Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Girl

Time Ѻf Ѻur ℒιʄℯ | An EXO fanfic | Story Starts At Chap. 11~
Eighth, ninth, and tenth girl


Name: Hwang Aerin 

Birth Date: June 12 

Age: 18 

Ethnicity: Korean 


Personality: For me, there are two types of people. My friends, and my enemies. Though I don’t actually consider anyone my enemy, there are those that do detest me. To my friends I am Aerin, the cheerful omma. To my enemies I am the who publicly embarrassed them. Generally speaking, I have a cheerful demeanor and am fairly laidback. I don’t go out of my way to make trouble or embarrass others for the fun of it. Though I guess to truly understand me, I should go point by point.
I’m a big softy under my rough reputation. I have a short temper and am prone to moments of complete iness [but honestly, what girl doesn’t have those days?], but I try to avoid my friends and family when I’m in a bad mood. I don’t like hurting others with my actions or words, so it’s my personal policy not to drag others into my problems. But, because I am short tempered, when I see someone being bullied and step in to defend them, I often times end up getting in verbal or physical fights with the offender. Many fear getting into a verbal confrontation with me because of my sharp tongue [inherited from my mother], which is often times more deadly and hurtful than the strike of a snake [or so I'm told]. Now, this isn’t to say that I am all bark and no bite. My ‘bite’ is generally only used when I am physically attacked first. I try not to hurt anyone, so I try to sedate my attacker with as little effort as humanly possible. Even though my rough exterior is only that, many have a hard time seeing past it to see who I really am.
 Also, because I am a passionate, expressive, and often times, opinionated person many take offense to my words and thus hate me. I am not afraid to express my opinions, but I hate rude people so I try not to be rude when criticizing others. I sugar coat my responses most of the time and try to be constructive, but even still, those that can’t take criticism find me to be snobbish and y. There is also the fact that I hate lying, as I have been lied to plenty of times in my years of life. I do lie, but it’s usually for a good reason [such as surprise birthday parties or protecting someone close to me]. Usually I’m a pretty bad liar, so it does me no good. But, being a master at sarcasm, I can pass the truth off as a lie, so that is a clever way of turning the situation around to my favor.

 Because of the fact that I didn’t have many friends growing up, I am always willing to make new ones. I’m usually the first person to introduce myself and start a conversation. I cherish the friends I do make, or at least I do until they prove themselves unworthy of my friendship. I am taken advantage of often because of my complete surrender of trust in others. Now this isn’t to say that I am gullible, I simply treat others the way that I want to be treated. After all, if I don’t trust others, how can I expect them to trust me in return?

 Now, my ever important friends and family. To them I am a loving, yet complex omma. I love children and I clean up after others [which is why people also call me the maid]. It isn’t that I am a neat freak, it’s just a habit I picked up from being around my mother [who is a neat freak]. I am also the type of person who does everything in my ability to help those that need it. But, I also nag people when they aren’t doing their job. In addition to all my faults and obvious personality traits, I am known for using aegyo, being charismatic and also being surprisingly clumsy sometimes, which is why people say I am ‘complex’ or multi-dimensional.

 One trait, many are surprised to find out about, is that I am severely picky. There are certain types of colors I don’t like in massive quantities [Such as yellow or orange], I also don’t like a variety of different foods, and I’m also picky when it comes to smells [I don’t like lemon scents as they usually smell like soap, or musky scents either]. Even though I am picky, I am the type of person that will eat or drink anything that I am given, since I don’t want to be rude and refuse or insult the giver. I also love getting presents, so even something that most people would find ugly, I find something to love about it. I also have issues with holding a grudge. Despite being a hopeless romantic I have a record for holding a grudge against those that seriously hurt me or my loved ones. But because of my romantic side I fall in love easily, which makes it easy for them to hurt me.

 All in all, faults or no, I am who I am. I have very little shame, and am not embarrassed easily. I act cute or silly to make others laugh, or to lighten heavy moods. My name is Hwang Aerin and I am not ashamed of who I am.



