as it came, it went; Jonghyun soon turned to us with a giddy smile and acted as if he was never sad.

            “Anyways, how are you two?” he asked more me than Onew.

            “Fine,” I replied as if it was nothing, nodding my head slightly.

            “All smiles?”

            “Yeah, thanks, Jonghyun,” I smiled sincerely to the older. His wide eyes drooped to a normal size while his smile turned to be more serious, giving him a mature look.

            “You’re welcome, love.” He looked around for a bit and then checked his phone. “Now I’m going to go look for Key.”

            “He only left a minute ago, though,” Onew reminded him.

            “Oh well,” Jonghyun shrugged before jumping out of his seat and going off into the direction Key headed. Soon after, we heard him grunting and exclaimed for help. Onew and I exchanged glances before running over to where he went.

            “Let go of me!” Key yelled as he desperately pulled his arm. Minho, however, was gripping onto his wrist tightly, not ready to let up.

            “I just want to know where you guys sit,” Minho explained, trying to calm the boy.

            “Get off of him,” Jonghyun groaned as he wrapped his arms around Minho’s waist. He tried to yank the boy in the opposite direction Key was pulling, hoping that that’d get Minho to let go.

            “What is going on here?” Onew questioned with his arms crossed over his chest. The three stopped their little wrestle to turn their attention to Onew and I. Minho instantly smiled when he saw me and let go of Key’s wrist. This caused the latter to fall onto the ground, and Jonghyun immediately rushed to his side after.

            “Taeyeon, I was wondering if we could eat lunch together since we are friends now,” Minho shyly suggested as he kicked the ground. He looked back up to give me another smile, but soon averted his eyes. I couldn’t hold back my giggles; he still acts shy and cutesy.

            “Sure,” I agreed, pointing over to our table. The rest of my friends didn’t seem too fond of the idea of Minho’s addition to our table; however, I walked the boy over anyways. He sat on my left side while Onew took his seat on my right, causing me to be sandwiched between the two guys. Jonghyun and Key glanced between each other, Minho and I before whispering into each other’s ears softly.

            “So you guys are friends?” Jonghyun finally asked, breaking the awkward silence that had filled the air earlier. I looked at Minho before nodding my head.

            “Yeah,” I plainly stated. Key furrowed his eyebrows at the response, not pleased with my answer. Minho immediately noticed that sour reaction from the boy.

            “I’m sorry about earlier,” he apologized in a small voice. “I knew you were friends with Taeyeon, so I was just trying to ask where you guys sat so I could talk to her.” Key’s tense demeanor softened slightly, but he still acted bitter towards Minho.

            “Whatever,” he huffed before crossing his arms over his chest. Minho seemed disappointment by the fact that Key didn’t accept his apologize and looked down at his hands. I patted his back lightly to comfort him.

            “Key is just like that; don’t let it get to you,” I explained, hoping to cheer him up. He glanced up to give me a thankful smile, but his eyes suddenly widened and the smile faded. I looked in the direction that he turned to and noticed a few jocks staring at our table. They waved sweetly to me, smiling cheerfully. When I turned back to Minho, he was trying not to look up as he twiddled his thumbs.

            “Minho?” I tried calling to the boy as I tapped his shoulder lightly. He finally looked up to meet my eyes, but occasionally glanced back at the jocks. His nose twitched in an annoyed fashion. I quickly looked, turning just in time to see one of the boys mouth out things like ‘loser’ and ‘get out’.

            “I think I’m going to get a bottle of water,” Minho announced as he stood from his seat. I attempted to pull him back down, but he maneuvered away from my touch and headed to the vending machine. I let out a sigh as I simply sat back and watched his retreating figure. In the corner of my eye, I noticed the three jocks get up and head over to Minho.

            “Onew.” I slapped the boy’s arm lightly as I looked over my shoulder to face him. I was slightly shocked to see him passed out on the table.

            “He’s been up since six, so he is tired,” Key explained before taking a bite of his salad. With another sigh, I decided I wasn’t going to have back-up and just went after Minho by myself. The tall boy casually propped himself up against the vending machine as he put a few quarters inside. Just as I was halfway there, the jocks quickly approached him.

