Lesson Four: Start Sharing

How To Fall In Love


Jinki walked into the café and took a seat after he received his coffee. He had texted Jonghyun to meet him at the café to talk about the date. Just thinking about the date made Jinki smile. It went great in his opinion. Sure, he spilled the drink on himself and may have totally ignored the fact Kibum tried to kiss him, but Kibum wanted another date. He even had a text this morning saying he had a great time and that they should go on their second date soon (plus a winky face, which Jinki took as a very good sign).

When he caught sight of Jonghyun walking in, he waved at the other. Jonghyun smiled and waved back, but pointed at the counter, signaling that he was going to get coffee. Jinki nodded and smiled. He watched Jonghyun get his coffee and couldn’t help, but check out his ‘teacher’. Jonghyun was a really attractive guy. He could have anyone he wanted, Jinki thought.

He touched his chest, suddenly feeling some sort of pain. He rubbed his chest and tilted his head. Do I have heart burn? I haven’t eaten anything… strange…, he thought to himself.

“You okay?” Jonghyun questioned as he took a seat in front of Jinki. The other nodded, smiling, so Jonghyun shrugged the thought away. “So, tell me what happened.”

Jinki told Jonghyun everything from how he arrived early, to spilling the soda and even the fact he totally ignored Kibum’s kiss. Jonghyun didn’t say anything the whole time. He just listened and Jinki was sort of relieved, at least, until he finished and Jonghyun hadn’t said anything even after that, “… So?”

“Why didn’t you kiss him?” Jonghyun asked curiously.

The older male blushed and scratched the back of his head, “I’ve never kissed anyone before…”

“Right, you inept to dating. That is why I’m here,” Jonghyun said, nodding his head. He sighed and shook his head, “Well, there is bad news and there is good news. Which do you want first?”


Jonghyun smiled, “Key obviously likes you. He still thinks you’re weird, cause frankly, I can’t fix weird, but I can fix your confidence. People with confidence- like Kibum- likes other people with confidence. It is a fact. You’re suddenly more attractive and y.”

Jinki smiled at that, “Really? Then what is the bad news.”

“The bad news is he thinks you’re a prude,” Jonghyun shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not a prude!”

“Yes, you are,” Jonghyun said, shaking his head, “You wouldn’t kiss him. Either he thinks you’re a prude or he thinks you don’t like him, but he doesn’t believe that. He’ll think you’re just playing hard to get, which may be a good thing, but if you keep pulling away, he’s going to get pissed off.”

Jinki nodded his head. He honestly felt like he needed to be taking notes. Jonghyun was full of useful information. “What can I do? I don’t want to seem like a loser who can’t even kiss.”

Jonghyun grinned, “Well, you’re in lock. I’m an amazing kisser. I’ll teach you how to kiss. It is easy and you’ll enjoy it.”

“No, that is weird. Isn’t there a line between teacher and student where the teacher doesn’t violate his student.”

“Okay, one, I had a very hot teacher in high school. Mr. Jung… God, I miss him… the things I wanted to do to that man,” Jonghyun said, fanning himself at the thought of his high school crush.

Jinki blinked and snapped his fingers in Jonghyun’s face, snapping the other out of thoughts, “Though I find this rather creepy and weird, is there a secondly?”

“Right,” Jonghyun nodded his head, “Secondly, you have no choice. Either you kiss Key without a clue or you, at least, give him something to be excited for. The kiss is extremely important! It gives the other person a look into your life. It makes them excited for that.”

“You’re not going to teach me have , right?” Jinki questioned.

Jonghyun laughed and shook his head, “Even though that sounds stimulating, I must decline. But if you really would like to, then-“

“You can stop now,” Jinki chuckled. He crossed his arms and through about it. “Alright, I really want this to work with Key, so I guess I should learn how to kiss.”

His ‘teacher’ nodded his head, smiling, “You won’t be disappointed.”



“You’re going to kiss him? Can I?” Taemin asked, pouting at his brother. He left to see Taemin at home and told his brother everything that had happened. Taemin found it all extremely hilarious.

Jinki rolled his eyes at his younger brother. He leaned back in his chair and tilted his head, “You don’t think it’s weird? Isn’t it like cheating?”

Taemin looked at his brother and shook his head, “Is it cheating if you don’t tell Key?”

“I believe so,” Jinki replied with a sigh. The thought of kissing Jonghyun felt weird. Something made Jinki really think he shouldn’t do it, but part of him wanted to. It was strange.