♚ ▬ Children [Especially babies]

♚ ▬ Dancing

♚ ▬ Martial Arts

♚ ▬ Music [All kinds] 

♚ ▬ Scary Movies

♚ ▬ Peppermint ice cream

♚ ▬ Smell of vanilla

♚ ▬ Kiwi

♚ ▬ Plushies

♚ ▬ Beating up bullies [It's me specialty :3]

♚ ▬ Walking, especially at night.

♚ ▬ Rain

♚ ▬ Night time

♚ ▬ When it's cold, it feels refreshing to me.

♚ ▬ Anime & Manga

♚ ▬ Cute things [Such as animals or cute designs… anything that can be described as cute]

♚ ▬ Dance Dance Revolution

♚ ▬ Cold or Rainy Days

♚ ▬ Animals [All kinds, except for maybe the occasional cat ;3]




♚ ▬ Whiners [People that whine for no apparent reason, other than to complain about something or to be annoying]

♚ ▬ Unjust treatment of others

♚ ▬ High heel shoes [Unless their comfortable]

♚ ▬ Liquid Eyeliner [I believe it to be a creation of the devil, or at least only when I have to apply it myself]

♚ ▬ People who are rude

♚ ▬ Skimpy clothing

♚ ▬ Awkward Silences

♚ ▬ When it’s really hot during the summer

♚ ▬ Animal Print, because it just looks ugly.

♚ ▬ Onions

♚ ▬ Spaghetti

♚ ▬ Spinach

♚ ▬ Artificial Lemon, Lime, and Orange flavors.




Name: Lee Ji Ae 

Birth Date: October 28

Age: 19 

Ethnicity: Korean


PersonalityJiae isn’t a girl of many words, and she doesn’t voice her opinions unless it is absolutely necessary. I suppose you could say that unless a question is asked, you wouldn’t get an answer from her. Her expressive eyes however, tell another story. Most people just talk the walk, and not walk the talk; they don’t practice what they preach. In her case, Jiae is more of a show-not-tell kind of girl, she expresses how she feels through her actions and not through words. 

She has had an interested in photography for the longest time now, ever since she was a child she would always take the digital camera off of her parents’ hands and begin snapping photos of things that intrigued her. Now that she's older, she is officially a proud owner of a professional camera. Even though she's on a vacation, she takes photos of almost everything around her all the time, just in case there's something spectacular she wants a picture of, she'll have her camera with her to take a photo of it. After all, a picture tells a thousand words doesn’t it?

Jiae dislikes being in the center of attention, although she would unintentionally attract attention since she has both the brains and the brawn. She keeps to herself most of the time and doesn't fawn over boys like girls her age do. The people whom know her well enough are usually those who are persistent enough to get to know the other side to the introvert that Jiae is. 




—berries; blueberry, strawberry, raspberry | she loves them all

—romance novels

—quiet and serene places like the beach on weekdays

—track and field




—banana milk

—street jazz

—spicy food

—tall guys with broad shoulders for her to lean on

—eye smiles

—sweet gestures




—being in the center of attention

—people who cuss


—horror movies

—the dark



—hearing that the photos she takes aren't nice






Name: Moon Jin Hong 

Birth Date: October 23

Age: 17

Ethnicity: Korean-Russian


PersonalityJinhong is overly sarcastic, witty, loud, short-tempered and moody. She doesn't take herself too seriously because she loves to have fun. She likes when people around her are laughing-- whether it's with her or at her. She likes showing them a good time. She's full of energy and a burst of happiness. She's carefree and a bit naive. But there's a not-so pretty side to her. She can lose her cool in a second and blow up all over the place. Jinny actually becomes very hateful and bratty once she's pissed off. She has a very loud voice and when that accompanies her short temper, it's never a pretty sight. She's extremely stubborn and will fight with a person as long as she thinks she's right. But Jinny doesn't mind being proved wrong and can apologize when she is. She's very smart, opinionated and quick-witted, she's not afraid to speak her mind. Jinny also has the most random mood swings and sometimes, when she's pissed off, it's best to just leave her alone. She can go from happy to sad to angry in 5 minutes.