            “What’s up, Min-hoe,” one rudely joked as he slammed his fist against the vending machine, near Minho’s face. His friends laughed boisterously at, what seemed to be, their leader’s joke. Minho scrunched his nose in disgust at the sight of the boys.

            “Shut up and leave already,” Minho grumbled before pushing a button, causing a drink to fall to the opening of the machine. He reached to grab it, but the leader beat him to it.

            “Thanks for the drink,” he teased while opening up the water bottle. He drank a quarter of the bottle before laughing obnoxiously.  

            “That was mine.”

            “Oh, you want it back?” the leader cooed, treating Minho like a baby. He soon furrowed his eyebrows and smirked, giving him an evil look. “Here!” He quickly uncapped the bottle again and positioned to throw the water at Minho. However, I ran in between the two, making sure to push Minho back as the water splashed all over me. Everybody in the dining hall gasped in horror while I stood there, soaked. The jocks’ eyes were widened in surprise, completely dazed. I took a deep breath before looking up through my wet bangs.

            “What is going on here?”

            “T-taeyeon? Oh god, I’m so sorry,” the leader began to apologize as he began to take off his coat. People began to crowd around us, yelling at the jocks for their stupid mistake. Thankfully, they pushed the nuisances away, leaving Minho and I with a few worried bystanders.

            “Are you okay, Ms. Taeyeon?”

            “You must be cold!”

            “Have my jacket,” a boy exclaimed as he made a move to take off said clothing item. Minho, however, beat him to it, draping the garment over my shoulders.

            “Excuse me, but may we please get through?” Minho mumbled as he led me through the crowd. People backed up slightly, clearing a path for us. Minho guided me in a direction away from our lunch table, taking us out of the dining hall.

            “W-where are we g-going?” I asked through my shivers. We were walking rather fast, and the air blew past us, viciously attacking my wet body.

            “You shouldn’t have done that! Now look at you,” Minho scolded me as he turned us towards the boys’ dormitory.

            “I f-figured they’d stop b-bullying you if I stepped in,” I tried to explain as I felt all my body heat escape. My teeth began to chatter loudly, and I couldn’t stop shaking. Minho immediately noticed and let out a heavy sigh.

            “Jeez,” he grumbled before picking me up bridal style. I let out a squeal as I desperately clung on to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

            “What are you doing?” I shrieked as he continued to walk to his and Onew’s room.

            “Just keep hugging me. My body heat should help defrost you,” he laughed slightly at his joke. He kicked open the door to the room before using his foot to close it quickly. He set us both down on his bed, adjusting his arms to wrap around my waist instead.

            “You are so warm!” I cheered as I snuggled into his chest.

            “You are really cold. I still can’t believe you did that. What were you thinking?”

            “I told you: I thought they’d stop harassing you if I stopped them.”

            “They’ll probably continue, so you got hurt for nothing,” Minho whined as he hugged me tighter.

            “I only got drenched in water, so it’s fine. Now let’s stop worrying about me. Why were they bullying you in the first place?” I waved it off before turning to the question that had been burning a hole in my mind for a while. Minho seemed to tense slightly at the question and pulled away.

            “They hate me, just like most of the other people at school.”

            “What could possibly be the reason for that?” I questioned, taken aback by his explanation. When we were young, Minho used to be the most popular guy in school. How could he go from that to the school outcast so quickly?

            “It’s because… I’m gay.”


Author's Note: Dun dun dunnnn~ ^_^ Well, this chapter got deleted in the whole Asianfanfics crash thing, and I honestly didn't notice until I published my new story the other day. :P I worked really hard to rewrite the original chapter that I so solemnly posted, and now I'm slightly content. I was pretty melodramatic with the whole bullying scene and whatnot, but whatever. It was a better idea than the whole "I'll tell only you" thing I had going on at first. Plus, I didn't want to be stereotypical with the school rooftop setting, so I went with the bedroom setting. :P I hope that is okay with you guys. Anyways, for those of you who read the original chapter 7... I feel so sorry for you. It was horrible right? I hope this was better. Furthermore, the comments you left got deleted as well! TT_TT that part made me the most depressed. SO please leave plenty of comments! :D 

Now regarding the story, it was mostly just random and filler until the very end. Since you guys all seemed so anxious get into the loop and know the truth, I let you in on a little something. :) Someone asked why Minho is an outcast, so here is the answer. :P Did any of you guys expect that? Leave a comment if you did!! Next chapter will probably be Minho telling a story about his and Taemin's past, so look forward to that. More secrets revealed!!! Please, please, please leave a comment on what you guys think happened between them! :) I'm really interested to see what you guys think. 