“Tell me about it, okay?” Taemin begged, grabbing his brother’s hand, “Please… tell me what it is like to kiss him… he is so gorgeous.”

Jinki pulled his hands away from his brother and scoffed, “God, you’re so hormonal.”

Taemin glared at his brother, “At least I’ve kissed before.”

“WHAT?! Who?!”

The younger boy jumped out of his chair and ran away from his brother. Jinki had someone to kill now.



Jinki arrived at Jonghyun’s apartment. They were seated on the couch and Jonghyun was going over his next lesson, “The next lesson is sharing. You have to give up some stuff, like about your life. Remember my way of breaking the ice, use that.”

“So I can use stuff from other lessons?” Jinki questioned with a smile.

Jonghyun nodded his head, “Yeah, it makes things easier. Not only are you telling them stuff, but you’re getting closer. Even though getting closer is lesson six, it means something completely different.”

Jinki nodded his head. Maybe he should be taking notes. He sighed and grabbed his glass of water, taking a sip. He set his glass down and looked at Jonghyun, “I want to learn how to kiss.”

The other raised an eyebrow and smiled softly, “Alright, don’t make it awkward. Kissing is an art form, but it is simple. First kisses should be steady, not hurried. If you hurry the kiss, you’ll make the other person think you just want to have .”

“Mmm, how do I do that?” Jinki questioned.

“Well first, you have to make sure it is the right moment. Don’t try to make the moment or rush it, take it slow. It could be a simple glance,” Jonghyun said. He scooted closer to Jinki and looked straight ahead, “Like if you two turn your heads and look at each other,” he did that, looking at Jinki, Perfect chance.”

The older male nodded his head as he listened. He found this extremely fascinating, but there was something about looking into Jonghyun’s eyes that confused him. “Then what?”

“Well, it depends on you,” Jonghyun replied, his voice softer and not as teacher-ish. “You could just lean closer like this,” he said, demonstrating, “Or you could, touch their cheek,” he pressed his hand softly against Jinki’s cheek.

Jinki gulped as he stared into Jonghyun’s eyes, though, his eyes shifted to Jonghyun’s lips. He had really nice lips, he mused to himself. He looked back into Jonghyun’s eyes, “And then?”

Jonghyun looked from Jinki’s lips to his eyes, “You close the space… and kiss,” he mumbled.

They closed the distance and pressed their lips together. Jonghyun moved his lips softly against Jinki’s. The other did the same, creating more pressure. Jonghyun lightly opened his mouth, running his tongue against Jinki’s lips. Jinki tensed slightly, but opened his mouth for Jonghyun anyways. He thought Jonghyun tasted like coffee. It was interesting.

A loud noise shocked Jinki, causing him to slap Jonghyun, “Oh my god! I’m so sorry.”

Jonghyun chuckled lightly, “Its fine,” he replied, rubbing his cheek, “I think that is your phone…”

Jinki glanced at his pocket and shakily pulled out his phone. He read the number and his eyes widened, “It’s Key! What do I do?!”

“Answer it. You didn’t do anything wrong, Onew. No need to feel guilty,” Jonghyun replied with a sigh. He got up and walked into the kitchen to get something cold to press against his face. Jinki had a nice hit.

The other sighed as well before answering the phone, “Key? Hey… eh? Tonight? Mm, I’d like that. I’ll pick you up. Same time. Mm, bye,” he said before hanging up.

Jonghyun walked in with a can of soda on his cheek. Jinki instantly felt guilty. He stood up and walked over to the other. He took the can and looked at the mark, “I’m really sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Jonghyun replied, shrugging his shoulders. He looked up at Jinki who looked back at them. It was like the perfect moment Jonghyun had described. They both leaned forward, pressing their lips together one again, but the kiss was more hurried this time, almost needy.


They both pulled away and turned to see a tall guy at the door, grinning ear to ear. Jinki blushed brightly and pulled away, “Um, I have a date… thing. Key… yeah, Key… I’m gonna… um… the word… what’s the word?”

“Go?” The offered.

Jinki snapped his fingers, “Yeah, that…. Bye,” he said quickly as he pushed passed the tall guy and out the door.

Jonghyun stood there, looking at everything but the newcomer. He wiped at his lips before pointing a finger at the guy, “Don’t you dare, Minho. Shut up.”

The one named Minho lifted his hands up in surrender, but the same smirk was on his face. He knew better than to say something. Jonghyun would spill everything anyways. “I was just teaching him how to kiss.”