Jinhong is a little bit high maintainance-- coming from a quite privileged background, but she isn't picky, nor does she have a boastful personality. She acknowledges that she is blessed, born to a good and caring family, but she is very particular about things she likes and doesn't like. She's also a little bit tomboyish (even though she doesn't look it) and relatively good at sports-- not that she pursued any sports at all, but she did enjoy and excel in her Physical Education and Gym classes, and had enough energy and interest to join sport events when her friends invited her. But she only plays for fun, even though she gets insanely competitive.

Her loud personality is proof that she does enjoy attention, but she doesn't crave to be the center all the time. She likes being noticed, but doesn't mind sitting back and giving other people a chance to shine. She tells corny jokes to break awkward atmospheres, or hums random tunes to ease the silence. She doesn't like when everything gets too serious. She likes to joke around and isn't afraid to make a fool out of herself. But she's not the type to outright embarrass herself for the sake of entertainment. She still keeps dignity in tact. She's not the type who tries to hard to be liked or to be funny. She just has a good sense of humor, and she doesn't care if her jokes border insults to a person already, she can dish it, but she can also take it. Jinhong is not particularly a social butterfly, she has a few set of great friends that she loves to be around-- and these few people can make her the happiest. Jinny is a fiercely loyal friend.

Jinhong can also be the laziest person on the planet. If there are days she knows she doesn't need to do anything, she can just sleep all day. But when it's something she loves, she pours her whole heart and soul into it. She's overly passionate to the point of obsession-- but passion is her driving force.

Eating makes her happy. Jinny likes hanging out at cafes, coffee shops or fast food restaurants with her friends. She also has the appetite of a construction worker. She also enjoys drinking.




1. milk tea/ bubble tea

2. coffee

3. designer bags

4. rainy days

5. cold weather

6. heartbreak songs

7. boybands

8. British accents

9. amusement parks

10. rollercoasters 

11. street food

12. fast food

13. chocolate

14. comic books/ manga

15. Instax

16. post-it's

17. killer heels

18. sour Skittles

19. Comedy films/sitcoms

20. puppies

21. heart to heart conversations

22. greek mythology

23. fast cars




1. drinking liquid medicine

2. beer

3. hot and humid weather

4. zombies

5. stuffed toys

6. flowers

7. BlackBerry phones

8. birds

9. snakes

10. country music

11. horror movies

12. minty things

13. cats

14. waking up early

15. oatmeal

16. carrots

17. when she breaks a nail

18. losing

—  loner   corner   ♥

Congrats to BloodyRaven, --insipidlove, and SapphireSwoon!!!!

Your application was jjang :))

Sorry if this isn't how I usually reveal characters. 

I am really busy now because school started and I'm in high school now ;A;

I just can't do noona dongsaeng, I tried writing one before and it was super awkward :'D

Just one more lucky applicant and the story starts! Yay~


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Chapter 16: Cute chapters ^^. For some reason I don't remember getting the notification that you updated, but then again, I probably just overlooked it on accident (for chapter one). I see quite a bit of improvement with your writing style, good job :D. And I understand not updating because of school, I'm also really busy, since this is my last semester for my associates degree @_@, though I'm taking all art classes XD. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your spring break!
Chapter 16: cute :) lol i hope you have a fun spring break!
and who was that mysterious guy?
Chapter 16: Uwwaaa~! I love my little siblings ; u ;
Chapter 16: noticed your writing became more descriptive! :D which is pretty hard sometimes, so congrats on that. lol.
and i hope you enjoy your spring break! haha. glad to see this story is still alive!
oh this is bunnyxwarrior = ilovepeachbooboo and now is LUMINOUSSTARDUST!
just wanted to let you know. =]
aphotic #6
aisukremu has switched her account ^ ^
again.. OTL
this is DawnandDusk! changed my name! ^^
Chapter 15: The story is starting i'm so excited! Lina and Soojae's parents seem understanding and warmhearted! :) can't wait for more hwaiting!
Chapter 15: awww Lina and Soojae with their guardians.
it's really heartwarming...
let's hope it's the same for all of them!!
Chapter 15: awww, what a heartwarming chapter. lol, both characters have such caring and loving guardians. ;u;