Thank you all for your lovely comments. I had gotten 12 comments and wholeheartedly replied to them before, but that got deleted too. ._. I'll just be quick. 


@misschi12 - My story was recommended? Holy Jesus, that is insane! I'm sorry for all the confusion, but that is all intended lol. :) Who is your friend, by the way? I'd ought to thank her lovely self. Oh, and those photos aren't photoshopped, I don't think. I ended up watching the fancam of that, and... that picture is it in a nutshell. XD

@chasing - OMG! You are perfect!!! <3 I always fangirl over people's stories and wonder if people ever do that when they read my stories. Thanks for letting me know!! :) Sorry for the late update, love! You are so welcome c; it was my pleasure to write the JongTae lol

@youcanfindmehere - Aww, go ahead a cry deary. c: I cry for stories all the time lol. Hope you enjoyed the update!

@minniemac - Reply reply reply!! I'm so glad you found my story, love! And thank you so much for your compliments! I'm so unsure about my writing style, and it is reassuring when people say such things about it. :) Sorry I couldn't give you all the updates I wanted to give you :c

@lee_anna22 - Aw, honey! Don't give up hope! Who knows which pairing will be the ending. Heck, I don't even know! ... just kidding, I kind of know. >_< haha, but I'll try and be fair to both pairings. c: I'm just gonna let the 2Min shine for a while since OnTae had its moments in the first few chapters.

@Karasette_ - Oh god, they didn't kiss though -_- So close, but yet so far lol. Sorry for updating so late! Grr, I'm seriously kicking myself for having writer's block for a while. But thank you for supporting me! Hwaiting~

@xaria2729 - lol, my OTP for SHINee keeps changing. JongTae is currently reeking havoc on the others, so I'm not sure anymore. Haahhahahaha, Minho is so stupid :3

@maxjibong - I love you more, sweetie <3 lol, well, I guess you are just going to have to wait c; Yeah, I thought of this whole backstory to why Taemin left Minho and why he is crossdressing and blah blah blah. :) I hope you guys think it is creative and neat. :P 


Hehe, oh Bacon <3 Now, until next time guys! I got to fly c:

Credit to the owner of these wonderful gifs :)


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11/26 - Ch. 13 is finally up! Sorry for the delay, everyone! Happy Thanksgiving~


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Amarillia #1
When will this continue this was my favorite story of all time. I've been waiting for years :(
Continue with the 2min! I think it's awesome hehe
Chapter 14: Oh please comeback!and update!(@_@)
Chapter 14: I love that Jonghyun and Key got together, so cute; such a shame that such a great story was ruined by 2min getting together, *sigh* I really, really, REALLY HATE 2MIN; guess I'll say goodbye to this story, which is a shame because I was really enjoying it and really wanted to find out how it all ended. ;-(
Chapter 13: aahhhhhh omo Key and Jonghyun hehe yay, go Jonghyun; as for Minho and Tae, ugh, please, please don't let get them together, I friggin cry if ya do, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease NO 2MIN. *sobs*
Chapter 13: Author-nim, wont u update? I wish u'l come back n update soon. It's such a beautiful story. . . . T_T
Chapter 14: Hi, I really enjoyed your fic. I can't wait till Taemin tells Minho who he really is!
Hope you update soon. <3
ShawolELF92 #8
Chapter 14: Awesome chapter! Loved the ending and can't wait to see Minho's reaction next chapter!! :D
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update! I adore this story, the plot could be a drama easily. Keep writing friend!!!
SuDarkWind #10
Chapter 14: Well this chapter was lovely but I seriously think Taemin should come clean before gets worse.