Teaser 3; Three Fifty

Time Ѻf Ѻur ℒιʄℯ | An EXO fanfic | Story Starts At Chap. 11~

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Teaser 3; three fifty
"Kim Min Young, did you get the tickets or not?" 
I sighed in the phone. "Yes unnie, I did. Why don't you believe me? I have it in my hands and don't call me by Min Young! It's Mimi! Mimi! Who many times do I have to tell you?"
She sighed. "Sorry Mimi. I just worry about you especially when you're getting the tickets." 
I rolled my eyes. "Just because I lost a lot of stuff doesn't mean I will lose the tickets. I have them right here in my pockets!" I put my hand in my right pocket and it wasn't there. "Uh oh." 
"What?!?! Did you lose them???"
I pulled out my pocket out of the jean and it was empty. "Uh... It's not exactly lost... I just can't find it." 
"Kim Min Young!!! You lost the tickets!?!?!?! We worked really hard for it!!!" 
I sighed and turned off the phone. "Where are you?" I looked around the place. "How could I find you when I'm in the mall???" I re-traced my steps and look really closely. Then something caught my eye. It was a new smoothie shop! I haven't tried it before but I have to look for the tickets though... But I am thirsty. I went over to the smoothie shop and ordered a cookie and creme smoothie. 
The worker came back with my smoothie. "That'll be three fifty." 
I smiled and opened my shoulder bag to get the money and then I saw it. The twelve tickets! It was in my bag the whole time! I let out a sigh of relief. I think I am the luckiest girl in the world right now. 
"Can you please hurry up, ma'am?" 
I nodded and gave him a five dollar bill. "Keep the change." I took a sip of my smoothie and left the place. I ran out of the mall and waited for my car to come. 
When it came I went in and sat down in the middle. 
"Where do you want to go, mistress?" 
"Go to the regular place." 
"Yes, mistress." 
I nodded and smiled. What should I do while I wait? It takes about thirty minutes until I get there. Then I thought of the perfect thing to do. Sleep! I closed my eyes and took a nap. 
"We're here, mistress." 
I opened my eyes and stretched. "Thank you." I stepped out the car and went into the house. 
"Is that you Mimi?"
Then eleven girls ran out and looked at me. 
The eldest of this group looked at me. "Did you find the tickets?" 
I nodded. "It's in my backpack." 
"Then why did you tell me you lost it?" 
"I thought I did but then I found it."
Every sighed and shook their head. 
Then she stuck out her hands and looked at me. "Give me the tickets." 
I dug in my shoulder bag and gave her the twelve tickets and went to the living room while the other girls screamed and jump. This is going to be a long day. 

—  loner   corner   ♥

Hi guys~

That was my character ^^

I'll reveal the first girl in the next chapter :D 

*claps widly* 

Bye guys :) 

By the way, isn't this gif hilarious? 

Tree Fiddy. Took me about 45 minutes to make. It's so funny~ LOL it reminds me of South Park xD

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Chapter 16: Cute chapters ^^. For some reason I don't remember getting the notification that you updated, but then again, I probably just overlooked it on accident (for chapter one). I see quite a bit of improvement with your writing style, good job :D. And I understand not updating because of school, I'm also really busy, since this is my last semester for my associates degree @_@, though I'm taking all art classes XD. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your spring break!
Chapter 16: cute :) lol i hope you have a fun spring break!
and who was that mysterious guy?
Chapter 16: Uwwaaa~! I love my little siblings ; u ;
Chapter 16: noticed your writing became more descriptive! :D which is pretty hard sometimes, so congrats on that. lol.
and i hope you enjoy your spring break! haha. glad to see this story is still alive!
oh this is bunnyxwarrior = ilovepeachbooboo and now is LUMINOUSSTARDUST!
just wanted to let you know. =]
aphotic #6
aisukremu has switched her account ^ ^
again.. OTL
this is DawnandDusk! changed my name! ^^
Chapter 15: The story is starting i'm so excited! Lina and Soojae's parents seem understanding and warmhearted! :) can't wait for more hwaiting!
Chapter 15: awww Lina and Soojae with their guardians.
it's really heartwarming...
let's hope it's the same for all of them!!
Chapter 15: awww, what a heartwarming chapter. lol, both characters have such caring and loving guardians. ;u;