Minho raised an eyebrow in question, “He’s never kissed anyone before and I offered to help him. It meant nothing.”

“How many times did you kiss him?” Minho asked, taking a seat on the couch.

“Once,” Jonghyun replied, “And then once more. Shut up!”

The tall male grinned at Jonghyun, “Dude, chill. So you have a thing for your student. It happens. He’s cute. Can I get his number?’


Minho grinned evilly at Jonghyun and the shorter male shuddered, “That means nothing…”

“Right, nothing,” Minho nodded his head, but looked at the other with a smile, “Face it, you like him.”

Jonghyun looked at Minho then at the door where Jinki had walked out of before. He shook his head frantically and ruffled his hair angrily, completely messing up his do. “No, no, no, no! I don’t like people. I date them for a while and move on. Those are my rules. You know that.”

Minho sighed, “What I do know is you’re so scared of commitment because of your parents’ divorce that you help other’s find their happiness. Isn’t it about time you work on your own?”

He stared at his friend. He never heard Minho say something so inspirational before. It was oddly surprising. He took a seat next to Minho and looked at the other, “What if I’m not ready?”

“Take your own advice, bro. Have confidence, break the ice, conversate, share, make ‘em feel special, get closer and-”

“Compromise,” Jonghyun finished with a smile. He lifted his hand and they fist bumped.



Jinki had picked Kibum up for their date and they were both at the restaurant they went to on their first date that was ruined by Jinki’s clumsiness. Kibum wanted to try the date over, but demanded that Jinki not order any soups or hot drinks of any types (wine was iffy for Kibum as well since it stained and he decided to wear white pants).

“I’m really glad to be doing this again,” Kibum said, reaching out his hand to Jinki.

The older male smiled and took Kibum’s hand in his own. They got a smaller table, like before so they could be closer together, “I am too. I’ll be extra careful tonight. Promise.”

Kibum chuckled and grinned at the other, “You better. I dressed extra nice today.”



Dinner went without any problem; no spills, no strange jokes, and he used lesson number four without a hitch. They were now in front of Kibum’s house once again and Jinki knew this time not to screw it up.

The younger male looked over at Jinki, “This is it…”

Jinki could tell the other was nervous that he’d reject the kiss, but he leaned forward, pressing his hand against Kibum’s cheek. He smiled as he saw Kibum smile and lean in. They closed the distance and kissed each other lightly, but soon the kiss increased in need.

They eventually pulled away. They looked at each other and smiled. Kibum pecked Jinki’s lips softly before bidding the other farewell. Jinki waved at the other and watched him go inside before driving away. The whole time he thought about how he liked kissing Jonghyun more than Kibum. Something was not right.

author’s note

Finally I updated! Now if you love Jongyu, be sure to check out my Jongyu one shot collection. I'll be adding a one-shot request thing soon. 

As a special treat for all you jongyu lovers, I'll give you a tiny glimpse at my new jongyu fic in the works.

 (( "If you're terrified of flying, then why are you here?"

"I have a year..."

"A year to what?" Jonghyun asked, glancing at the terrified male next to him.

"Live... I need to do this." ))

Hope you liked it! ^^

Please enjoy and remember! COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE :D


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This is on Hiatus till the poster is in! ^^;;


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ranma41 #1
Chapter 6: Great story!!!!! Absolutely loved the 2min moment there >.<
I really enjoyed your story.. It has sweet moments and the humor wherever needed.
Thank you so much for the Jongyu ^^
ranma41 #2
Chapter 3: Love how you wrote Luna in your story. She's so cute~ And the Jongyu moments >.<
ranma41 #3
Chapter 2: “What happened to two and three?” “How can numbers annoy you?”
My favourite part of this chapter XD
Hahahaha.. It was hilarious!!!!
Love this story so,much, u sid a great job with it
Chapter 4: Omg I just have to say, sandeul would totally have appreciated jinki and would have laughed and been like, omg my soul mate!!
Chapter 6: I hope there are more kissing scene of jongyu..but the ending is a bit sudden. Love the rest chapter though, good story!
Woaaaah ;~; it's over... Damn... I love it... I like the 2min moment there =w=;
*claps* Thank you for an awesome story! <3 ^^
Yay! It ended cutely!!
This is such a sweet jongyu. ; w;
keziayansen #10
So cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.......
JongYu's love is the best >///<
thank u so much for the story ^____________________^
Waiting for another JongYu :)
Fighting <3